EDIT: Does anyone mind awfully if I make a new thread? It's been half an hour, and I've got a new picture lined up... :(
EDIT2: Don't get excited though, it's not very good :¬/

"My request: I’m producing a Radio 1 documentary entitled ‘Talk to the
hand: Masturbation Nation’ for the Sunday Surgery slot. The feature’s
looking at masturbation, and will be uncovering the myths and
realities surrounding one of the few remaining taboo subjects."
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Thu 3 Dec 2009, 15:06,
hand: Masturbation Nation’ for the Sunday Surgery slot. The feature’s
looking at masturbation, and will be uncovering the myths and
realities surrounding one of the few remaining taboo subjects."

As relationship lookalikes go it's not a bad one I think... sure beats that Vicky Pollard lookalike I was dating!
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Thu 3 Dec 2009, 15:08,

Well that's cured me of any "needs" inspired by the first pic.
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Thu 3 Dec 2009, 15:18,

I haven't got to send you your chutney fund and other goodies. As soon as Iget a chance
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Thu 3 Dec 2009, 17:13,