(Barbarossais not my real name,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 11:59,
cheeky boy
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:04,
(twigSave 6 Music,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:05,
(CaptainSpauldingis the leader of the lost cause.,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:12,
My sister
has a water dragon, two gheckos, a chameleon and a tortoise. Quite the reptile house.
(Wasp Boxlike a nervous random stranger at a glory hole,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:13,
I would love to have one myself.
But I can hardly take care of my cats and finches let alone providing for rarified reptile needs :( We nearly got ourselves a tarantula once but the kids wouldn't let us.
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:17,
My sister has a tarantula too
but it was an accident - it is a baby tarantula that came in a box of crickets for the dragon!
(Wasp Boxlike a nervous random stranger at a glory hole,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:19,
I wanted a tarantula
we got two cats instead
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:19,
if they're black ones you could just velcro them together
I think it's the logistical problems more than anything.
Both Mr Bunny and I are very busy creatures and often away for days on end. The cats can more or less take care of themselves as the neighbour leaves food for them but finding temporary sitters for my finches is hard enough and all they really need is seed and water top-ups.
(wuffle, the b3ta bunny's flea collar isn't working on,
Fri 26 Mar 2010, 12:27,
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