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# Gratefulness
Milkman Dan and Jiva for the being most helpful
Dogsdinner for being pedantic
Wonko the sane for being nice about my obesity
Kostyabwoy for the humour through my troubled time
Mike Mystery , Goat, Batsgirl, K3rry and Fingermouse for their Drug Recommendations
Ming for being sympathetic and telling me to google
Dr Wadd for his premonition and Drug recommendations
Evil Pixie for the love
New Matt for the E102 comment I’m still looking it up

For you all a puppy

For you druggies or casual users whose friend tols you all about these drugs a Rabbit with a spliff

God I miss drugs, I really do

[EDIT] For you have no idea what I going on about
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:40, archived)
# and to me for tags
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:40, archived)
# What tags
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:47, archived)
# Off the drugs, eh?
What's that like?
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:41, archived)
# </small>
you're not going to off yourself are you?
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:41, archived)
# Zog I saw (most of) Lathe Of Heaven on TV tonight
did you know it had been made into a film (tv film by the look of it)?
It was very odd to happen to flick across to it.
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:54, archived)
# music composed by Angelo Badalamenmti - of Lynchian acquaintance.
Interesting flash site. :)
(, Wed 22 Jan 2003, 0:05, archived)
# What's this about E102?

(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:44, archived)
# nasty colours...
shit, the name's gone... it's a kind of yellow food dye, can really mess with your head.

Tartrazine, is that right? Probably not...
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:48, archived)
# tartrazine
used to make me climb the walls

Other classics include
E104 - Sunset Yellow
E621 - Monosodium Glutumate
E501 - Antioxidant ? or was it preservative?

I was a problem child
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:49, archived)
# E110 is Sunset Yellow

My dad became violently reactive really quickly... one day he was fine, the next a gibbering wreck - the quacks thought he had the lurgi, then the nadgers, then a nervous breakdown; finally they worked it out and he's been fine ever since.

Just don't offer him a Starburst.
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:52, archived)
# heh

I just used to throw my toys
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:58, archived)
# e102
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:49, archived)
# Aw, Dap.
We all wish only the best for you.
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:47, archived)
# I was really concerned
about the drugs expertise here.

Then again, at twenty to midnight you've gotta expect some insomniacs...
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:47, archived)
# That's such a lovely fluffy post.
Anyone who actually knows me will think I`m being sarcastic, but I`m not.

One thing I`ve just thought of, has your boyfriend considered earplugs? If it is your sleeptalking waking him up these would seem like an ideal solution.
(, Tue 21 Jan 2003, 23:49, archived)