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» May 2010 «

Looking at animals bash

A day of looking at delicious animals in London Zoo before heading off to a pub somewhere for liquid refreshment.

The zoo opens at 10am and ticket prices are £19.80 but it is possible to get 2 for 1 tickets with national rail here
Depending on how many people want to come, there's also a discount for groups larger than 10.

As suggested by Wookiee (the man with a giant brain and tiny heart) how about The Green Man for a few beers after?

We'll probably be all animaled out by 5pm so anyone who wants to meet us for a few cheeky pints can head there, or gaz me and I'll let you know what's going on.

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 14:30, Reply)
We don't have to get there at 10am, do we?

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:04, Reply)
Lordy no!

I was thinking more along the lines of 1pm if that's good. I don't care what time we get there, as long as I get to see the penguins being fed.

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:10, Reply)
I'm going at 10am.

I actually am. Seriously.

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:21, Reply)
After your morning run?

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:53, Reply)

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:05, Reply)
*throws Wookiee's corpse to the lions*

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:07, Reply)
That's just mean.

I'd had it stuffed and everything, it was just starting to wear in nicely.

(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:18, Reply)

in nicely out through misuse.
(, Thu 15 Apr 2010, 19:26, Reply)

mis over
(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 13:50, Reply)

So is your plan to sneak in before everyone else, break into the flamingo enclosure and when everyone else is wondering "where's Wookiee?", you'll surprise them all as they go past and see you performing a dance-act with a troupe of flamingoes?

(, Thu 13 May 2010, 0:58, Reply)
Exactly this, yes.

(, Fri 21 May 2010, 16:40, Reply)
I'm going to be in Exeter the night before

but I'm coming home on the sunday so I might come and meet you people in the pub later.

(, Fri 16 Apr 2010, 13:11, Reply)
In that case, I need not waste time looking at the apes.

I can do that later.

(, Sun 18 Apr 2010, 18:00, Reply)
Not if I overfeed him at Sunday lunch

so that he becomes Fat Al and is unable to support the weight of his own body on his tiny little legs and has to be levered off the bed with a crane, thus missing all the fun.

(, Mon 10 May 2010, 13:17, Reply)
Not to scale:

(, Mon 10 May 2010, 13:18, Reply)
I apologise for my slowness, I know it's terribly poor form and all,

but I feel like I should ask why Al's going to be in your bed in the first place.

(, Fri 28 May 2010, 17:14, Reply)
He thinks he's coming for Sunday lunch.

Catface has other ideas and wants to manpregnate him.

(, Sun 30 May 2010, 9:56, Reply)

I'd love to come and look at the animals but I'll be digging up parts of Sussex then.

(, Mon 19 Apr 2010, 15:51, Reply)
I can comez play too?

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 13:46, Reply)

Yes you can.

(, Thu 22 Apr 2010, 13:26, Reply)
Oooooh -

This might be perfect post-Riverghost bash stuff. Put me down as a maybe; I'll stare at the otters.

(, Fri 30 Apr 2010, 20:04, Reply)
Sadly I can't come

It clashes with this.

(, Thu 13 May 2010, 0:53, Reply)
Sucks for you.

More animal joy for us.

(, Fri 14 May 2010, 23:05, Reply)
Possibility of pub, depending on where it is/whether I go to t'other bash

You can have too many internet weirdos in one weekend.

(, Sun 16 May 2010, 0:39, Reply)
Oh man, can I come?

(, Fri 21 May 2010, 13:27, Reply)
You don't need permission, Gonz.

You have my number - call me when you get there.

(, Fri 21 May 2010, 16:09, Reply)
I might well be there anyway snapping away

If you see some bloke with a huge Canon lens, that's me, so say hi :)

(, Fri 28 May 2010, 19:48, Reply)

» May 2010 «