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Well that thread is too long.
Have a news link www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20340562

Some freaks text in their sleep. How do you sleep?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:24, 283 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
in a bed

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:26, Reply)
in fact I really need a new one, the mattress is fucked on mine, but they is well expensive and I want a Kingsize

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:29, Reply)
which will mean new sheets and a duvet and my nice feather matress "topper" won't fit
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:30, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:30, Reply)
My bed is slightly kept up by tins of beans

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:33, Reply)
My duvet is

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:34, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:36, Reply)
eBay is your friend here.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:36, Reply)
cheers, not sure I'd trust them not to be cheap knock offs though

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:39, Reply)
The trusted sellers on eBay usually aren't too bad
But I know what you mean. I got a decent mattress off there, but sadly it wasn't very good for me. Turns out the memory foam mattresses don't help your back when you're a fidgeter in your sleep.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
Not sure I want memory foam, I nned to spend an afternoon at "Dreams" trying different ones out

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:44, Reply)
Fair enough

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:47, Reply)
Really fucking badly.
And for nowhere near long enough, ironically. That's probably why I'm constantly shattered.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:27, Reply)
I don't know who is who anymore
sh b
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:28, Reply)
The last two nights, very well
I have to lie on my right hand side though. My issues is that as soon as my brain kicks in, I can't go back to sleep.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:30, Reply)
Very badly / not at all
Last night was the latter
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:32, Reply)
were you out cottaging all night?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:33, Reply)
Badger bumming

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:34, Reply)
Mighty good fun.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:36, Reply)
Bloody thirsty work
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:34, Reply)
Very well, until my daughter wakes me up between 5.30am & 6am everyday.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:32, Reply)
God I hate you, why are you so fucking dull talking about your daughter all the time.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:33, Reply)
That's me.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:35, Reply)
I sleep fine.
I don't understand insomnia. Just, y'know...go to sleep?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:33, Reply)
*hits palm on forehead*
Why didn't I think of that?!
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:34, Reply)
Glad to have helped

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:35, Reply)
Fuck you
and the pole you rode in on
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:34, Reply)
^ more of this ^

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:35, Reply)
Only because she sleeps well
I hate well-sleeping bastards
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:37, Reply)
ahhhh I'm so well rested
I'm stretching my arms in an exaggerated manner.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:38, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:46, Reply)
I'm drinking decaf
because I just don't need the caffeine.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:52, Reply)
Leave Majewski out of this.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
Oh very well done
That said, have you seen the size of the guy? Kitty would destroy him. Maybe that's why he's injured.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:45, Reply)
Fucking hell, he's older than me?!
He looks about 15!
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:46, Reply)
With nipple tassels on.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:52, Reply)
It's like all these depressed people
Why don't they just cheer up, eh?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:34, Reply)
I should have my own advice column.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:35, Reply)
I talk in my sleep

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:34, Reply)
I know
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:35, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:45, Reply)
About what?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:35, Reply)
Lots of things. On the weekend I apparently told someone "You too make SUCH a cute couple!"
I've also been known to tell people to fuck off, babble in tongues, hold a conversation, and say "I DON"T WANT TO GO ON THE ROLLERCOASTER!"
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:38, Reply)
I had a dream I was finger-banging Cheryl Cole last night
It was very odd
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:38, Reply)
I have some very vivid sex dreams.
I always feel a bit unsettled after them..
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:41, Reply)
haha me too
I wake up feeling guilty for 'cheating'
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
Quick, get some bromide for Battered!

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
wor cheryl.
that is odd.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
oh me too, it's so embarrassing!
I also squeak for no reason apparently.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:36, Reply)
I can explain that
It's because you're actually a dog's chew toy.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:37, Reply)
I was going to say Hamster.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:39, Reply)
I was going to make her joke about her rat squeaking.
But that was inappropriate.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
I would have had to give you a stern telling-off.

Rats are fantastic pets but they die way too young
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:45, Reply)
espesh if you stop feeding them

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:47, Reply)
I think that's darths problem.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:47, Reply)
it's hard to feed them when you've stuffed forty of them into a crudely stitched life sized man doll

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:55, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:35, Reply)
Your "organic free-range" pillow was actually a sheep, wasn't it?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:38, Reply)
Thanks to that article I see why this was a bad idea, as they only sleep for 3.8 hours.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:40, Reply)
I like my sleep like I like my coffee

in a big mug
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:38, Reply)
Short and bitter

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:39, Reply)
like battered

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:41, Reply)
Not after 6pm

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:39, Reply)
After dinner.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:41, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:59, Reply)
Big and black?
Hang on, wrong joke
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:45, Reply)
White with 2 lumps
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:31, Reply)
How do you last the night and keep the dogs at bay?

fairly badly, recently. I blame lady badger.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:41, Reply)
I think my girlfriend is radioactive.
I have to push her away to stop her melting my skin.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
haha 'girlfriend'
yeah right.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:47, Reply)
shut up you met her shut up tell everyone she's real
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:48, Reply)
did kitty teach her?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:49, Reply)
We were going to meet
then she 'couldn't make it at the last minute' but you showed me those superhot photos of her.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:50, Reply)
Did they have a "Brazzers" watermark?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:53, Reply)
something about "RUSSIAN HOTTIES 4U"

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:02, Reply)
A lot of the porn I see (at work) is Russian/Ukraine/other vodka-and-furry-hat nations
There are some hot women there. And the things they let you do to them, blimey. Definite bang for your buck with them ladies.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:07, Reply)
erm..I don't even...
not sure how to respond to that.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:09, Reply)
All I'm saying is that if Chompy did buy her from Russia
He's made a smart investment. Probably did his research.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:10, Reply)
I believe the usual protocol is to ask for pictures as proof.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:12, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:04, Reply)
Ok ok I met her
she touched me up a bit, I think Chompy is her beard.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)
get her a pillow to support her legs and belly, really helped us

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:43, Reply)
yeah, done that.
it's just a change in how we sleep that takes a bit of getting used to.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:50, Reply)
Like a baby.
I wake up screaming and shit the bed.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:44, Reply)
*old skool comedy high fives*

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:50, Reply)
If you can't sleep
the trick is to lie right on the very edge of your bed - YOU'LL SOON DROP OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:46, Reply)
Alright Dad, give Monty his log in back.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:48, Reply)
I fall asleep within a minute of my head hitting the pillow
And by "head hitting the pillow" I mean "bitter, bully-wank reaches it's forced, pathetic conclusion".
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:46, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:48, Reply)
I haven't got it yet, was tempted in the steam sale
I've got so many games to get through that I reckon I'll pick it up over Christmas, or if Greenman Gaming do a ridiculous deal on it. I've heard it's awesome.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:50, Reply)
It's good, fucking hard though.
the steam sale is very good as well, I could have easily bought 10 games if I didn't have to save for christmas.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:04, Reply)
I had to be very restrained in the sale
I still have games from the summer and halloween sale to play. I loved the first two XCom games, and I hear this one is very faithful (right down to the RNG screwing you over at times), so will pick it up eventually.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:12, Reply)
When you do, drop me a fb message and we can try the multiplayer
It's fun.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:18, Reply)
Cool beans, will do!

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:19, Reply)
do we know which thread has the most replys ever?
I sleep very well thank you. Naked, under a duvet, in a bed, in my house, upstairs. Unless I've been drinking heavily, in which case I pass out on the sofa downstairs fully clothed.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:55, Reply)
Doesn't look like it'll be this one.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:57, Reply)
you know what tangles,
I'm on a train to London. Really not getting anywhere very quick.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:01, Reply)
Go and kick off in the buffet car.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:02, Reply)

kick strip
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:02, Reply)
Why the visit to town?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:02, Reply)
got an invite to the sipsmith brewery,

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:04, Reply)
Why don't I get invitations like this?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:06, Reply)
no one likes you?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:07, Reply)
Surely someone must?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:15, Reply)
Because being a vegan wanker is frowned upon in polite society?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:07, Reply)
See? Monty likes me.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:09, Reply)
Yeah dream on, yoghurt-boy.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:11, Reply)
if he's vegan he can't eat yoghurt...

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:15, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)
Oh Lusty's been there.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:07, Reply)
I don't really want to go. I don't really like gin. I want to go back to bed.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:12, Reply)
Their booze is (I am told) superb.
I fucking love gin personally. What I cannot even force myself to drink is Sambucca/raki/ouzo/pernod etc. I can't even smell it without getting the dry heaves.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:13, Reply)
Sipsmith gin is the fucking absolute nuts.
I'm a terrible fucking gin snob and even I love it.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:15, Reply)
It really is amazeballs

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:17, Reply)
All gin tastes basically the same.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:19, Reply)
sloe gin tastes completey different
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:20, Reply)
This is why god punishes you with homebrew and Milton Keynes, you fucking heathen

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
you don't like gin?
somewhere, Lampito is raging.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:15, Reply)
My fists clenched

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:16, Reply)
I made a "oh whut?!" face

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:20, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
See, not liking it is fine.
It's people who say all gin tastes the same that should basically be fed to fucking angry bears. *looks at chompy*
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:31, Reply)
^^^ Very much this

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:35, Reply)
No you must bow to peer pressure!

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:32, Reply)
I bet it was a lunch thread
I fucking love lunch
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
I get exploding head syndrome, true story.
Plus I sometimes can hear memories as if they're happening there-and-then, its normally conversations or music, I have to sleep with the radio on to stop them.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:56, Reply)
*backs away*

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:58, Reply)
It's alright, I know they're audatory hallucinacions bought on by fatgiue, stress and medication.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:07, Reply)
With your mum.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:58, Reply)
I can't believe it took this long

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:00, Reply)
Her face IS rather offputting.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:05, Reply)
that's her face?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:06, Reply)
I *think* so

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)
I have had to plug my dell laptop into an HP charger today
it works, but won't charge the battery. How shit is that?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:58, Reply)
Not very shit at all?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 10:59, Reply)
it's really shit. a ford doesn't need different petrol to a vauxhall does it*?

* i don't care about performamnce cars needing performance fuel, they will still run on the cheap stuff, pricks
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:00, Reply)
Your iPhone charges via a Blackberry charger, does it?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:01, Reply)
a bb charger won't fit. This fits just fine

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:02, Reply)
Try picking it up and throwing it off the desk
That makes it charge faster
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:00, Reply)
no you don't understand it won't charge at all
I'm pumping electricity into it and it stays completely empty, like cavy's vag
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:01, Reply)
Dell won't allow HP electricity into its gaping maw

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:01, Reply)
HP Charger..
Three quid a week for the next six months.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:02, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:03, Reply)
Try holding it upside down.
Electricity is scared of heights. It'll stay in your laptop out of fear.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:02, Reply)
i'll hold you upside down over a well full of moths, see if you can keep your shit in

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:03, Reply)
I will absolutely lose my shit.
No question. Also, you couldn't hold me over anything. Internet fatty, remember.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:04, Reply)
i'll borrow the crane they use to extracate you from your house for medical attention

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:06, Reply)
Normal for Dells
they need a higher current rated supply to run and charge, most of the knockoff ones on Ebay don't supply enough juice.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:03, Reply)
blah blah blah
stupid, they should all run on the same electricity.

What if I lived in scotland and had to use scottish electricity and it wouldn't work? I'd be well pissed off
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:04, Reply)
It's not unusual.
A lot of 9v/12v chargers for all manner of things run at different ampages.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:05, Reply)
still shit, universal leccy for all

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:06, Reply)
Ugh, I'm getting sucked in again.
Smaller motors can get burned out by putting a high ampage through them. Therefore the batteries require a lower ampage, therefore the charger requires a lower ampage.

Different computer equipment also requires different power levels. Also, Dell might not want you to use an HP charger. So they rate their equipment at a different level.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)
it's a laptop, not a car!

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:09, Reply)
I have literally no clue as to how you've managed to get to adulthood
without having the first idea how the objects you use every single day work. You and swipe should have a chat about how wondrous and magical all this witchcraft is.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:13, Reply)
I know other stuff instead

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:18, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:20, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:22, Reply)
How supermarkets work.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:22, Reply)
bit slow today

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
And here is the point where Nakers can no longer understand anything you say and asks increasingly stupid questions until you walk away.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:07, Reply)
that's seems a little unfair
why is electricity different up here in Hertfordshire? London electricity charges my laptop just fine
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)
Alright 'Tom Jones' that's enough.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)
Fuck me, I hope you never try getting an Iphone5 or Ipad Mini
with their different chargers and sockets to every other Apple product.
In other news, an idiot acts surprised that a company chooses to rip him off rather than make things easier and cheaper for customers.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:09, Reply)
Poorly and infrquently
Morning /ot.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:08, Reply)
morning comrade

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:12, Reply)
Good morning Baby.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
Alright CQ,
Have you tried a nice hot cocoa before bed?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:13, Reply)

oa k
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:15, Reply)
I find camomile tea helps.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:16, Reply)
oh god you're all so lame.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:17, Reply)
I find a pint of gin helps

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:18, Reply)
That's better
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:19, Reply)
Didn't work for YM

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
Yup, and Camomile tea. both work well sometimes and not others.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
alright Wilf

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:15, Reply)
Alright Ding Dong.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:00, Reply)
i don't really think you need to ask me

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
Alright dude?
Can you surf to work at the moment?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
i've not really been affected
The exe defences are actually really effective and i've not had cause to go where there has been flooding. Has been a pain in the arsenal for colleagues and stuff though
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
did you design them

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
no, nothing to do with me

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:28, Reply)
did you mean to type arsenal?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:33, Reply)
of course not
My phone hates me
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:36, Reply)
everyone hates you

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:47, Reply)
no you don't
I haven't put that calendar on my dartboard you know
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
did you actually buy one?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:52, Reply)
Good cause init
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:53, Reply)
Fanks! Sorry for uglying up October.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:55, Reply)
I fucking made those brooms though, I got skillz.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:55, Reply)
why weren't you sat astride them?
It's ok, applebite and your surprisingly long legs make up for your face
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:57, Reply)
the idea is that it's vintage cheesecake, the glance of the top of a stocking was proper saucy back then.
I know, I'm like bambi. Means I have a very short body in comparison though.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:01, Reply)
I got that
But it still looks a little odd with the broomstick in front.

Nice calendar though.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:05, Reply)
meh, I'm just pleased I got to be in a calendar :D

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:08, Reply)
and at least you weren't naked
I still would've bought it, but I wouldn't have been happy about it
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:11, Reply)
I bought one too
I will put stickers of our faces over Kitty and Apple's.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:17, Reply)
hello AGAIN vipper
maybe you'll bother to respond this time
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:21, Reply)
: (

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
haha unlucky

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
must be a sock puppet, the real Vipros would never ignore me, we were tight

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:28, Reply)
that reminds me, I have Applebite's password somewhere.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
No you dont.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:33, Reply)
Fuck off you dull cunt!

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:39, Reply)
I call shenanigans.
Tell me something only applebite would know.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
You're fat.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
Ok what was I wearing last night?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:51, Reply)
A tent.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:51, Reply)
Ok what COLOUR was the tent?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:52, Reply)
Black hoodie with cookies on, pink legwarmers and some crap in your hair.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:57, Reply)
you're a bad friend Apple, consorting with Chompy like that.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:09, Reply)
good grief man
I only have a small screen and limited time!
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:29, Reply)
God Naked Ape is SUCH a needy cunt.
I hate him.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:31, Reply)
Oh man, he's been gone for ages and he still remembers how shit you are.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
Morning Vipros.
Got a b3ta browsing day pass from your work?
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:22, Reply)
The lack of responses suggest not.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
He's forgotten you've have to press F5

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
I've always hated him

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:24, Reply)
using my phone
To pay a brief visit.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
On the plus side
I came ip with a possible way to produce a reasonable approximation of gravity on a space craft with a decent amount of room using quantum levitation
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:23, Reply)
Do tell
Should make Naker's head explode
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:25, Reply)
Me too.
Sticky tape on their shoes.

Patent pending.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:26, Reply)
I'm going to the pub tonight.
on a wednesday night all their bottles of wine are the same price as their cheapest. So i'm getting wine drunk.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:27, Reply)
I'm not sure if I've ever drunk wine in a pub

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
It's not too bad an idea if you're sharing.
It's a bad idea if you're not.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:42, Reply)
I am having a night off the sauce this evening.
In theory.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:30, Reply)
Sounds rubbish.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:31, Reply)
I'm intrigued to see how this hypothesis develops

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:32, Reply)
I am making, chicken passanda, onion bhajis, courgette pakoras and raita
nom noms
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:34, Reply)
I am inviting myself round

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:37, Reply)
That'll put you to sleep.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:38, Reply)
bring some beers

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:38, Reply)
I read this as bears

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:45, Reply)
if they can dance, bring them

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:46, Reply)
Alright Simon Smith

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
google is no help with this

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:52, Reply)
I don't think this is google's fault.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:58, Reply)
Another fake inspection tomorrow?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:39, Reply)
I had one of them last night, and still woke up feeling shit
Can't win either way.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:49, Reply)
The internet loves you!! A genuine screengrab from my Facebook last night

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:48, Reply)
eh? Who's that?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:50, Reply)
My friend Natalie

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:54, Reply)
is the post actually in reference to me, or is it coincidence?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:57, Reply)
You have many fans in the north east.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:58, Reply)
Yes, it's an actual reference to a person she's never met
from a forum she never reads, on her page that you'll never see.
(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 11:59, Reply)
Exactly this

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:00, Reply)
I thought you might post some of my witticisms and wisdom to your facebook page...

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:01, Reply)

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:02, Reply)
Criticism of his witticisms.

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:04, Reply)
And that sporto's friends regard this wisdom as fuel?

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:04, Reply)
she is blonde and northern

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:06, Reply)
She is also a black belt in Ju Jitsu or something

(, Wed 28 Nov 2012, 12:07, Reply)

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