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This is a link post A South African invention to gently stop car jackings

(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 11:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post Years old this but always worth seeing to be reminded of how fucking mental SA is.
I watched Chappie a while back and kept thinking "This is probably exactly what South Africa is like, minus the robots."
Almost every single white South African I've met has been an openly racist cunt. Once I was at a work do to which one of my colleagues had taken his South African fiancee. During a lull in conversation she brought our attention to her tan and said without a hint of subtlety exclaimed "Bloody hell, I must be the biggest nig nog in here." She was a delight.
I know one South African I like, if she's as racist as the majority I've encountered, she hides it bloody well. But I'd probably turn a blind eye to it anyway since she's fucking stunning.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 11:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 11:47, , Reply)
This is a normal post Haha that's ace! :D

(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 12:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post Just what I would have posted!
I work with lots of South Africans, and one of them once said: "Kevin Pietersen. Never was there a better reason for the phrase 'I've never met a nice South African'". I think we often despise them precisely because they aren't afraid to say the things we're all thinking.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 14:12, , Reply)
This is a normal post I disagree. I certainly don't embrace the casual racism most of the South Africans I've met seem to display.
But I see what you're getting at. I think we're all a wee bit racist to some degree, we just hate to see that aspect of ourselves.
I regard Katie Hopkins very much as a great example of 'says what we're all thinking', though. The woman is fucking vile, there are some things you just shouldn't say in public and I very much believe she does it for the troll factor.
But...she does speak a lot of uncomfortable truth at times.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 15:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post And she's WELL fit...
AMIRIGHT Frogbeat... eh?...eh?
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 17:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post you racist
leave the Africans alone.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 11:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post What part of the spectrum?
There are at least 254 levels of grey.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 19:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post The autistic part

(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 19:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post Its just the Magnevolt system they use in Detroit
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 13:25, , Reply)
This is a normal post Zimbabwean bloke I worked with used to work in Joburg.
Saw someone shot to death against the (bulletproof) glass window of his office, apparently.

The flamethrower thing is old, they also had a thing called the "octopus" with, effectively, 8 shotguns aimed at head level. If you could get that over here, with a little modification it could wipe out the traffic light windscreen washer business overnight.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2016, 16:43, , Reply)