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Thinly-disguised entrances to Hell where bad things happen. Tell us your dancefloor disasters.

(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 12:35)
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Just this Friday
Last weekend was at a great little rave down in Vauxhall, having the usual fun of not really having a clue which way is up.

Night progresses, and one of my mates is looking a little worse for wear on the dancefloor. This is not uncommon for him, and so I carry on having the seizure that passes for dancing while off your face.

Soon enough, he starts to retch, and I see his cheeks fill up with the good stuff. I give him the thumbs up and have a good laugh, after all, he was pilled up to the eyeballs, so the experience wasn't that bad for him.

What he did next made my night, and most probably the month. He grins as me as much as is possible with a mouthful of puke, tilts his head back, and gargles it like a particularly chunky variety of mouthwash. A good five seconds. Then a quick swallow and he was raving away like the drugged up bugger he is.

Good times
(, Tue 14 Apr 2009, 23:21, 13 replies)
That's fucking horrible!
(, Tue 14 Apr 2009, 23:51, closed)
I demand a "This is rancid!" button.
(, Tue 14 Apr 2009, 23:54, closed)
Well said.
I agree, wholeheartedly.
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 9:57, closed)
Vile beyond words
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 2:43, closed)
I just
threw up a little myself.
/clamps hand over mouth and runs to toilet.

I definitely do NOT like this/
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 6:44, closed)
Office snort.
Giggled mongishly at the thought.
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 8:44, closed)
you just made me dry heave.

(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 9:13, closed)
I like this
And I am utterly disgusted at the same time.

(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 9:23, closed)
am I
the only person not disgusted by this story?

Utterly fantastic
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 10:33, closed)
no i dont feel too bad about it either ...
everyone above must just be squeamish.
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 11:16, closed)
When it happened, I had to leave the dancefloor as I was laughing too hard.

It's pretty grim, but I've seen people do worse things in such states.
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 12:13, closed)
thank god
he didn't shit himself!
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 13:24, closed)
made me laugh out loud...by the way, where was the rave? I'm in need of a good (chemical) night out soon
(, Wed 15 Apr 2009, 17:04, closed)

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