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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I'm happy for a collection of tedious little reasons
But let's see... which ones can you rip the piss out of?

I finally got a job application sent off last night, and it looked fairly impressive, I have actual, real life proof that I'm not physically repulsive, and I dreamed about willies last night.

How the devil is everyone today?
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:51, 4 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
I'm feeling like shite
but thanks for asking!
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:54, Reply)
What was your real life proof?

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:54, Reply)
She was viciously bummed on the way home.

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:56, Reply)
someone jizzed on a tit gaz she sent then returned it

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:56, Reply)
I couldn't possibly comment

(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:57, Reply)
You were walking through a park and you got flashed by a tramp in a dirty mac
and a pair of wellies. He had a boner.

That's it, isn't it? I'm right, aren't I?
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 10:00, Reply)
Were they soft and surrounded by grey pubes
did you poke them and try and feed them viagra, but still find them unresponsive?
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:55, Reply)
They weren't even attached to anybody. It was just a recurring motif in my dream. Not even one of those special dreams that make your knees go wobbly.
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:57, Reply)
Surrounded by knobs?
You were dreaming about /talk?
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:57, Reply)
Why is dreaming about willies a good thing?
I'd find that fucking terrifying.
(, Fri 12 Aug 2011, 9:57, Reply)

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