( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 0:15, Reply)

and what a great collection, I'd love to lok through all that.
: )
( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 0:27, Reply)

is likely to consume an awful lot of my time for the foreseeable...
Stunning stuff and thanks for bringing it to my attention.
This is really what links is great for.
( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 0:41, Reply)

I live about 2 hrs from Chicago - I may go look at the exhibition.
( , Sun 9 Jan 2011, 1:07, Reply)

But has this guy basically unearthed a fortune worth of work from someone who was never recognised, and now he's making potential riches from it? Because at 7:00 he bitches that he has so much work to do.
( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 2:26, Reply)

Ker-ching! He seems quite indifferent about the material, just totaling up what the physical remains are worth in his head. Lovely pictures though, I think she looks wonderful.
( , Fri 7 Jan 2011, 20:11, Reply)

yeah but at least he is getting them out there and its not some faceless company reaping the rewards
( , Sat 8 Jan 2011, 16:38, Reply)

I love how they show the shiny Mac and all photo viewing on it, but when it comes to the really hardcore stuff - actually scanning the negatives - what do you know, a good old PC with Windows on it.
Guess their "thousands of dollars of equipment" wasn't cool enough for a Mac
( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 8:11, Reply)

is like comparing Oranges' and Apples, it's pointless, it's what ever works for you.
His co-worker uses a PC, cause maybe he's happy with the 'Windows' operating system,
As he uses a Mac cause he likes the functionality of '0S X'
( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 12:29, Reply)

thanks for the link.
*googles her* :D
( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 9:39, Reply)

I have a feeling the world will be seeing a lot more of her work in the future. Thanks for sharing.
( , Tue 4 Jan 2011, 23:41, Reply)

Reminds me of Vermeer and Diane Arbus in that sense of getting a secretive glimpse into a moment of someone else's life.
( , Fri 7 Jan 2011, 19:38, Reply)