Excellent video.
I seem to recall an episode where Roy Walker had this exchange with a black contestant: "Where are you from?" "Nottingham." "No, where are you from originally?"
This would've been the late 80s/early 90s ffs.
(Pig Bodine., Tue 14 May 2013, 13:30,
That was the worst I'd found.
I'll have to watch more!
(BarryFromTheShitFarmOh, Tue 14 May 2013, 13:35,
the worst/most amusing quiz show racism i ever saw was a bullseye rerun on challenge. there's a segment of the show where a professional darts player shows up to throw some darts to raise money for a charitable cause of some kind or other selected by the contestants. two quite young lads chose... the national front. and jim bowen's response was something along the lines of 'good for you'.
(itilliterate, Tue 14 May 2013, 13:57,
Fucking fuck.
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Tue 14 May 2013, 14:01,
Doesn't surprise me
But yeah, Skelly's sentiment shared there.
(BarryFromTheShitFarmOh, Tue 14 May 2013, 14:11,
Ha ha - tough to top his KKK joke but think you just about managed it !
(Pig Face TurnipI know a little German. He's over there., Tue 14 May 2013, 13:33,
Roy Walker breaks the ice.
Comedy writers in the 80s must have been lovely chaps.
(BarryFromTheShitFarmOh, Tue 14 May 2013, 13:36,
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Tue 14 May 2013, 13:55,
more of these please
(Rebel biscuitstercore sumus et nos esse novimus, Tue 14 May 2013, 14:48,
I once many moons ago took copious amounts of ecstacy and went on one of those bungee ball things
Needless to say I freaked the fuck out and ended up cowering on a couch in front of catchphrase. I convinced my paranoid self that Roy Walker's jokes were so unfunny that the whole programme of catchphrase was some coded message being subliminally transmitted to the public. I have never been able to watch the re-runs of catchphrase since.
(Grundlebiscuit, Sun 19 May 2013, 2:17,
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