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» Jun 2008 «

Mirth Control, The Fouricci Sequence and The George and TIm
The George
213 Strand, London WC2
(opposite The Royal Courts of Justice)
comic genius
* Paul Foot *
*Dan Evans*
[ Dan Evans first appeared on the comedy circuit in 1994, shortly afterwards leaving a promising career as one of East Anglia's leading office menials to go full time.
Over the past decade his twisted logic has delighted the nation, helping it through the dark days of the death of HRH The Queen Mother and the uncertainties of 21st century property prices.
As well as playing clubs and universities throughout the UK, Dan has gigged in Holland, Germany, Dubai and Ireland as well as being part of the sell-out Screaming Blue Murder Cabaret and Avalon Comedy Zones at the Edinburgh Fringe.
Dan's TV and radio appearances include Brain Candy (BBC3 & 2), Channel 5 at The Store, Channel 5 Comedy Zone and the Radio 2 Stand Up Show.
He writes too, with many credits including The Very World of Milton Jones (R4 - Sony Award Winner), Rory Bremner Who Else? (CH 4), The Eleven O'Clock Show (CH 4), The Live Floor Show (BBC 1), Revolver (BBC 1) and The Joan Rivers Position (CH 5). ]
* Ali Cook *
* Luke McQueen *
Helen Arney
Horse and Lois
MC-Tim Jons
Tuesday 17th June 2008
7.30pm â 11pm
All this for £ 5 entry ! * £ 2.50 for B3tards*
Dedicated Bar Dinner available at the table
To book tickets / seats
or to appear as an New Act
gazzle me
The George [map]
Comedy at The George
Going: tfs, WormuIus, hexachordal, G/PP, SuperMatt, baldmonkey, Bob Todd (7 people).

And it gives a chance to other b3tans to get up on a stage and do comedy?
( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 5:05, Reply)

wanna buy some lacoste polo shirts? 20 quid posted
( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 7:50, Reply)

( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 14:04, Reply)

b3ta is funded by our donations and i would argue against anybody trying to use it for self gain
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:38, Reply)

as a result of the exposure
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:51, Reply)

and the beer? and the food?
nobody earns a penny from these night?
( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 8:08, Reply)

of course people earn 'pennies' from the night, but that's not the point, as you well know. These people do not include Fouricci. He just wants to put on a decent comedy night, and it's not really hurting you at all. Or is it pushing down all the important events on /calendar that you're so desperate to attend?
( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 14:02, Reply)

i would be against this in any shape or form, disagreeing on how people advertise freely on b3ta is hardly arguing like a 9 year old, and i'm sure the man can put his own point across with his little mate piping up for him
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:30, Reply)

It's a fucking great night for us all to get together and have a go at stand up. I've enjoyed it so much I've opened my own club on June 14th (see calendar...oh wait...)
It's not spam at all. Oh by the way, Are you paying too much for car insurance?
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 17:22, Reply)

I break even.
Very few B3tans pay
I buy many beers
I enjoy
What do you do?
( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 16:37, Reply)

i feel you should be expected to pay for advertising, i honestly don't see how you buying this little group of people who have jumped to your defence beers has any relevance on the issue that you are abusing this calender function to advertise a commercial venture
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:34, Reply)

you work for him
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:55, Reply)

didn't realise this was taking place in realtime.
I attended the comedy nights before i started working for TFS.
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:57, Reply)

FACT: I have 'paid for b3ta'- agreat deal more than you I suspect- and taken space on Newsletter
FACT: It is an offering. So is the Calendar.
You can choose to ignore it.
FACT: I do not make a profit on this- it is a bit of fun. To be enjoyed.
FACT: I do not 'buy' anyone. Happy to 'buy' a pint. ever bought a round?
FACT: Having comedy available for b3tans and giving them an oppotunity to appear seems a reasonable thing. Maybe you do something better?
Why are you bothered?
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 16:39, Reply)

fact 1, no relevance on free advertising again and again of an event you promote
fact 2, it is an event you promote, which is not for charity and it is hard to ignore when it is promoted all over b3ta all the time
fact 3, i'm sure you would like to earn money from it
fact 4, has no relevance
fact 5, it is free advertising for an event you promote, what i do is of no relevence
this is not a who can piss higher contest
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 22:06, Reply)

So much for impartiality.
Bucket of Bad is awful spam though. Someone who advertises a non-commercial internet radio station is clearly a much worse criminal than someone who can't be arsed to book decent comedians or even run a proper advertising campaign.
( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 13:33, Reply)

"Oh no, I can't think of anything to say so I'm going to call you 'bitter'!"
Did you catch unimaginative wankery after you cybersexed Bou, or were you born with it?
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 0:01, Reply)

He is a very genuine bloke and I have actually cried laughing at the comedy nights.
Me and Rose are glad to consider him a friend.
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 7:45, Reply)

i have only met him a couple of times, but he is a top bloke..
( , Wed 18 Jun 2008, 1:24, Reply)

Chances are I'd be dead now without FS. FACT.
He's a great bloke and I am proud to know him.
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 8:42, Reply)

He books some of the biggest acts on the London circuit, one of the nicest guys I've ever met, and is doing us a favour by letting us know about this event that many b3tans go to.
Stop being a cunt, what the fuck do you do that makes you so great?
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 12:29, Reply)

and the pointless ' what do you do?' seems to have cropped up again, why is that even relevant to what many people see as the problem with a promoter using b3ta to get customers
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:36, Reply)

and you really think it is worth kicking up a fuss about could I make a suggestion?
Take it up with Rob and keep the personal attacks at TFS and the people he has 'bought' to youself.
I hope this was helpful
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:55, Reply)

and you're just posting on here to be a bellend, it's not like a calander event really effects you does it.
Just ignore it. If it bothers you.
I use b3ta to get customers to music gigs (as do many others) that I post on here, because it's good for reaching your target audience.
You don't own this place so why does it bother you?
It's not like b3ta shouts it out to billions of people on talk is it, he's just letting people know that usually go what's on and whose going. And it doesn't run at a profit at all, TFS usually spends alot of his own money on buying everyone drinks and paying comedians.
b3ta is a social platform like myspace or facebook in someways, and you don't have to pay for those, do you?
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 15:06, Reply)

I'm going to guess that you haven't met TFS or come to one of the comedy nights.
( , Tue 17 Jun 2008, 14:49, Reply)

I request some form of cheese and pinapple on a stick, preffebly with a bit of ham too.
( , Mon 16 Jun 2008, 7:58, Reply)
» Jun 2008 «