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» May 2006 «

Basically, much drinking to take place in the centre of Sheffield, in the Howard, on Saturday May 6th.
This is The Howard. Isn't it nice?
B3TA Sheffield
Saturday 6th May, 2006, 2pm.
The Howard Hotel... handily very close to the train station, about a two minute walk if that. If we find ourselves getting bored of the place, then we can move on to other bars/pubs/badger setts as we want.
Sheffield is nice and easy to get to, everyone knows where it is. If you don't, then learn. Anyways... directions and shit.
M1, Junction 33, on the A630 will get you to the centre of Sheffield. At the end of this, you will see a very big roundabout, known as the Park Sqaure Roundabout, even though it isn't square, it's a roundabout dontchaknow. Anyways, you want the second junction heading towards the train station, and this will get you to the Howard. Parking is available locally.
Also, any train to Sheffield, the pub is not too far from there.
Any bus to the centre of Sheffield, from the main bus centre, in its' lovely blueness, head out under the walkway to the train station, and at the crossing to the train station, turn right and keep walking until you see the pub. Easy!
Plenty of local hotels about, there is the Ibis, the Novotel, or floor space of those who live local, like me! I will find out from my housemates how many people I can comfortably sleep without causing annoyance to them. Also, any people who also live in Sheffield and the surrounds with crash space put your availability on here and we can sort things out.
I generally use the uber useful msn, you can get me on j_a_carter AT hotmail of the dot com, or on my mobile, 07742 655 171. Email, of the gmail variety, is jamesalancarter AT gmail of the dot com.
You must wear something that identifies you as a b3tan, so we can all find each other! Prizes of an alcoholic nature will be provided for the best, worst or silliest.
The Howard Hotel in Sheffield [map]
Yet Another Sheffield Bash!
Going: jim_bob, The Mock TurtIe, Quatermass and teh Shit, MCQ, crazyjude, brooza, FreudianSlap, Kamikaze Stoat, Mstandot (9 people).

See you on the other side of a pint glass, or shot glass... or some other means of imbibing alcohol.
( , Sun 26 Feb 2006, 19:01, Reply)

but won't drink as i'm on a mammoth cycle ride the following weekend and need to train the next day.
unless anyone wants to put me up for the night and i'll bring my weed...
( , Thu 2 Mar 2006, 20:53, Reply)

then i'm sure i can find something
unless they are all police occifers
( , Fri 10 Mar 2006, 18:24, Reply)

And one's a squaddie, smoking is allowed in the house. I have the options of sofa, airbed, or floorspace. Or a spare space in my own bed ;). Plus the landlord works in a brewery, so all is good.
Any more for any more? Cmon, sign up you slags! I want this to be a big event...
( , Fri 17 Mar 2006, 0:14, Reply)

However, I always chicken out at the last minute because I'm scared no b3tan will have a fucking clue who I am, or why I exist.
If I can pluck up the courage and overcome my shyness I shall attend.
( , Tue 7 Mar 2006, 11:55, Reply)

You know you want to. Unfortunately due to house moving I will be off b3ta for the next few days... (curses) but hopefully things will be sorted soon. If you need any info, my email (jamesalancarter at gmail dot com will work just fine for now, ok?)
( , Tue 7 Mar 2006, 16:58, Reply)

You know you want to. If you live too far away there is crash space.
( , Tue 28 Mar 2006, 20:57, Reply)

so best not sign up just yet
( , Sun 2 Apr 2006, 2:00, Reply)

but I will push you.
Like I pushed the Swiss.
( , Sun 23 Apr 2006, 3:01, Reply)

Considering that said bash is now just under a week away, we should be considering sleeping arrangements- so far, Crazyjude has bagsied a spot- who else will be partaking?
Do let me know via the magic of msn...
( , Mon 1 May 2006, 20:12, Reply)

All I need now is the bottle to turn up, after the last bash I attended. (Complete disaster!!)
( , Thu 4 May 2006, 22:14, Reply)
» May 2006 «