The best thing I've built
Wehttamman asks: My dad and I once built a go-kart from chipboard, pram wheels and an engine from a lawn mower. It didn't work... so tell us about your favourite things you've made, and whether they were a triumph or complete failure.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 11 Oct 2012, 12:00)
Built this flophouse for some undeserving children back in '02

was a triumph but the kids got addicted to rock candy and burned it to the ground
smearballs double bag it!, Sat 13 Oct 2012, 19:51,
7 replies)
I wouldn't let my kids into that house, not with the grumpy paedophile standing outside.
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Sat 13 Oct 2012, 20:27,
Where's Wally: Beast Wing Edition.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Sat 13 Oct 2012, 21:09,
Where's Wally Hiding His Victims
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Sat 13 Oct 2012, 21:33,
Grumpy paedophiles are the worst sort of paedophiles.
Ring Of Fire A petty, drooling belming butthurt retard., Sat 13 Oct 2012, 23:36,
now then
Now then
speedevil, Sun 14 Oct 2012, 17:01,
Do you sometimes get bored of doing this?
Sometimes the atavistic insults can be quite amusing, but then I don't have to read them all day every day.
I can't begin to imagine how dull it must be to feel obliged to continually post them.
4Q just lurking, Tue 16 Oct 2012, 23:43,
NEARLY as dull as feeling the need to complain about jokes, on a comedy forum?
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 17 Oct 2012, 21:18,
Do you mean 'undeserved' or 'undeserving'?
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Sun 14 Oct 2012, 17:02,
I'd say some slapper got knocked up behind a pub and he got dragged in to be the grumpy paedo Dad even though it wasn't his fault.
Dr Preference AjcuiVd289, Sun 14 Oct 2012, 20:59,
Those trousers
are really fuckin' ugly.
username failed moderation, Tue 16 Oct 2012, 16:02,
I like it.
4Q just lurking, Tue 16 Oct 2012, 23:39,
nice job
i think it looks good too
Cov Boy, Wed 17 Oct 2012, 9:40,