Spimf says: I've always enjoyed listening to Pink Floyd, but lately I've noticed if my iPod plays any of their tracks, I skip them. I'm starting to realise I've gone off them. What have you gone off lately?
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 12:15)
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I've gone off the song 'Maneater' by Hall and Oates.
Every week I run miles and miles. Thousands of steps. Steps over rocks and steps over concrete and puddles.
Some while ago, I put rocks into my coat pockets and rocks into my rucksack and I sat alone on a cold beach. There was a sign for no dogshit please and there was a shut down ice cream parlour and there was no one there and in my hand there was a bottle of gin and then the gin was gone. I was obsessed with doing it on holiday. It just sounded so...statemental. A clue to a deeper question, hidden in the banality of my answer. I sat and drank the gin while the sea smirked white smiles, and the wind; the wind howled. I saw traces of sand blown in wisps along the shore and I looked for meaning, and I found a meaning and so I quickly steered my thoughts away. I debated leaving my shoes on the shore. A plastic epitaph by Shoe Express. But I wanted more to vanish entirely. I wanted most for almost every single thing I'd touched to be washed so it would be clean of me. I started to walk into the sea and the waves lapped at my knees then at the black hole in my belly, then at my throat and I could feel the rocks and the waves, and the sand of the shore, and the wind howled. The sea tasted of cheap salt. Of bad tears. While all this was going on; the gin and the wind, the way the big rocks had been turned into meaningless sand, and the way the sea just fucking sat there, the salt, holidays, I had the song 'Maneater' by Hall and Oates in my head. It amazed me that, at a time supposedly as portentious as this, I could have a fucking song in my head. I stumbled as I sang, "watch out boy's she'll cheeew you up". The waves covered my head to the saxophone riff.
I was underwater, hoping for meaning. But all that I could hear was 'the beauty is there but a beast is in the heart" It got so that I knew if I took one more step, I'd be free. One more step. But I couldn't. I couldn't take a single step. Instead, I dropped the rucksack with the rocks, turned round and headed back to the coast.
Then I went home to my family and no one knows. Dried out, stopped over thinking. Mental, really. But,oh, every time I hear that song.
That rucksack and the rocks are probably still there, under the surface.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 17:27, 41 replies)

you should make this your suicide note. everyone would understand.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 17:50, closed)

and am wanking as I type my reply.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 20:35, closed)

is why this site is dying on its arse. Click on the OP's username. See what he contributed to the site in the past. Then, his first post in 3 years gets the predictable response from the shower, nay deluge, of twats that have invaded this board.
Please, Rob, kill off QOTW; it's just home now to people with some fairly serious personality disorders and any "talent" there might have once been here has been driven off by the braying pricks like those who've commented above me.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 21:44, closed)

hope this helps xxx
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 22:22, closed)

...and in he charges, on his Shetland destrier, dual wielding his weapons of Dullness and Sanctimony.
EDIT: did you have any luck sniveling to the mods about Ringo's sock puppet?
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 22:28, closed)

PROTIP: your imagination made it in the first place
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 22:48, closed)

So now you want me to furnish it, too?
I dunno, there's a shitty brown couch, smells vaguely of mould and despair. Floral carpet, long past its best and threadbare in many places. Half pint of piss beside the camp bed, which is itself covered in greying, unwashed sheets. All illuminated by the guttering light of a single candle, burned now for so many hopeless nights that it's no longer than your cock.
Do I have to do all the work, here?
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:00, closed)

who else lives in the building, what kind of neighbourhood is it in, whereabouts in the country is it
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:06, closed)

Sorry, it imaginarily burned down. You were in it at the time.
No-one came to the funeral.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:10, closed)

Damp and somewhere in Finsbury Park, right?
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 11:40, closed)

Well, you dodged a bullet there. He was on your case, warbling about getting you a permaban or something, right up to the moment he deleted the thread in a rare moment of self-awareness.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:27, closed)

did you look up "self-awareness" on Wikipedia, or Urban Dictionary?
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:44, closed)

You've already stunk up one subthread with your dull, trying for two is just needy.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:57, closed)

what's your favourite Mike + the Mechanics album?
you can't say Living Years
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:59, closed)

Can't say as I've ever listened to a whole album of theirs, but I remember them having something quite listenable in the charts at roughly the same time OMD were peddling "Sailing on the Seven Seas". So I'll go for the album that came from, whichever it was.
At the time, I preferred Roxette.
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 0:09, closed)

It's a bit dis-heartening that 2 of my stories FP'd last week - I was pleased but really I know I'm not the best out there - it's just sad that a lot of the good story tellers don't even bother sticking their heads around the door lest they get showered in dribbly shit.
TBH it seems as tho the mods either are too busy with their digits in dogs bums or some of them appear to be in collusion with the shit-flingers & if that's the case then why even bother coming here anymore?
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 0:02, closed)

Fair point, but there were one or two Narcissistic gobshites amongst the "classic" posters of yore. In any event, I much prefer an under-modded forum to an over-modded one.
Pity about stories like the OP's here, though - nicely written, inoffensive, more or less on topic, and still coated with the aforementioned dribbly shit.
Hey, ho.
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 0:17, closed)

who were perhaps somewhat "inventive" with their stories - but at least they were generally well-written and on-topic and amusing.
The howls now of "lies" whenever anyone posts anything which may, for example, involve that person having had sex (which does, strangely enough, happen to most people, although the arseholes who now clog up QoTW could probably not believe that) and general abuse that greets most posters has put off most people from bothering.
In general I'd agree with you about the desirable levels of moderation, once the 10 worst offenders at the moment had been nuked from orbit. However, as they are so desperate for the strange validation they take from coming out with their crap, odds are they would be back before too long anyway.
Hey-ho, there's always the QoTW archive to look at for good stories...
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 1:00, closed)

srsly good laughs in some of those Popular Pages.
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 8:24, closed)

failed suicide attemps and alcoholism. thanks for playing though..
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 22:32, closed)

More tedious whining really? Don't you ever run out of bile or is there an unlimited supply to draw from?
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 16:18, closed)

you'll find you're barking up the wrong tree re whining.
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 16:36, closed)

We could all use that, instead. We'll all save so much time when we can reply "Reply No. 4", rather than typing anything more complicated.
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 0:37, closed)

But I'm not sure that this well-known self-help website is the best place for him.
( , Thu 15 Aug 2013, 22:44, closed)

i think you might be lost. this is a comedy forum where people post silly stories, puns and sex lies
also - try fire or earth next time. water is too unreliable. it's a lot harder to coward out and shrug off a tyre full of petrol when your fat is melting and your sinews have become as brittle as twigs
hope this helps
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 8:10, closed)

Didn't taste nice and it made my farts highly flammable
( , Fri 16 Aug 2013, 16:20, closed)

( , Sat 17 Aug 2013, 13:41, closed)

I really enjoyed this. You have one heck of a talent with words, and an eye for pathos.
The banality of it all is just brilliant. Good luck with your journey.
( , Mon 19 Aug 2013, 13:38, closed)
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