a twunt, spam it may be but in light of what he actually did is just bizarre, does he actually want to get beaten?
( , Sat 10 May 2008, 11:09, Reply)

Poke the poor brain dead animals through the bars. All those tabloid readers who "Support Our Boys" for killing foreigners, lust after teenage girls but think dirty gay sex is disgusting.
Isn't it fun to watch them react without thinking?
( , Sat 10 May 2008, 12:51, Reply)

The age does matter, however, and the fact is that you're a convicted paedo, and pretty much everyone hates you for that, not your choice of gender.
( , Sat 10 May 2008, 13:53, Reply)

Your victims and their families like the musical, right? You could call them up and get some glowing endorsements to quote on the website? Are you on good terms with most of your adolescent 'exes'?
Because I'm sure a guy into mutually positive, non-exploitative relationships such as yours will have no trouble getting some rave reviews from some of those kids you've buggered who presumably have no regrets at all.
( , Sat 10 May 2008, 20:56, Reply)

I would be more than willing to debate this issue with you without the petty name calling and malice that I'm sure you receive on a daily basis and as such have become both accustomed and immune to. Quite the contrary to your beleaguered repost, I have thought long and hard about the issue you have raised.
The fact is, you can call people closet homophobes all you want and for the most part you probably have a good point. A lot of people (myself included) treat homosexuals differently to the way they treat heterosexuals of the same age. Before you start calling me homophobic, allow me to elaborate. I for one didn't realise I did this until tonight when I was discussing the issue with a friend. He pointed out that my attitude to a 15 year old girl having sex with a man was different to my attitude of a 15 year old boy doing the same. This at first was difficult for me to accept, since I had always thought of myself as being belligerently accepting of all sexual orientations. However, as I’ve thought further into the issues brought about by your quite frankly piss poor attempt at musical theatre I have come to realise that it is not my attitude towards homosexual relationships that need to change, but rather my attitude towards the heterosexual. As a result, quite conversely it appears as though I have somehow held homosexuality at a higher moral stand point than that of heterosexuality.
As I have said in earlier posts, the age of consent is wide open for debate. The age at which a person feels they are ready to engage in their sexual journey in life differs from person to person and as such a lot of people feel that there is some sort of grey area around that age. However, the fact is that the law is the law. While a society that would not completely socially condemn a man for sleeping with a 15 year old girl, and yet at the same time treat a man who sleeps with a 15 year old boy as a paedophile is clearly wrong, it is not the attitude toward the homosexual relationship here that needs to change. Rather than being a homophobic issue as you would like to believe, it is instead an issue of sexism. Society has a whole appears to believe that women are more of a sexual object than men, and as such should be ready to receive a good ploughing as soon as possible. An unsaid belief that is clearly wrong. At the end of the day the age of consent was put in place for a reason, and you knowingly and willingly broke that. The defence you offer merely aids a feminist cause and does nothing to make you seem like any less of a sick fuck.
I would genuinely be interested in your thoughts on this, and hope you respond
( , Sun 11 May 2008, 2:37, Reply)

It is clearly not only wrong but illegal to have sex with anyone below the age of consent.
It is not wrong to have consensual sex with males or females who are above the age of consent and want to do so.
That's what the song clearly says.
Some people however prefer to hear something else.
A little demon in their souls.
But no matter how often it is pointed out they will never hear the truth.
Intellectual and emotional deafness.
( , Sun 11 May 2008, 16:10, Reply)

and that the message of the song is to wait for "boys" to reach the age of consent, then why did you fail to follow your own advice when you were jailed in 2001 for four indecent assaults and two serious sexual offences on boys aged 14 and 15?
People aren't being homophobic when they criticise you. They just don't like paedophiles, regardless of their sexual orientation.
At the end of the day you're free to post whatever you want, but are you really that evil that you don't care what your victims will feel if they stumble across this? I imagine you've fucked up enough lives for one life time, how about fading into obscurity and letting these people try and get on with theirs.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 14:03, Reply)

but the main focus on it was that its ok to bugger boys, and a boy is any male aged from 16-17ish all the way down to 1.
Speaking of intellectual and emotional deafness, I'll just take full blown deafness if I have to listen to that again.
Anyway I can't be arsed with you anymore, so I'm going to refer you back to my first post with a gung-ho FUCK OFF
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 22:18, Reply)

it really completely beyond your ken why some of us might suspect your motives? That perhaps your insistence that the first line means "they've got to be legal" rings a bit hollow to us, given your recent history?
What about the line "don't startle the horses or make too much noise"? Are we to believe you think boy-buggering ought to be done furtively? Is it your belief that a relationship that must be kept secret from all the boy's loved ones is likely to be a mutual, healthy relationship?
Madame Arcati's review was all true; you've raised some legitimate points about inequity in the law, and you've poked fun at some people who needed poking fun at. I acknowledge it on the merit of its postmodern artistic value, and I'll defend to the death your right to create it.
The fact that you have exercised that right in this way proves only that you have a profound lack of moral maturity. Adults care about the effects of their words and actions. An adult would see that the aforementioned right is outweighed by your debt to the people you've harmed.
Since it's clear that you plan on reoffending, I hope your inevitable incarceration meets with a clerical error that lands you in the general prison population. I hope you are raped mercilessly and beaten to within an inch of your life before the administrators figure out their mistake. I hope the entire brutal ordeal ends up on YouTube, set to your charming song.
Now THAT would be worthy of the newsletter.
Fuck along now.
( , Tue 13 May 2008, 0:52, Reply)

Dear Jonathon, you manky old spunker, its great that you have published your work in a public forum, i'm sure when you go down to sign on to the sex offenders register each week they will be pleased to see that you are taking your law breaking antics seriously. i'm also glad that the next time you are in court for dragging your decrepid old ball sack over some innocent teenager, the court will have a charicture reference of how you haven't learned your lesson and indeed laugh at the law.
anyway you talentless fat wanker, i have to go busy myself posting your charming video on as many anti paedo vigilanty sites as I can whilst also searching for your address.
good luck with the lynch mob, I hope they go at your genitals with a belt sander and some TCP before jamming a hot poker up your arse sideways you fat degenerate cunt, why don't you just kill yourself.
( , Tue 13 May 2008, 13:34, Reply)

even if you were right, there is a huge difference between "lusting" and taking.
Just because there are a pair of tits on page three does not make every tabloid reader an old lech like you.
Your campaign is merely trying to justify crimes from decades ago, trying to persuade the modern freethinkers that you actually helped those boys discover their sexuality whilst surrounded by a world of blue-collar Johns who "think dirty gay sex is disgusting". This is not the case. What you did was fulfil your own sexual needs, you didn't help anyone and you're not standing up for homosexuality at all. Why don't you go and actually ask a gay person what they'd prefer - To discover their own sexuality on their own in their own time, or have some dirty crooked old man mess with them before they're ready for any sexual encounter at all.
( , Sun 11 May 2008, 12:12, Reply)

and likely never to be seen again
but as a homosexual, I believe I may rightfully assume that I am not a 'closet homophobe'
and I reacted without thinking as well
specifically, I reacted with laughter, I didn't know the background to the video, but I am afraid context plays a part.
If it had been me you abused, I would never have forgiven you, if it had been me, I may never had been able to come out myself. I didn't even come to the realization that I was homosexual until senior year of high school, when I was good and ready.
What you have done is worse than harm the body of another, you have harmed the mind, the mental equilibrium, of another, in doing so, you created more of the hordes of unthinking reactionaries homosexuals have to deal with constantly, and in continuing provocation, you only create more. They have become unthinking individuals as a result of a crime committed by you, and this video, regardless of excuse, only serves to reinforce this notion with the further implication of moral ineptitude. I myself cannot conceive of the disregard and sickness predicated by the act you were convicted of. There is a reason they call it 'sick' you know, the term is used when, to think of the mind capable of such acts makes one do just that, to express a lack of remorse towards such an act, authentic or not, is only to create more hatred among those who previously may have been spared from it. You are successfully propagating your own hatred and in doing so, making life harder for people like me, who have been accused of 'kiddy fiddling' or called a 'sick fuck,' for little reason other than being seen holding hands with another of the same sex. Obviously the intelligent will see this distinction, between homosexuality and pedophilia, but it seems obvious to you that there are few of these people, as it does to me, and it does not make the name calling, the embarrassment, or the occasional discrimination any easier, for either of us. In doing this it seems you have done more for the process of discrimination and hate than a KKK member, simply statistically speaking, a KKK member is largely insignificant in public appeal, your message of hate, clouded in an opposite message, is made known through the context of you.
I do believe that pedophilia is a relatively small and benign issue on a global scale, and the atrocities committed in the middle east are far more imperative, but the triage of emergency is not imperative save for the elected, personal corruption should always take precedence over global corruption, otherwise we cannot distinguish personal hatred from moral outrage, a concept that you sir, may well consider taking into consideration.
I believe that is all I have to say on the subject, please, gaz(message) me if you would like, or if you haven't been banned. Without anger, without hatred, understanding is forgiveness and thats all I'm shooting for.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 4:31, Reply)