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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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i don't really think you need to ask me

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:21, 4 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Alright dude?
Can you surf to work at the moment?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
i've not really been affected
The exe defences are actually really effective and i've not had cause to go where there has been flooding. Has been a pain in the arsenal for colleagues and stuff though
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
did you design them

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
no, nothing to do with me

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:28, Reply)
did you mean to type arsenal?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:33, Reply)
of course not
My phone hates me
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:36, Reply)
everyone hates you

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:47, Reply)
no you don't
I haven't put that calendar on my dartboard you know
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
did you actually buy one?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:52, Reply)
Good cause init
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:53, Reply)
Fanks! Sorry for uglying up October.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:55, Reply)
I fucking made those brooms though, I got skillz.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:55, Reply)
why weren't you sat astride them?
It's ok, applebite and your surprisingly long legs make up for your face
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:57, Reply)
the idea is that it's vintage cheesecake, the glance of the top of a stocking was proper saucy back then.
I know, I'm like bambi. Means I have a very short body in comparison though.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:01, Reply)
I got that
But it still looks a little odd with the broomstick in front.

Nice calendar though.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:05, Reply)
meh, I'm just pleased I got to be in a calendar :D

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:08, Reply)
and at least you weren't naked
I still would've bought it, but I wouldn't have been happy about it
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:11, Reply)
I bought one too
I will put stickers of our faces over Kitty and Apple's.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:17, Reply)
hello AGAIN vipper
maybe you'll bother to respond this time
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
: (

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
haha unlucky

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
must be a sock puppet, the real Vipros would never ignore me, we were tight

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:28, Reply)
that reminds me, I have Applebite's password somewhere.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
No you dont.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:33, Reply)
Fuck off you dull cunt!

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:39, Reply)
I call shenanigans.
Tell me something only applebite would know.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
You're fat.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
Ok what was I wearing last night?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:51, Reply)
A tent.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:51, Reply)
Ok what COLOUR was the tent?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:52, Reply)
Black hoodie with cookies on, pink legwarmers and some crap in your hair.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:57, Reply)
you're a bad friend Apple, consorting with Chompy like that.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:09, Reply)
good grief man
I only have a small screen and limited time!
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:29, Reply)
God Naked Ape is SUCH a needy cunt.
I hate him.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:31, Reply)
Oh man, he's been gone for ages and he still remembers how shit you are.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
Morning Vipros.
Got a b3ta browsing day pass from your work?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:22, Reply)
The lack of responses suggest not.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
He's forgotten you've have to press F5

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
I've always hated him

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
using my phone
To pay a brief visit.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
On the plus side
I came ip with a possible way to produce a reasonable approximation of gravity on a space craft with a decent amount of room using quantum levitation
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
Do tell
Should make Naker's head explode
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
Me too.
Sticky tape on their shoes.

Patent pending.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:26, Reply)

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