today is one of the few days i will be able to get onto b3ta for the foreseeable future due to being made redundant on the day before christmas eve
So i am taking this oportunity to tell people about a south London Drinky
Its taking place in Kingston on Friday 24th Jan
ideally it will be in O'Neills pub as they now have a alcohol licence until 1AM...its in the schedular so get yourself there and let us know if you are coming a flyer will be made shortly
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:22,
So i am taking this oportunity to tell people about a south London Drinky
Its taking place in Kingston on Friday 24th Jan
ideally it will be in O'Neills pub as they now have a alcohol licence until 1AM...its in the schedular so get yourself there and let us know if you are coming a flyer will be made shortly

is a worse tale than mine....but then the day is young so still time to get fired..
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:25,

Fred Jack!
My first frontpage! (The celephant a few threads below)
Edit: Sorry to hear you're losing your job, I just came over all unnecessary.
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:26,
My first frontpage! (The celephant a few threads below)
Edit: Sorry to hear you're losing your job, I just came over all unnecessary.

Gosh, that's a bit overdue, isn't it.
Woo anyway though!
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:28,
Woo anyway though!

Kind of.
The 'Arm Wrestling with Sigmund Freud' game on my site was put on the frontpage by Rob (I think it was Rob anyway) but I wasn't on the board in those days, and my halloween animation got in the newsletter too but this is my first one 'from the board' itself.
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:38,
The 'Arm Wrestling with Sigmund Freud' game on my site was put on the frontpage by Rob (I think it was Rob anyway) but I wasn't on the board in those days, and my halloween animation got in the newsletter too but this is my first one 'from the board' itself.

hee hee hee...did you appologise to Unnecessary or was it a porn thing
(feel a little more like myself now :)
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:29,
(feel a little more like myself now :)

haven't had a fp before now.
that's what happens if you get too caught up in flash ;)
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:32,
that's what happens if you get too caught up in flash ;)

a very handy acronym, not to be confused with fffffffff otherwise people would get offended. Obviously.
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:47,

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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:48,

I can't see it though 'cos your site it blocked at my work. what does it look like?
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:48,

interesting concept, I'll add it to my list of reasons to look forward to going home...
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 11:01,

I have a total of 4 friends who've all been made redundant in the last month. It's a bit down on last years total, which was 7 in the december period, including myself... maybe the economy is looking up?
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:27,

i'll watch everyone get lashed and then nick your wallets
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:31,

...hopefully there should be a few people going so you might make a bit of money!
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Mon 6 Jan 2003, 10:37,