IHateSprouts tells us they once avoided getting caught up in an IRA bomb attack by missing a train. Tell us how you've dodged the Grim Reaper, or simply avoided a bit of trouble.
( , Thu 19 Aug 2010, 12:31)
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I have been away from home for a while, and just returned the other night. While I was gone my adult son tells me of a few things that need repair around the house, so I got in my car to go get some supplies. As I had spent the day working around the house I decided that I was entitled to a cider or two, so I put the bottles in the car and drove off.
I had gotten near the first store I was to visit and had finished off one cider, so I dropped the bottle behind the seat of my convertible. Just as I did so I spotted the police car sitting in a gas station parking lot. Close call, I thought as I drove by. I had only had the one so I was in no danger of DUI, but an open container can get you in enough shit as it is.
Just as I thought I was clear he pulled out, came up behind me and put on his lights. I reached behind the seat, pulled out a roll of paper towels that has been tucked back there and set them on top of the cider bottles. Thin, I knew, but it had to at least be tried.
The cop approached the car. "Sir, do you have your license and registration?"
"Sure." I pulled out my wallet and dug through the glove compartment for the registration, expecting him at any moment to mention my quick movement behind the seat. I handed them to him.
"Sir, I pulled you because you have an expired vehicle inspection."
HOLY SHIT. He hadn't noticed. "I do? When did that happen?"
"At the beginning of the month."
"Shit! I've been out of town for the past four weeks."
He walked back to his car for a minute, then returned- pretty fast writing, I thought. But wait, where was the ticket? He only had by license and registration! "Okay, I'm going to take your word for it tonight, but every day you drive you face a new fine."
"Yeah, no problem, I'll take to to the shop on Monday." I took back the papers gratefully and left.
When I reached the store I looked and realized that the top of the unopened cider was in plain view. I don't know if it was the end of his shift and he couldn't be arsed or if he didn't see it, but he could easily have gotten me for an open container violation.
I had the nervous giggles for a half hour. And left the other cider unopened.
( , Sun 22 Aug 2010, 22:49, 23 replies)

One cider is perfectly legal, and hugely unlikely to lead to automotive ruin. People do worse every time they get in the car a little bit tired.
EDIT: just glanced over your previous answers - which make you seem quite sound, by the way - and read this:
"When I was driving trucks around this wonderful green and lush land and causing chaos along the way I pulled out in front of a Middle aged lady on a roundabout forcing her to screech to a halt."
OP was pulled on a technicality, not for directly impeding the progress of other motorists. Splinters, eyes, etc...
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 2:27, closed)

according to recent medical advice, the bit between 0% and 0.05% is one of the worst for driving (or other activities requiring sound judgement). The general idea is that you are not yet obviously drunk or incapacitated, yet the part of your brain that that will usually stop you from making a bad decision has just been anesthetised.
According to the doctor that relayed this study, this is one the worst states to drive in, despite being legal. His reasoning also went on to mention that it is unlikely that any government (Australia) will lower to the limit to 0%bac as they don't want to be unpopular, thus failing to be re-elected.
The fact that this guy failed to notice the obvious uncovered bottle while focusing on the other, is perhaps an indicator of reality.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 2:46, closed)

...or oversight. It's worth noting that the (presumably) sober copper didn't notice it either.
As an aside - it's perfectly possible for a non-drinker to have a BAC above 0%. Zero tolerance would make criminals of people who've not drunk so much as a sip of beer, let alone a pint.
I'd like to see this study, if you have the link to hand... The implication seems to be that you somehow get *better* at driving after the first pint.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 2:59, closed)

if I can get my hands on a hard copy, the information came via a well respected doctor, whilst talking about the effect of various drugs and their use whilst maintaining or flying aircraft. There is no implication that you get *better* at driving after the 1st pint, but that the effect are more obvious, both to the drinker and those around them.
As for myself, I can feel the significant effect that just 1 beer has on me, and because of this I refuse to drive, ride or fly at all, if I have had anything to drink.(or drink if I am going to drive/ride/fly)
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 14:32, closed)

Since when has it been illegal to have an open bottle in a car?
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 7:57, closed)

It's long been illegal in most parts of the US. ICBW but I think in some places you're not allowed to carry alcohol in the passenger compartment at all - you have to carry it in the boot (or trunk as they say over there).
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 8:36, closed)

My Canadian friend was amazed when we showed him drive-through bottle shops (off-licences) in Australia. In Canuck land alcohol still seems to be a sin, and can only be carried locked away in the trunk of a car, after purchase from a dingy Government - run shop. The wrath of the Lord & the law will hit you if you try and carry an open container in your car or on the street. Amen.
( , Tue 24 Aug 2010, 9:54, closed)

a moderate wine intake causes an increase in your cognitive abilities, while being teetotal can lower them.
Boston University Medical Centre in the USA replied to the study to say:
"The results of this study support findings from previous research on the topic: In the last three decades, the association between moderate alcohol intake and cognitive function has been investigated in 68 studies comprising 145,308 men and women from various populations with various drinking patterns. Most studies show an association between light to moderate alcohol consumption and better cognitive function and reduced risk of dementia, including both vascular dementia and Alzheimer's Disease."
My own study, comparing levels of drunkenness with pool and quiz scores, showed the same effect- booze is good to a point.
I still don't drink and drive, though. Seems like a very good way of losing your license.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 8:59, closed)

What this means is you know a little quicker that you're about to ram into a packed bus stop, but as it takes you 3 x as long to get your foot onto the brake pedal, it hasn't really helped.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 12:40, closed)

... in studies that actually correlate intoxication with road accidents, there is a statistically significant dip in accident likelihood at low consumption (< about 0.04%). The original study that found this dip is called the "Grand Rapids study" (if you want to look it up) and it has been repeatedly reproduced since, much to the annoyance of the zero-tolerance proponents. The study showed the accident rate only really starts to increase above the 0 BAC baseline somewhere between 0.06% and 0.08%, and this heavily influenced the limits set by drink driving laws across the world (back in the days when laws were based on evidence rather than hysteria).
The purported dangers of the effect on components of driving ability (coordination, decision-making, hazard perception) at low BAC simply don't show up in any real accident statistics. Lab studies are not a good measure of driving ability.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 10:16, closed)

Blood alcohol limits are pretty much in line with that though. We don't have zero limits. The limits we have are pretty much where the lowest denominator meets your statistics.
A pint of lager probably won't put you over the limit, and probably has little effect on your driving. A couple of pints may well put you over the limit. They will also effect most peoples driving. I know it would affect mine, and I'm a fairly hefty 6 footer.
There are probably a few people who it wouldn't affect, but then there are probably a lot of 13 year olds who could drive cars without problems. The limits aren't designed for averages, they're designed to cover the minimums. In real life nobody needs to drink and drive, they just do it because they're either too lazy to make safe arrangments, or they simply don't care. Either one of those makes them a bit of a tool.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 13:28, closed)

is one thing that always pushes my buttons and will get a reaction every time.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 9:45, closed)

I'm still alive.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 10:19, closed)

In fact it's more or less perfectly safe for me to get in any number of cars pissed out of my face. I'll let you figure out why.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 14:36, closed)

In fact I think at least the last 10 times I was in a car I was very drunk. On Saturday I got in a car after 3 beers and loads of shots.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 14:44, closed)

bothered either way, but I'd be a bit worried about myself if I bought a couple of bottles of cider, and couldn't actually wait till I got home to start drinking them.
The original poster knew having the open bottle was an offence, so he's obviously not bothered about whether he's within the law or not. Do we assume that 'I had only had the one, so I was in no danger of a DUI' means if he hadn't seen the cop, he'd have drunk the other one as well?
All sounds like a bit of a problem.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 12:34, closed)

I had been home during the day doing laundry and such, and went to the hardware store for a few things to do some repairs. As the hardware store is a little way distant, I brought a cider for the trip there and one for the trip home- not a large amount, as I'm six feet and over 200 lbs with a high metabolism. Just enough to take the edge off for a few minutes, really. It would have worked out to two 12 oz ciders in about two hours.
I'm not terribly fussed over minor breaches of the law. I'll piss in the bushes if I have to, I'll sometimes ride without a seat belt, I sometimes go well over the speed limit, and sometimes will have an open drink with me if the mood hits. If that makes me a bad person, so be it I guess.
( , Mon 23 Aug 2010, 22:10, closed)
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