Smash Monkey asks: "what's the creepiest thing you've seen, heard or felt? What has sent shivers running up your spine and skidmarks running up your undercrackers? Tell us, we'll make it all better"
( , Thu 7 Apr 2011, 13:57)
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... I mean.. don't we all? What is the point if what we perceive as life is just this? We get old, our bodies cant cope anymore and we die. Thats it.. Our conciousness dies, our memory dies, our personality. Then there is nothing.
Unless you have done something particularly special in your time, then within 100 years time, nobody will have any living memory of you.
So when you spent months working hard, day in day out creating something. Getting really stressed to achieve something. Or helped someone out by making a huge sacrifice by doing so. Then whats it matter if your life in the grand scheme of the universe was just a blink of an eye?
Its just a sad ending after all the hard work you put into life, for it to just be meaningless at the very end. So naturally people will want to believe that there is somewhere else to go onto. Or when they have lost a loved one, that they are somewhere nice.
Now with that on board. Religion such as Cristianity seems to play the reward or punishment game. By convincing followers that if they do this they go to heaven, and if they dont do it, they go to hell. By praying on the natural curiosity about life after death, they control people. The poeple who claim to be able to Astral Project their conciousness into the afterlife, say "I dont expect you to believe us. But this is how you do it. Give it a try." That to me, speaks more volumes than any biblical publication which just expect you to follow everything word for word and believe in it.
People like Tom Campbell are normal people. Who is a professional physicist with expertise in large-system simulations, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis, working mostly in the context of US missile defense systems, including working with the Space and Missile Defense Command, the Missile Defense Agency and NASA. He aint just some jock off the street or some tribesman from the jib jab tribe constantly getting high on Salvia. He was introduced to Astral Projection. Learned how to do it and helped Monroe with scientific experiments. Check out his interview on Coast to Coast AM about My Big Theory of Everything. Because it is fascinating stuff.
( , Wed 13 Apr 2011, 17:50, 3 replies)

There's more to be excited about in a single drop of sea water than all pseudoscience combined.
As you've eloquently explained, you're looking for a comfort blanket to hide under.
Come out from under it and really open your mind to the gobsmacking beauty, complexity and all-round amazingness of the universe.
( , Wed 13 Apr 2011, 18:18, closed)

You really are a fucking idiot.
( , Wed 13 Apr 2011, 19:52, closed)

Im merely just leveling with the masses if I mentioned some tribesman on Salvia. (btw Salvia was used by mystical people going back to the eons to gain higher states of conciousness)
And you sir, are just obviously closed minded to anything beyond your natural five senses. Which is fine. But remember, just because you can't see it. Doesn't mean its not there. Remember, we can't see radio waves or feel them or hear them without a special device called a radio. Before the days of radio, then such things also would have been perceived as nonsense, controversial or mystical. Quite similar to how we perceive the Astral non-physical planes now. Because we don't currently have definitive means to bring the astral plane into line to our physical senses.
You are some what deluded if you believe that as humans, we know everything and can see everything there is to see around us.
I guess only time will tell, if one day the notion of additional dimensions, realms, spirit worlds, or whatever you want to call it become common and accepted knowledge. Or maybe science will develop further to prove its a load of rubbish. In the meantime a healthy debate about it is always good. Slandering people for trying to think outside the box and take on new ideas, isnt constructive.
( , Wed 13 Apr 2011, 20:05, closed)

And there is no consensus on the cultural history of salvia. What the fuck are "mystical" people? More hippy bollocks and casual racism.
Using the scientific revolution and the extraordinary progress it has allowed us to make in understanding the physical universe as evidence that your fantasies of mystical hokum might exist is utterly utterly fatuous. There are so many logical flaws in that argument that it's actually offensive to the eyes.
Astral planes are categorically bollocks. Absolutely and unequivocally bollocks. And the fact that you desperately want to believe in them rather than learning about the countless array of vastly more interesting and (critically) vastly more real things in the universe is beyond stupid. It is wilfully stupid. You're wasting the brain that you were born with. And that makes you a fucking idiot.
( , Wed 13 Apr 2011, 20:20, closed)

But, gorluvvaduck, you need to chill the fuck out...
( , Wed 13 Apr 2011, 20:51, closed)

It's this mystical aztec thing involving ancient herbs and the spirits of my ancestors that you probably wouldn't understand with your blinkered materialist view of the universe. Or ... you know ... it might just be an ability to type words into a box on a messageboard. We'll just never know.
[tales of the unexpected theme music]
[on pan pipes]
( , Wed 13 Apr 2011, 23:00, closed)

on account of you being a fucking idiot.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2011, 8:48, closed)
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