B3TA fixes the world
Moon Monkey says: Turn into Jeremy Clarkson for a moment, and tell us about the things that are so obviously wrong with the world, and how they should be fixed. Extra points for ludicrous over-simplification, blatant mis-representation, and humourous knob-gags.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:53)
Relish your farts
enoughblueskyforsailorstrousers, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 13:51,
6 replies)
Why do farts
smell so much
worse better in the bath?
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 13:52,
Also, why do hot water and cold water smell different?
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 14:44,
Google appears to be our friend, Mr Monkey...
help.com/post/96615-why-does-hot-water-smell-differentanswers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071227144400AA4q7TFAlthough the answer to my question smells a bit fishy.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 14:56,
I prefer burger sauce
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 13:53,
Burger sauce for your ass burgers.
MrOli is ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 13:54,
In what way would this be a change?
moon monkey is busy making memories worth repressing, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 14:42,