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ssssh little barmaid, just get me that vodka and coke, there's a good girl
although mine would be a pint of bitter too if my degree had gotten me precisely nowhere in our chosen career.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:28, 3 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
It's the thought that a barmaid can't have a political opinion that got capitalists in that mess in the first place.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:29, Reply)
nah, i've been a barmaid myself
i did it all through uni and all through the college of law. you never hear more politics than when standing behind a bar. unless it's in the back seat of a london black cab, that is!
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:36, Reply)
Why do you dislike me quite so much, Swipe?
The reason I'm still working in a pub is because I haven't applied for any other jobs yet.

I'm not the bitter one who started having a pop at you for no reason. Fuck knows why you've decided you don't like me. To be honest, I couldn't give two fucks. You're dull, vapid and frankly, very irritating - but I was happy to ignore you.

Now please cunt the fuck off and go kick some poor people with your stupidly expensive shoes, OK darling?
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:31, Reply)
bend over then?

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:37, Reply)
So, again, no argument other than to insult me.
Seriously, I'd like you to explain why:

A) I'm not allowed to be a feminist if I'm heterosexual,
B) What you have against people expressing political opinion, and
C) Why you can't answer anything without resorting to childish insults and pointing out that you earn more than most people.

If the answer to any (or all) of these is "because I don't understand", I'll be happy to explain.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:40, Reply)
can you explain to the rest of us:
a) why you are so easily baited
b) why you frequently bring politics up on a puerile comedy website
c) shut up
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:42, Reply)
A) I'm not baited that easily, as shown with the last thread - I object to unprincipled accusations being made about me when I'm not here to defend myself or explain something.

B) I'd like to keep it to the peurile comedy, but people feel the need to constantly bring up the fact that I disagree with the government. I have many other outlets for political discussion, and frankly, I'm bored of justifying my beliefs to people on /OT who couldn't really give a fuck about politics, and just want to be antagonistic.

C) Who are you, David Cameron?
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:46, Reply)

A) For A) see B)

B) It gets brought up because it goads you into a reaction because you seem to take yourself very seriously.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:48, Reply)
What can I say?
Ignorance irritates me.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:50, Reply)
Ask yourself if somebody that ignorant
would be able to instantly home in on precisely the right buttons to wind up an earnest young left-wing political activist.

On a puerile comedy website where everybody baits and goads everybody else.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:52, Reply)
This is the last I'm saying on the matter:
Yes, I do believe that Swipe accusing me of not being a feminist because I had a weekend with BB was a statement borne out of ignorance.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:56, Reply)
Ok, well you're wrong.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:58, Reply)
hopefully it's not the last you are listening to on the matter
no one belives that all feminists are lesbians. if you think she was serious about that then you aren't as smart as you give yourself credit for.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:59, Reply)
I'd prefer the patronising insults to be done when I'm around to defend myself though.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:04, Reply)
that is at least understandable

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:06, Reply)
your vanity is so colossal that you would seek them out if they were buried 3 years ago.

as you proved. by saying "i've been catching up on..." why were you looking then??

sorry but like most feminists who don't realise that their time passed in the 1960's and there are many other ways to get on in life these days, you are only bringing women into ill-repute here. the boys have got a MUCH better handle on me than you have, "sister".
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:08, Reply)
it's not ignorance, it's a different point of view, taken to extremes because it baits you.

You are entitled to your views, so are others, even if you think it is because they are ignorant.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:53, Reply)
Please continue like this
you are earning my title of 'Baity McBaiterson'.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:50, Reply)
your answer to B defies your answer to A
people are antagonistic because you are easily baited.

Clearly you have strong views, to which you are entitled, but the way you react, like you have to swipey here, makes you come across as fairly rabid.

I don't want to get too much into this, but you do bring it up, as much as anyone else does, if not more. As evidenced by your throwaway answer to my silly question C)

To put this in context: I'm here because I'm bored and I don't really give a shit what people talk about, as long as it is interesting. I'm trying to help though, by giving my opinion on a couple of things, which might help you chill out a bit.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:51, Reply)
you're like Gandhi on here innit.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:53, Reply)
I'm all zen and shit
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:54, Reply)
I love you.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:54, Reply)
you and me both brother

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:57, Reply)

Sorry, the answer to C was a fairly bad joke - I suppose I'll have to do a Chompy and explain it (and then possibly rape you):

David Cameron just told someone to shut up on PMQs about half an hour ago. Now, smell this rag...
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:54, Reply)
that was kind of my point
chucking in what is essentially an in-joke amounts to bringing up politics
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:57, Reply)
But that was part of the joke!
I was playing on your accusation that I always bring up politics. It was all ironic and shit.

(Yes, feel free to do a strikethrough on 'all ironic and')
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:00, Reply)
ok, I'll let you have that one

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:01, Reply)
people who have to point out irony and/or humour
are not being ironic and/or humorous.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:11, Reply)
I find politics and economics quite interesting, I like to see people animated about a subject, any subject really.
I can apprechate pretty much all forms of passion except maybe about football or sports. This place is more about creative writing than purial humour, although that is where it's roots are.

I disagree with half the points of both of the two people involved here, no one is right or wrong on this one.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:57, Reply)
fuck you
I'm right!

actually I agree. People talking about stuff when they know more than me about it is very interesting.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:58, Reply)
Hahah yes, this is a creative writing group, you are bang on the money there Gonz.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:01, Reply)
It's funny because Al is a mong.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:04, Reply)
I think we've all lost track of the important thing..... bloody minges.
Can we please talk a bit more about bloody minges.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:05, Reply)

A) Yes you are
B) People do have political opinions, they in the main choose not to air them due to tedious content. Militant lesbianism is laughable which is why people rip on you.
C) You're a fucking slag
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:53, Reply)
there is no way i would bother to form a viewpoint strong enough to have an argument on here
with someone on here. you just go back to calling me back to vapid and dull, which of course is you arguing without insulting me at all, isn't it "darling"?
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:55, Reply)
you writing darling so often is giving me the horn.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:56, Reply)
Well, you wouldn't answer otherwise would you, sweetness?

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:57, Reply)
i'm eating an itsu
so my time for you is limited to what i can spare between forkfuls.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:01, Reply)
Shame man, I was rather enjoying that.
I'd quite like a fight.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:02, Reply)
*offers Noel outside*

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:05, Reply)

itsu rare panda steak with caviar sauce
forkfulls firing people with large families that they can't afford
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:03, Reply)
+from a trebuchet.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:03, Reply)
ha ha ha

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:04, Reply)
woah, uncanny
look down the page a little
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:05, Reply)
*ancient siege engine fives*

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:06, Reply)
The fact that you think that what I do to earn money means that I'm not entitled to have any opinion or education
just shows your ridiculous, overprivileged world view.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:32, Reply)
Because someone earns more than you doesn't make them privileged
it means they have worked harder or are more intelligent than you.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:50, Reply)
She's had much more privilege in life than most.
I know this, because she brings it up to deny her privilege all the time.

"Oh yes, I went to public school, but I went on a scholarship, so that means I wasn't overprivileged or anything!"
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:52, Reply)
maybe, but not everyone
And anyway aside from "old money" people who went to Public school etc did so because their parents were more succesful as they worked harder/were more intelligent.

Any suggestion that poeple who have more should be brought down to a lower level of wealth to balance things out is retarded, there will always be poorer people because they just don't have the capacity to do better with their lives, it's no one's fault but their own.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:56, Reply)
The trouble is, I find, is when you have a second class citizian, that is pretty much the precluder to any civil war.

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:58, Reply)
I never said that
It clearly is retarded. I just think a little more compassion for people who aren't as lucky wouldn't go amiss in the world.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:58, Reply)
There is no such thing as luck - only those who do and those who don't

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:59, Reply)
What about if someone
worked really hard and got a really good job, but then they got struck by lightning and became paralysed, so they couldn't work and had to go on DLA. Are they then a second-class citizen who isn't entitled to opinions?
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:02, Reply)
they should be put down, only fair really

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:03, Reply)
I favour a great big trebuchet as the method
or the "Cripapult" as I call it
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:04, Reply)
You are both Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:06, Reply)
the universe is hostile and impersonal
devour to survive. So it is, so it's always been.

Lab: hopefully you at least will get this
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:00, Reply)
film quote? Or are you coming over all scifi today?

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:01, Reply)
from a Tool song
the whole thing is appropriate: Credulous at best your desire to believe in angels in the hearts of men.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:03, Reply)
Yes I got it, Vicarious ;)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:06, Reply)
*tool fives*
and by that I don't mean we are banging our tools together
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:08, Reply)
Glad you clarified that fella

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:08, Reply)

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:11, Reply)
er........... when have i ever denied being spoiled rotten?
why should i deny what my dad worked his arse off to achieve for his family? i'm extremely proud of him and reverse snobbery is no better than snobbery.
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:58, Reply)
It's worse as the people doing are generally filthy commoners whose opinions are weighed down with bitterness and coal

(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:00, Reply)

I'm clicking this hard
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:15, Reply)
I'll click you hard
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 13:18, Reply)
That's not always the case, it could be that their parents have done soo.
And I don't see anything wrong with that, what's the point in working and saving hard/inteligantly all your life if the goverment is just going to take it away from those you care about?
(, Wed 30 Mar 2011, 12:53, Reply)

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