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This is a question I don't understand the attraction

Smaug says: Ricky Gervais. Lesbian pr0n. Going into a crowded bar, purely because it's crowded. All these things seem to be popular with everybody else, but I just can't work out why. What leaves you cold just as much as it turns everyone else on?

(, Thu 15 Oct 2009, 14:54)
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Anti-religion rants.
Okay. You're a rabid-foaming-at-the-mouth-hardcore-believer Atheist. I get it. Now please shut up about it. You're a religious nutcase like all the others. Get over it.
You can't prove God exists, and you can't prove God doesn't exist. You can stamp your little feet and pout your lip and threaten to hold your breath or thqueam and thqueam and thqueam until you're sick all you want, but you still can't prove God doesn't exist.

In the meantime, stick with your faith but keep it to yourself, okay?
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 1:41, 33 replies)
fair enough
I've got to say though, I havent seen many aetheist suicide bombers recently.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 1:47, closed)
and i cant remember the last time an aetheist protested gay marriage or soldiers funerals either...
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 2:26, closed)
We had atheists on the doorstep the other day.
'Hello, have you heard the bad news?'
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 7:52, closed)
makes you think
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 9:03, closed)
That's 'cos we don't live in China
They've had a whole spate of Communists blowing themselves up in protest that China just isn't as Communist as it should be any more.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:43, closed)
"china suicide bombers" in google just brings up our old friends the jihadis
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:53, closed)
Not that I support
absolute foaming at the mouth atheism, but it's less of a faith than an adherence to the scientific method.

Atheism is, by definition, the absence of faith. Faith is the belief in something in the absence of logical evidence or proof, it is maintaining the same set of beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence. Science evolves and adapts, it is not faith, it is learning.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 2:53, closed)
The only thing that atheists have in common is that they don't believe in deities. Making sweeping statements about atheists is like having a go at people who don't support Manchester United ("they're all the bloody same").
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 10:12, closed)
Fair enough
....but...prove to me that you don't have a french horn.

It's not really possible to prove a negative, so asking someone to prove the non-existence of God is a bit futile, and not much of an argument FOR the existence of said being.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 7:58, closed)
Not only that
but seeing as their claim was first, doesn't that mean that the onus is on them to do the proving that God does exist?
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 8:41, closed)
Religious people are just a easy target for pity, nothing else. They know this or they would not do it. Grown up people with the firm belief that there is a big tooth fairy running it all...hmmmm.

Our job is not to laugh at them but try to help them. Religion is a disease like any other, well kind of. It's transmitted from Adult to child strangely enough though I would not know why they target the defenceless, that's something I have never worked out to be honest.

Any ideas why they would do this ? As for keeping my belief to myself, no problem ...just remove all places of worship from around the world, as in level to ground and remove all the songs of praise bolox from the TV and you will also be keeping it to yourself.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 8:10, closed)
"I would not know why they target the defenceless"
because they're defenceless.

a bit like Iraq was in 2003.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 8:42, closed)
Most atheists (in fact most religious types too) don't give a stuff what other people believe
they just want a quiet life.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 8:27, closed)
About six posts on every page of this QOTW would suggest otherwise.
Most atheists seem to want to ram their beliefs down everyone's throats.
If I was a rather more militant agnostic I'd want to ram my belief down everyone's throat too, but I don't.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 8:53, closed)
Atheists don't have beliefs
that's kind of the whole point

...and in a QOTW about things you don't see the attraction in, surely most if not all atheists don't see the attraction in religion? I certainly don't get the point of singing songs to the sky...
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 9:28, closed)
They simply don't believe in a god. They - presumably - do believe in other abstract concepts, such as 'right' and 'wrong'.

And in any event, most atheist posts tend not to be a gentle reflection on why the poster doesn't personally see the point in religion. Instead, they tend towards abusive chastisement and smug superiority.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 10:19, closed)
most of the ones I've seen on here tend to be of the flavour:
I don't see the point of blah blah blah

blah blah blah

blah blah blah

...and religion.

But let's not let that get in the way of the Christians with a persecution complex. Since when did rational debate, or logic, or evidence, or truth mean anything to religionists anyway?
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 11:14, closed)
What beliefs?
Some atheists have vocal disagreements with people who want to push their supernatural agenda (e.g. teaching "Intelligent Design" instead of evolution, writing laws based on religious dogma etc.) and will get quite foamy about it. I'm one of them.

Most atheists only go as far as not going to church and changing channel when Songs of Praise comes on.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 10:20, closed)
some religious types
are very nice and help a lot of other people, they're not all weirdos. Just sayin'
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 9:05, closed)
This wins the award for most understated sentence ever
Good job!
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 9:57, closed)
"You can't prove God exists, and you can't prove God doesn't exist"
Indeed. But just because there are two opposing views, it doesn't mean that both have equal validity.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 10:14, closed)
Despite what everyone else says
Good point, sir. I had an ex who ended up being quite abusive towards me because I am Christian and wouldn't give it up because he was an atheist, despite me never once asking him to go to church or believe what I believe. There are people of every belief who give it a bad name. I left him in the end, he still didn't get what he was doing wrong though.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 10:49, closed)
Like a sieve,
this post is full of holes.
Atheists aren't religious and by definition have no faith. We don't have to disprove god, this is something you don't seem to get. There's an abundant lack of evidence which already does that. Theists have to try and prove it exists to have any credibility. They can't and so don't.

If you're confusing a load of "I don't get religion" posts with rabid atheism you're very much mistaken. If people see something as stupid then they're allowed to say it.

Every atheist I know doesn't give a fuck what man in the sky you talk to until it fucks with their lives. If you try and introduce religious laws or tell me that I'm going to hell, I'll give you both barrels. That's my right to debate and free speech in a democracy. Keep it to yourself and you can do what you want in your own time as far as I'm concerned. Very simple and much the same as a political viewpoint.

Religion is not special. It is only as important as any other point of view. It does not deserve any protection from attack and should be rigourously debated whenever it comes up. To pussyfoot around and appease it is ridiculous in this day and age.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 11:21, closed)
I like this

(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 11:36, closed)
Me too

(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 11:47, closed)
I agree.
Christians are generally rather nice people. Why bother them if they aren't shoving a pamphlet in your hand?

And this goes for every focus group- militant atheists, gays etc. Yeah the Christian church has done stuff wrong. How about you focus on religions which mean much more damage to you? Catholics might not let you get married in the church, but they aren't going to hang or stone you.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 11:34, closed)
...but Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, their spiritual leader in Britain, has gone on record
saying that atheists are not "fully human" and an atheist society would be the "Fourth Reich" (conveniently ignoring that the "Third Reich" was led by a Catholic with the full support of the Pope).

Oh, and the Pope is a fuckwit threatening the lives of millions of people by claiming that condoms cause Aids. That's not even getting into the issue of the institutionalised rape of tens of thousands of children.

Some Catholics may be nice people but they tacitly support an institution that is rotten to the core. I'm sure members of the BNP are nice if you meet them socially but I still think that the organisation they belong to is abhorrent.

And would you care to explain what a "militant atheist" is? Someone who speaks their mind? Asks questions? Writes books? Shoots abortion doctors? Flies planes into buildings?
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 11:45, closed)
The nice Christians are the ones who do get left alone.
I had a couple of old dears asking if I was interest in the Gospel on my doorstep the other day. I politely declined, they went on their way and I went back to killing space aliens from space. They didn't question the destination of my immortal soul, I didn't tell them they believe a load of hogwash. No-one got offended.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:06, closed)
Errr, No.
Firstly, I can pretty much prove in about a hundred different ways that God as portrayed in the Bible does not exist.

Secondly, if atheists didn't attempt to spread a bit of sense around occasionally then religion would have a much greater foothold over society and anyone who has done any sort of research on it at all would realise that's a bad thing.

Thirdly, this: www.christianvoice.org.uk/Press/press133.html

While evil sanctimonious narrow minded vindictive cunts hold opinions like this then I'll purposely go out of my way to vocally fight their nasty little opinions every chance I get.

Telling me to shut up about the hideous vagaries of religion would be like telling the anti-Nazi party in 1930 to "calm down, everyone's entitled to their opinion!". Not when it's patently wrong and fucking unpleasant they're not.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 11:55, closed)
Last night I went back in time to the 1930s
and I bummed Joseph Stalin.

I suppose it's hard for you to know if this is the truth or not. After all you may not be able to prove I did, but then again you can't prove I didn't. Maybe you should toss a coin?
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:04, closed)
Isn't that the plot
to C&C:Red Alert 5?
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:07, closed)
Quite possibly.

(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:10, closed)
you're not very bright are you
here this just about covers it: our invisible friend

having said that - it's probably still a stretch for you.

what it boils down is this. your religious friends are not harmless - not by a long shot. war, bigotry, terrorism - i could go on.

i have yet to see atheist wage war on a believer

you are like most religion apologists, ill informed and ignorant.
(, Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:21, closed)

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