Your Ginger Fuhrer froths, "I hate my bank. Not because of debt or anything but because I hate being sold to - possibly pathologically so - and everytime I speak to them they try and sell me services. Gold cards, isas, insurance, you know the crap. It drives me insane. I ALREADY BANK WITH YOU. STOP IT. YOU MAKE ME FRIGHTED TO DO MY NORMAL BANKING. I'm angry even thinking about them."
So, tell us your banking stories of woe.
No doubt at least one of you has shagged in the vault, shat on a counter or thrown up in a cash machine. Or something
( , Thu 16 Jul 2009, 13:15)
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Are you sitting comfortably....then we'll begin....
There is a six year limit on taking civil action in the UK. So what? I hear you little chipmunks say...
Action to reclaim a debt is a civil action. ie a ccj is only possible if the creditor takes you to court within six years of making contact with you over any debt you might have with them.
With me so far? Good, keep listening.
Get a credit card as soon as you are old enough. Don't use it too often and when you do repay that month. After maybe a year only pay half one month. You will be offered a higher credit limit very quickly. Follow this course of action for a couple of years. Then apply for another credit card from another company, do the same. Keep it up and in 10-15 years you will have 20+ credit cards with credit limits in the thousands. And a very good credit rating.
Pick your destination country.
Spunk the cards oh so madly and oh so badly. Buy diamonds, foreign currency, hit the cash points etc. Spunk them baby, spunk them. Plan to max them out inside two to three weeks.
Take out bank loans for as much as you can. BIG loans.
Leave enough money in your bank account to cover one month of repayments on all cards and loans. (Thus establishing an intent to repay and protecting yourself from charges of theft)
Move to your destination country leaving your new address with a few choice friends and relatives.
The credit card companies can't make contact with you. They don't know where you are. They know where you are not because all mail and phone calls to your old address are returned or unanswered.
Six years of no contact and the statute of limitations on civil actions kicks in. No way of taking you to court = no way of forcing you to repay the debt.
£80,000. No comeback.
Kiss my shitty ring HSBC Abbey National Lloyds Sainsburys Goldfish Barclaycard Mastercard etc etc etc.
How d'ya like them apples!
Serves you right for all those mortgage foreclosures.
( , Fri 17 Jul 2009, 19:54, 32 replies)

Thus establishing an intent to repay and protecting yourself from charges of theft
How, precisely? Your intention is not to repay. And if the banks can show that without your little slush-fund, they can show it with it as well.
But let's move aside from the proof thing. By following your scheme, there's plainly no intent to repay. So it's straightforward fraud, and there's therefore no time limit - irrespective of whether you're found out within the six years.
If it was really that easy, don't you think that the credit card companies'd've spotted the hole and moved to close it?
( , Fri 17 Jul 2009, 20:01, closed)

Of course it was my intention to repay, that's why I did repay. If I had no intention to repay I would not have made sure that some payments where covered. How can the banks show I had no intention to repay if there clearly is a repayment?
And how could it be fraud? Did I at any time give false information with an intent to defraud? No. I was honest and truthful. I just didn't get around to making all the repayments. And as I haven't heard from the institutions involved for over six years they can no longer pursue the debt through the civil courts. It's not a loophole that credit card co.s and banks can fill. It's the law in the UK. If you want to take a civil action against anybody for anything you must do it within six years of the whatever it was that gives you reason to take action. Somehow I find it unlikely that that law will be changed because the banks would like it. There might be a few complaints.
It worked. It worked because it does work. I am sorry you are upset about it but hey, it worked. And it will work again for anyone that tries it. It works constantly for many people. If you have spent any time at the top of a debt collection department you will know that any debt where the company have been unable to make contact with the creditor for six years or more is written off. Just like that. Because it can't be taken to court and is therefore unrecoverable.
That's the way it is. It is not fraud or theft or anything naughty. It is just knowing the law and knowing how to make the system work for you.
Knowledge is power and, in this case, cash.
And if anyone does find themselves being chased for a debt that they have heard nothing about for six years or more get in touch with the company involved and laugh at them. Or go to your local CAB and let them do it for you.
( , Fri 17 Jul 2009, 20:26, closed)

it is fraud and theft.
You may well get away with it, but don't try and argue that doing so makes it legal and OK.
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 9:41, closed)

That's warmed my heart and made me smile. Banks and insurance companies manage to make scum, like politicians, appear honest and sincere. Then again, maybe not. They're all cunts.
( , Fri 17 Jul 2009, 21:58, closed)

Thank you all for your generous support. (except you numpty one)
( , Fri 17 Jul 2009, 22:23, closed)

There was one post in favour of you, and two against you at the time you wrote this. How deluded are you?
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 15:19, closed)

Deluded enough to be sitting in a very comfy place paid for by other peole. Twat.
( , Sun 19 Jul 2009, 17:44, closed)

but isn't your plan nobbled by section 32, which bangs on about how the limitation period can be postponed if there's deliberate concealment of facts relevant to the right of action?
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 0:50, closed)

And six years living in forren, giving up your job, house, friends, family for £80,000? A mite over £13.3k a year?
Plus the very real possibility that your plan is fundamentally flawed, I'd say it verges on the ridiculous.
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 7:40, closed)

"but the burden of proof lies with the bank"
So, you suddenly, with no prior history, rack up close to £100,000 worth of debt and leave the country. You have no job, you have no means of paying back more than one months set of payments, and you stay away for just long enough for the statute of limitations to expire on the debt before you come back to your house and try and laugh at the companies who are, not unreasonably, trying to get their money back.
You would get done for fraud at the drop of a hat, put that case in front of any jury, you would be convicted in seconds. The OP is the most ridiculous post ever.
Especially given the comparatively minuscule amount of money they are talking about stealing. And it would be stealing, there is no doubt about that.
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 15:18, closed)

(also, even if you were legally watertight, *disappearing and skipping the country for six years* for a measly 80k doesn't seem like much of a payoff...)
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 15:30, closed)

And what house? What? There is no house (actually there is, I own several with mortgages and tenants make the mortgage payments. But that doesn't seem to have been taken into account by any of the companies I owe money to. Who said I had no credit history and no job? Did I? No.
( , Sun 19 Jul 2009, 17:34, closed)

and yet you can't work out how the reply buttons work.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 11:12, closed)

is that even in the extremely unlikely situation that you managed not to get prosecuted for fraud or theft, your credit rating would be as low as it's possible to get, so you would never be allowed another bank account, which would pretty much scupper working for most companies that will insist on paying your salary into an account rather than giving you a cheque.
Even if you did get a job paying by cheque you would then be penalised by dodgy loan sharks for cashing your cheque, since no bank will deal with you. You would have to pay cash for all your utility bills, which means you will be paying the highest rates as they all give discounts for direct debits, and even getting a place to live will be very, very difficult as most decent landlords won't rent to someone without a bank account, so you'll be living in shitty accommodation for the rest of your life.
I should also imagine that, given what your suggesting clearly is a criminal attempt to steal money, that some form of arrest warrant may at some point be issued for you, so choosing the country you're going to will be pretty vital, it will have to be outside the EU for starters, which means no state subsidised health care for you any more, and no provision for retirement. So how exactly are you going to support yourself once your rather meagre amount of cash has dwindled away?
Have you really "stuck it to the man" yet? Have you?
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 16:14, closed)

The thing to do would NOT BE TO COME BACK. Use the 80K to set up a new ID in a developing but politically stable nation, and invest in a growth industry, ensuring you with a comfortable living for the rest of your days.
I'd recommend India or eco tourism in Bolivia.
With regards the credit cards I'm not sure it's theft though, seeing as the banks OFFERED you the credit. Fraud is the more likely charge, but proving intent is difficult, especially given that many of the banks won't help each other out by providing evidence, especially MBNA.
A lot of times, getting the statements for accounts that are over 2 years old is ridiculously difficult and time consuming given the poor electronic filing systems at the banks, so chances are you probably would get away with it. Especially seeing as the debt would have probably been sold through 4 or 5 other companies by the time the 6 years are up.
However, there is a chance, a small one, that you'd get convicted.
Personally if I was on the jury, I'd think about every time my bank had screwed me over and got away with it, and then find him not guilty.
( , Sat 18 Jul 2009, 17:13, closed)

Thats pretty much it. UK has shit health care compared to most European countries (check the league tables) shit schooling, shit law enforcement/crime rates, chavs by the truntybillzallion and is basically overcrowded and full of cocks and mcDonalds.
I live in a beautiful country with first rate health care (need a consultant, call for an appointment and turn up that week if not that day, the dentists, oh my god, the dentists. One girl in particular has just returned from England after practising for 3 years there. She hated it. "Why am I forced to use these crap old fashioned methods and materials by this crazy NHS" was her comment.), first rate civil srvice (took 23 hours for a passport to be issued, not a super expensive rush job, just normal, and we where told it was ready by text message which was pretty bloody amazing!), first rate schooling (14 children to the class! 2 languages taught as standard), all my friends and family visit, I have a career, family and friends out here. What have I lost by leaving the UK? channel 4. Oh gosh that hurts.
And it wasn't fraud you godammed eejeet (not you Mr. Magic) because I never indulged in any fraudulent behaviour. It wasn't theft because I made sure that all debts had a small first repayment made thereby making it a simple breach of contract not a crime and there was no deception. Who and what did I deceive? Did I lie to anyone? No. And given that although the total amount is £80,000 no one debt is more than £6 or 7000. Which is not enough to get any one company riled enough to bother doing anything except writing it off after 6 years.
So when I ever return to England will I have problems getting credit? No, because there will be no ccj's against me and my UK credit rating is being polished monthly by my UK bank account transactions. Yes, I still have a UK bank account and I still get payments into it from various legal business interests in the UK. And I still use that bank card for any internet and travel purchases thus ensuring a good credit score with that institution. And no, that bank won't pass on my details to any other bank because I don't owe them anything and they love me. Oh that's not true I hear you all say. Guess what, it is true and it has worked.
You all seem really upset that what I did works and is entirely legal. Methinks a little jealousy.
I giggle and chortle at you poor little wage slaves, tied to your little england by your innate fear of "authority", and your inability to step outside the light. Guess what, it's sunny outside ...you don't need a light.
So, if anyone is still reading this and pondering the plan. Go for it, you have nothing to lose except a high street full of chavs.
Only sheep need shepherds.
All your base belong to us.
( , Sun 19 Jul 2009, 17:29, closed)

You remind me of the Goat, but even more (if possible) deluded.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 10:38, closed)

I still have a UK bank account with a very good credit score. I didn't just stick it to the man, I fucked him right over.
(this went in the wrong place, should have gone a couple of comments up)
( , Sun 19 Jul 2009, 17:31, closed)

And I have bought myself a fuck off great big forest with loads of trees and deer and boar and some wolves and very occasionally bear. Whcih is so fucking cool I keep turning to ice. All paid for by Mr. Barclaycard and his cohorts. Cheers lads, ta muchly!
( , Sun 19 Jul 2009, 17:39, closed)

And forestry is a good way to earn a living, specially when all it involves is hiring contractors and spending the proceeds.
Aaaah isn't life beeeeeeeuutiful.
( , Sun 19 Jul 2009, 17:47, closed)

Although I do enjoy doing the replanting, tis hard work but immensely satisfying.
( , Sun 19 Jul 2009, 17:48, closed)

care to name your country? I wanna know where you can buy a big fuck off forest that makes a pile of dosh for 80 k.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 0:00, closed)

I don't believe this is possible - CCJ's can be applied for in your absence & will automatically be awarded in the claimants favour if you don't respond to the court with a set period. Plus the debt will stay on your credit record until they are settled & you have applied for a satisfaction certificate to mark them settled on your credit record. Once you have the CCJ marked as settled it will then remain on your credit record for 6 years. You can check your credit record with Experian.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 9:51, closed)

There is an enormous hole in the fabric of lies you've told, you stupid fucking troll.
You keep saying how it's impossible to put a CCJ on you as you're abroad, how the banks don't know where to find you and how you have a perfect credit score. Yet you bang on about several mortgages and rented properties and all sorts of activity on your bank account. Any one of those properties would serve as an address to file a CCJ in absentia, and you would have liens on those houses and your account so fast your shrivelled ringpiece wouldn't even have time to pucker up.
That is, of course, if there was the slightest shred of truth in anything you've said.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 12:45, closed)

Did you not think at any point that this economic shithole we're in is caused by wankers like you accruing debt with no intention / ability to pay it back?.
Cheers, Indirectly that's my money you've jacked.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 13:47, closed)

The 6 year rule is "attempted to contact"
not "contact"
There's a fairly massive difference. Writing a letter to the address you lived at before covers the first point nicely. If you've fucked off without telling them where, the problem lies with you. They can and will keep up the pursuit of the debt for as long as suits them, and when you come back to the UK it will be to a very nasty surprise.
However, I'm pretty sure this post is a full-supermodel-titted-Honda-Accord, so it's probably irrelevant anyway.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 15:22, closed)

but I am pretty sure that the six year limit is suspended for the time you are out of the country.
In fact - I am actually DEAD CERTAIN.
so - not only are you committing fraud you will also still owe them the money with MAHOOSIVE interest payments on it.
how dumb can one person be?
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 16:03, closed)
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