Have you got a problem you think the rest of the B3ta collective can solve? Are you an idiot? Tell B3ta and we'll help you out. Probably. BE FLUFFY.
Question from bangthedrum
( , Thu 30 May 2013, 15:27)
This question is now closed.

and while im at it, what does 'Touche et Lele Pu' mean?
( , Fri 31 May 2013, 10:08, Reply)

how long do you think you could you keep going?
And which condiment (if any) would you use?
( , Fri 31 May 2013, 9:39, 2 replies)

Do the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function all have real part 1/2? Yahoo answers was not helpful.
( , Fri 31 May 2013, 9:31, 2 replies)

( , Fri 31 May 2013, 9:25, 3 replies)

I really wanted to get my hands
On Angelina Jolie’s mammary glands
I just want her organs of lactation
She had ‘em chopped off in a tit operation.
They’re really good, I’m not a cynic
I went through the bins at the Hollywood clinic
It’s for the best now, she supposes
I hunt for the puppies with their little pink noses
My search is thorough, i don’t use haste
Trawling through skips of medical waste
I couldn’t find them - fancy that!
Just bags of liposuction fat
That smelled so rank i lost my humours
And just found bin bags full of tumours
But then I ran right out of patience
I couldn’t find A.J.’s amputations
I threw some tantrums and some fits
Just where were Angelina Jolie’s tits?
So ploughing on, ignored my cautions
Unearthed a vat of late term abortions
And tons of cocks - a huge consignment
From loads of gender realignment
I’ll never find them here, i bet
So logged my phone on the internet
I looked online - and was I glad!
I found her tits on a CraigsList ad!
I skipped around like a ballerina
I’ll buy the milk-churns of Angelina!
Just like the quest for the grail, so holy,
So close now to the knockers of Jolie!
Damn horny - my cock started dripping
But they didn’t do international shipping
That’s crap, that’s shit, that’s total cobblers
I’ll never get my hands on A.J.’s wobblers.
( , Fri 31 May 2013, 8:47, 6 replies)

I can't stop looking at the dregs of humanity displaying their interesting spelling, ignorance, hatred and misanthropic thoughts and pictures for all the world to see :-(
Almost to a man (or woman) they seem to have decided that to paint themselves in the best light they must take a reflection picture of themselves in the bathroom mirror, shirtless and with underwear on display, the nonchalant hand down the front of jeans if male and pouting if female or unsure of gender. The iphone must obscure at least 20% of the subject, which is encouraging but not quite enough. Guns are a bonus and threats to shoot other people a must.
It's actually worse than here, which is quite an achievement.
So if anyone knows of something cheerier to wean me off this I'd very much appreciate it.
( , Fri 31 May 2013, 1:48, 3 replies)

If i asked you to sleep with me , would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question?
( , Fri 31 May 2013, 1:36, 3 replies)

( , Thu 30 May 2013, 23:33, 10 replies)

...and all of a sudden, my yard was full of boys!
Explain that with your precious science!
( , Thu 30 May 2013, 21:59, 3 replies)

( , Thu 30 May 2013, 21:23, 5 replies)

Is there one for emergency broadcasts?
( , Thu 30 May 2013, 21:01, 1 reply)

A few months back I was going through tough times - family bereavements, serious work bullshit bollocks, and an almighty slump into depression. Being off work I was required to stay at home, and ended up on b3ta a lot, especially QOTW. I have to say the feedback I got from some b3tans was exactly what I needed - exchanging experiences and receiving excellent advice anonymously, with great generosity, and unselfishly given, restored my faith in humanity.
My deepest thanks and respect:
Professor Kenny Martin
username failed moderation
social hand grenade
Windy Pig
Ken Oath
the other guy
( , Thu 30 May 2013, 20:20, 14 replies)
This question is now closed.