Tell us your stories of churches and religion (or lack thereof). Let the smiting begin!
Question suggested by Supersonic Electronic
( , Thu 19 Mar 2009, 15:00)
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Hardcore atheists are just as annoying, if not more annoying, than hardcore religious types.
I'm an atheist too but seriously, telling your tales of conquest and pwnage over someone because they believe in something different is exactly the same as the preachy types who try and convert you.
Preachy, pushy, arsehole atheists make me ashamed to believe what I do - just like I'm sure preachy, pushy, arsehole Christians make normal Christians ashamed to believe in God.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 14:56, 11 replies)

and couldn't agree more if I actually crawled inside your body and... hang on, that's getting a bit weird...
anway, I agree completely. Cheers.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 15:01, closed)

For saying what I have been thinking all week!
EDIT: Click.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 15:55, closed)

Unfortunately, his philosophies were hijacked by the Nazis and used as an excuse to try and take over the world.
Why can't we all just get along? We don't need Jesus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster to say it to realise this.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 15:59, closed)

it wasnt his philosophies that were taken by the nazis per se, rather it was those of his sister, who had a large role in distributing his material but changing it to suit her own (nazi) needs at the same time.
that was my understanding from german history classes a couple of years back ...
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 17:51, closed)

I hate telling people I'm an atheist because of dickwads like these. Atheism is still a leap of faith anyway - you can't disprove the existence of God.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 18:32, closed)

It's a conclusion of sound reasoning, only because you can't disprove the existence of something does not make it a leap of faith to say it does not exist.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 19:35, closed)

Religion as a whole is illogical and irrational, yet it affects our society, both in this coutry and worldwide. I think it deserves all the kicking it gets.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 19:06, closed)

I'm just giving it the respect it deserves...
Chicken, Fluffles: Allow me to cement myself firmly in the pigeon-hole you've so lovingly prepared.
Religion isn't sweet little old ladies baking cakes to raffle for charity. It's 'owning' your wife, and beating her whenever you please. It's 1000 Africans a day dying of aids, and some little bloke who lives in a palace objecting to them doing something that would save a lot of their lives, because the little house of cards he's built to hide from reality in is too fragile. It's millions of deaths brought about squabbling over whose imaginary friend is better, and which bit of land he said you could live on. It's beating your 4 year old daughter to death when she has an epileptic fit because you think she has an evil spirit inside her.
Well, pardon me for being utterly sickened by it. Pardon me for refusing to just watch something sickening happening without speaking out. Pardon me for thinking that beliefs which can be checked by anyone should outweigh beliefs you just found lying around in an old book. Pardon me for not wallowing in intellectual cowardice when faced with difficult questions. Pardon me for thinking "I don't know, yet" is a perfectly valid answer to any question.
Fuck religion, fuck defending it as nothing more than a different opinion, and fuck people being indignant at having any of this pointed out to them.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 22:59, closed)

You know it's getting bad when an atheist is telling another atheist why religion is bad... uhhh... *facepalm*
Today I have learnt a lesson. Never talk about religion on the internet. Ever.
( , Tue 24 Mar 2009, 0:02, closed)

...tell you right at the start that I was going to fit neatly into your pigeonhole?
I must know though - did you miss my point entirely? 'Cause it would appear so given the lack of a specific response, and if that's the case I just don't know how I'm going to keep the whelming of irony within reasonable bounds.
( , Tue 24 Mar 2009, 1:36, closed)

All religions have their flaws, but I believe it is the people that ruin religions, not religions themselves.
There are plenty of people who are perfectly able to take away positive messages from the Bible.
I am personally against people who twist the words of the Bible to suit their own agendas, because that shouldn't be what Christianity is about.
I guess I'm just annoyed at mean atheists because some good friends of mine and my own boyfriend and his family are Christian. They are mild-mannered, church-going people who have a genuine desire to help others through their faith. One of my mates wants to be a youth counsellor, my boyfriend's dad does amazing humanitarian work overseas... you get the picture. Hell, some of them are vocal about gay rights. They're not the scary preacher, "You're all going to hell!" types at all.
So I get a bit upset when they happen to mention their belief in God and some smart arse atheist starts picking a fight with them over it, purely based on the negative Christian stereotype when they don't actually know the person at all!
I suppose this post stems from sticking up for my friends, above anything. I don't believe in the same things as they do, but that shouldn't stop me from recognising a decent person or being able to respect their views as they respect mine.
( , Mon 23 Mar 2009, 23:02, closed)
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