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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I need to tell someone that I finished this riddle, but i doubt my boss will be that impressed, so I'm telling b3ta - I finished it! wahey! I can go back to having a life now!
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 13:58, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
looks painful. And they've torn his arse apart.
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 13:52, 6 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Vote like crazy for my QOTW suggestion.
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 13:07, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I've just bought a book
"Join me" by Danny Wallace, as recommended by someone on Chickenlady's thread a few weeks back. Reading the back of the book it strikes me as the type of book that will probably annoy me, but I'm giving it a go.

I've not long finished reading The Time Travellers Wife, which came recommended by everyone. I thought it was good, but not as good as I was led to believe.

Does anyone else want to share recent book reads?
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 11:12, 37 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
As today is my birthday
I wondered if you'd be kind enough to give me my horoscope?
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 8:15, 24 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
One more sleep til Friday.

(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 7:56, 297 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
How often do people change their name on here? I'm getting bored of mine.
(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 1:05, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Time for a new story...
This one's called "Sleeper".

And the previous story:

(, Thu 4 Dec 2008, 0:38, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
hello all
i'm feeling dreadfully low and not even b3ta is making me smile.
i'm sure many of you have felt depressed before,what tips will you give me?
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 23:17, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I AM WHAKI ME¬!!!!!!!

(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 22:09, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
dear uncle B3ta
I frequentlly have dreams about little rodent creatures acting out lord of the rings

what does this mean?
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 18:58, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
So I've got this internet Radio jobbie
Well Mr Bin has, and at the moment we are enjoying the Illinois Street Lounge.
Recommended listening.

I've had a bloody lovely afternoon teaching science. How has your day been?
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 17:45, 180 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
/talk told me to pop over and say HI
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 17:13, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
A quick opinion poll
without adding a poll

Peter Kay has recently been voted Britain's best comedian or somesuch

am I alone on thinking that this is a shocking travesty?

This country is in danger of going the way of America where they give awards to people like Ray Romano...
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 17:11, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
QOTW user tries to be funny on /talk

(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 16:38, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I've just farted and it smells of Chicken Satay
how does this remind you of a time when A FRIEND OF YOURS did something interesting; probably involving a GIRL.
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 16:31, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I've decided
that being too cold is a good excuse for not doing things.
Such as not doing my essay.
Not going to work.
Not leaving my bed during the winter...

What other things could it be a good excuse for?
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 16:02, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 15:14, 30 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
It’s that time of year again…

When everyone has the fucking flu, the fevers, or some sort of debilitating illness that knocks you on your arse…whilst making you feel like runny-nosed, can’t-be-arsed-to-move, bags of re-fried dogshite.

It feels like I have been one of these poor suffering malingerers for months now…

So come on you bunch of clever fuckers – Cure us!

Or, to put it another way, does anybody know of any good treatments for a cold?

(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 12:50, 43 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Overnight lock-in at Rec!
That'll get /QOTW and /Talk being friends.

It's like, come on?
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 11:14, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 7:50, 358 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Just to gauge popular opinion
Trolls are:

Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
Mini poll bar
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 6:19, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I like my chicken fried
a cold beer on a Friday night
a pair of jeans that fit just right
and the radio up

Winner of the interwebs to anyone that actually knows that song.
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 6:06, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I've been playing with my new toy tonight- a bandsaw that stands about a foot high, has a water feed and cuts glass very quickly.

Within ten minutes of setting it up I had an ivy leaf cut out of green glass, all in one piece.

*Tool Time grunts*

Now I can REALLY do cool shit!
(, Wed 3 Dec 2008, 2:50, 20 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
there's an old myth
near long compton is a hill with an iron-age formation of standing stones.according to legend you can count them as many times as you like and never come up with the same number.i really like this legend,i first read it when i was knee-high to a grasshopperand it's stuck with me.
i'm going there this weekend ; how quickly do you think i'll realise that this myth is bullshit,thus shattering the tentative grasp i've got on the hope that there is magic out there and adding to a less-than-brilliant week?
(, Tue 2 Dec 2008, 22:41, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Evening All

And how are we all tonight?
(, Tue 2 Dec 2008, 19:40, 163 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
You know in the Jackass movie. There's the party boy skit, where he starts a dance track and whips off his clothes and dances at people.

Anyone know what the tune is that he plays? My lad wants it for his ringtone.
(, Tue 2 Dec 2008, 18:45, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'd just like to say...
tell me what you'd like to say.
(, Tue 2 Dec 2008, 17:17, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

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