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This is a link post Nazi saluting pug guy gives an interview
So, is "Count Dankula" a misunderstood comic genius, or is he a nasty racist fuckpig? I wanted to think it's the former, but who did he give his first interview with?

Tommy Robinson. Sure, give the "False Profits" guy a hard time for talking to Icke, but fuck. Tommy fucking Robinson.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 18:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post They are both grade-A cunts
He broke the law. He's going to jail. That's it. You don't like it? Agitate for change, but don't advocate breaking the law.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post So that's Corbyn fucked then.
who has many many times advocated civil disobedience. why am I even bothering about this shit? Oh I remember, speed drinking in the middle of stressful week. fucksticks. Brace yourselves b3ta...
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 20:11, , Reply)
This is a normal post I just find it hilarious
that he instantly sacks people who act like he did when he was not leader...
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 20:20, , Reply)
This is a normal post I find it more hilarious that he fucked Diane Abbott
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 20:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post He wasn't in the cabinet.
Big distinction there.
(, Thu 29 Mar 2018, 15:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post And if you break the law, you get banged up
So what's your point?
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 20:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post my reply was to someone who stated
'don't advocate breaking the law'
Not to someone who said 'don't break the law'
Try and keep the fuck up.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 21:19, , Reply)
This is a normal post First the "artist" behind that mural gives his first interview to David Icke, now this. Both instances tell you pretty much all you need to know.
I understand why they couldn't face up to the tough guy Evan Davis on Newsnight though, he's merciless in his pursuit of the truth.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post typical lizard comment

(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 21:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post His t-shirt has a valknut on it too.
He might be one of them Odalist nazis.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post He might works for a swedish paper maker
the rush to judgement does you discredit. And since when did buring churches down and killing your mates make someome a nazi ohh...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg_Vikernes#Odalism
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 21:51, , Reply)
This is a normal post You see. I find myself conflicted.
I like Varg's music, but I don't agree with his politics.

Except church burning. I'm all for that.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 22:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post We don't burn beatiful things
wooden churches are a bit of a soft fucking target too.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 22:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post Christianity's burnt many beautiful things.
It can jolly well shut up and go away.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 22:58, , Reply)
This is a normal post Neo-nazi bitching about lack of freedom of speech. And being arrested for making offensive jokes.
Fuck's sake.
You know back in the Third Reich they sent an arsehole to Dachau for teaching his dog to nazi-salute. It was disrespective of The Fuhrer.
I couldn't give a toss about free speech, I'd send this cunt to the camps for his shit haircut, shit beard, shit tattoos and those frankly degenerate facial piercings. Also he owns a pug. Gayest. Dogs. EVAR. Pugs are so shit and gay that they should be reclassified as cats. They're not real dogs at all.
(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post They always seem to be looking in two directions at once, not very predator-like behaviour.

(, Wed 28 Mar 2018, 20:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post Retardhounds

(, Thu 29 Mar 2018, 13:24, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm not condoning this but didn't a certain royal get dressed up as a Nazi and it was called "high spirits"
I hate racists but I love taking the piss out of historical monsters like monty python did. The guy did teach a pug to salute like a nazi, is that taking the piss out of the fuhrer or a loving doggy tribute to an evil man....the former in my eyes.
(, Thu 29 Mar 2018, 9:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post
That's fine up to the point where you start saying 'gas the jews'
(, Thu 29 Mar 2018, 13:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post Saying, not advocating.
Regardless, the bloke is a grade A pissweasel for hanging about with Stephen Yaxley, even if he is correct-ish about free speech. Yes, people will be 'offended' on cue, like they have been taught. So fucking what? When speech becomes harmful is when we have an issue.

Meanwhile, Jacob Rees-Mogg gets in to bed with the "Traditional Britain Group". The name tells you all you need to know.
(, Thu 29 Mar 2018, 16:10, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Just dumb. He made a dumbass tasteless joke
And now he's going to jail
(, Thu 29 Mar 2018, 11:44, , Reply)