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Robomoses and the 4 commandments...
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op op op op op I stink therfore I spam ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:32,
archived )
Pray quietly or there will be... trouble.
heheheh, very WOO! :D
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:34,
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cheers steeeve
hows you on this fine friday?
op op op op op I stink therfore I spam ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:35,
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most excellent, this morning... I'm contemplating heading down to the Friends themed Central Perk just down teh road, but I'm guessing it'll be packed...
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:36,
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Don't do it!!!!!
Didn't the series finish, like, ten years ago?
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:44,
archived )
yup - Central Perk is only open for a few weeks for the 15th anniversary or something
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:45,
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It's gonna be like the Cheers bar in Boston
A tourist trap gift shop, with a small beverage concession.
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:47,
archived )
....yeah, I guess so.... I'm just bored and trying to think of a way to get out of the office.
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:49,
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I find out the window is normally the best way
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:51,
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Freedom! Arrrrggghhh!!!!
safer than using the lift in here these days... Crappy thing...
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:52,
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If they opened a Cafe Nervosa I would have some of that!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 11:14,
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If I recall, there is one in the US... But that's a long way to go for a coffee...
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 11:18,
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Thine move, creep.
The Coast Of Yemen ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:36,
archived )
Excuse me, I have to go. Somewhere there is a sin happening.
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:38,
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*faps a bit quieter*
pzyko Query failed. ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:40,
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is 4) Steal all biscuits?
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:35,
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"4. any attempt to arrest a senior priest results in shutdown"
pzyko Query failed. ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:36,
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I'd buy that for a shekel!
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:39,
archived )
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:44,
archived )
The Coast Of Yemen ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:39,
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I have no photoshop so it's reposts for me
The Coast Of Yemen ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:49,
archived )
i shall slip this in here
mutated monty ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:39,
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I can hear this said in Keanu's voice. Perhaps in ten years' time he'll be ready to play the role...
revmoola was thinking about a software problem ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:43,
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So it's you who kidnapped Keanu Reeves
don't let him loose until he apologises for Matrix Revolutions
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:45,
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hell yeah!
pzyko Query failed. ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:43,
archived )
A product of OCP
Omnipotent Church Products
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Fri 25 Sep 2009, 10:40,
archived )
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