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# women suck at golf
because we've got sense enough to know it's shit.
also, we're not interested in homoerotic bonding over the course of a tediously long game.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:04, archived)
# i dont mind a bit of fishing
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:05, archived)
# it's not bad
as long as you eat what you catch. catch and release is cruel to the fish and a bit pointless. if you're not hunting to eat(and let's face it, fishing is hunting) then i see no justifiable use for it.
sorry, i'll calm down now.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:09, archived)
# ^this, much
what's the point of fishing, when morrison's sell it ready filleted, or for three and a half quid, you can get it already battered and cooked.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:11, archived)
# cos 10 fish die for every one caught and sold with trawling
and angling doesn't destroy the sea bed
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 20:27, archived)
# i catch, release, then go smother my face in battered cod from the chippy like fucking war paint
and backflip out of the door warbling like xena
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:12, archived)
# then we shall agree to disagree
and say no more about it.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:13, archived)
# i love you so much it hurts my liver
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:14, archived)
# i love me so much
it hurts my batteries
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:15, archived)
# Golf is shite, it ruins a good walk
Like all sports, it needs more fire, snipers and zombies
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:07, archived)
# EVERYTHING needs more snipers and zombies!
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:10, archived)
# I know quite a few women who are excellent at golf
I'm not sure what sort of homoerotic game you were playing. Are you sure it was golf?
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:07, archived)
# it may have been a rousing game of hunt the sausage
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:11, archived)
# You don't like hunt the sausage
and you take out this disappointment on the noble game of golf?

Truly a tragedy :(
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:13, archived)
# i do like hunt the sausage
you don't have to walk around for 3 hours, twatting a little white ball around the place and then trying to find out where it landed.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:14, archived)
# I'm missing the homoeroticism there I'm afraid
or the reason why all women should dislike the game. You have lost me madam.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:18, archived)
# i've lost myself
my grip on sanity is tenuous at best, i appear to have dropped it for a moment and i can't find it again.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:21, archived)
# they can't even control 3 holes...
...nevermind 18.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:10, archived)
# we can control men with those 3 holes
that's good enough for me.
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:11, archived)
# not if one of those holes stink...
...ha ha...(just messin' with ya, ladies)... :D... :D
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:14, archived)
# here's to the hole that never heals
the more you rub it, the better it feels
not all the soap and water in hell
can wash away that fishy smell
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 19:16, archived)
# I remember a Polich bloke
walking up to me, grinning like a loon.
"I learn very good American song!"
"That girl - she teach it to me."
"Smells like fish, tastes like chicken, that's the hole you put your dick in!"
"Oh god..."
(, Mon 20 Jul 2009, 20:37, archived)