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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Right then mingepieces!
Dead pool predictions for 2013. You get three each, plus a 'wildcard' - I:e three that are really likely to throw a seven next year and one that's unlikely but you've got an idea they'll pop their clogs.
My go!
Prince Philip - 'Bladder infection' my arse!
Maggie Thatcher - About time the evil harridan died and gave me an excuse to drink solidly for a week or two in celebration.
Nelson Mandela - Seriously, it's about time!
My wild card - Keith Chegwin.

Have fun kiddies!
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 0:40, 92 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I know where you live and I'm fucking coming for you.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 7:46, Reply)

for you
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 8:21, Reply)
I can do both.
I'm doing one right now.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 8:30, Reply)
I'll get the kettle on!
It'll be lovely to see you.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:13, Reply)
I am back at work today, although apparently I didn't get the message last night and drank too much and stayed up till the wee small hours. Woe is me etc.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:07, Reply)
I see what you've done there, singling out the old and infirm
I'll go for;

Arsene Wenger - lynched by a mob of angry fans who've decided it's the only way to get the club to spend serious wedge
Russell Brand - wishful thinking really but AIDS is quite bad for you, so I've heard
Arnold Schwarzenegger - killed to death foolishly attempting own stunts on ill-advised return to moviemaking

Wildcard - future monarch, stillborn in Kate's fanny.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:24, Reply)
Ooh, you're going to feel proper horrible if your wildcard comes true

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:28, Reply)
Not if I put a fiver on it

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:45, Reply)
Loving the Arnie idea!
Carried on further we could get Stallone, Lundgren, Norris and Willis in one fell swoop!
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:15, Reply)
Did you know that Maggy Thatcure invented the 99 ? So many people owe so much to that beutiful scientist.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:35, Reply)
She ain't really that bad, people just get caught up.
She lowered interest rates from rediculous levels, which was bankrupting anyone who wasn't a bank.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:36, Reply)
She gave millions of people The Right To Buy, thust today's generation have security.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:36, Reply)
Don't do it gonz,
Thatcher haters refuse to listen to reason and fact,they just froth at the mouth and shout something about miners and milk.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:42, Reply)
It's all black'n'white with 'em lot.
You can pretty much guarntee that anyone against her, who isn't old enough to actually remember her reign properly, got touched up by an uncle OR wants to shag someone who got touched up by her uncle.

Or if they CAN remember thature's reign, and hate her, they were that uncle.

I don't get it, I'm watching Dr Who for the first time ever, if I can do that, can't they learn to love the women who fluffed up mass produced ice cream for the world?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:05, Reply)
Damn man, is the doctor taping that brunette girl? she's hot.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:18, Reply)
crikey placid,
Bit depressing.
Why the Thatcher hatred?

Edit: just seen on the news that bush senior is in intensive care, can I get odds on him lasting till New years?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:41, Reply)
It's easier for thick people
to blame the mouthpiece of a generation and to imagine them as some kind of autonomous dictator than to face up to the fact that they were merely the spokesperson for the voting majority of the time.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:59, Reply)
Do you feel the same way about Tony Blair?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:19, Reply)
we live in a democracy with an elected parliament. Blair did nothing that wasn't approved by others.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:24, Reply)
I'm not being arsey here. I understand representative democracy perfectly well.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:27, Reply)
then you know that this is a fact.
Blair couldn't have started a war on his own any more than Thatcher could have implemented a single one one of 'her' policies.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:37, Reply)
What aw said.
But why wait until next year? Carpe diem I say.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:53, Reply)
Monty Boyce
Captain Hood-Butter
John Berger

Bonus ball- Piers Morgan.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 9:57, Reply)
I might hit the sales later.
A new coat and a couple of suits are on the 'could do with' list.

Also, I don't reckon Gazza is long for this world.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:07, Reply)
Nah', they've been saying that for years, the israelis and palistinians are pussyoles, nothign will happy to gazza.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:14, Reply)
I'm I to late to join in this Convo.
Turns up with six pack of larger, fried chicken and a fishing rod.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:06, Reply)
Obama's done pretty well so far
but there's a lot of rednecks in America and they all have guns. They all have lots of guns.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:09, Reply)
Think SOD will be the next Blackburn manager?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:22, Reply)
I don't know much about football Jeff
but even I know that 80s rock band Spear Of Destiny are unlikely at best to get that job
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:26, Reply)
You back to work now or are you still in festive boozing mode?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:29, Reply)
In my brother's car on the way back from Winch.
Got to do three hours on new years eve but other than that I'm off.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:32, Reply)
remember to have a listen to On Tour, yeah?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:34, Reply)
I'll try

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:38, Reply)
Bet you don't.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:46, Reply)

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:01, Reply)
Don't tell me Berg's gone as well
Maybe they thought the time was right as no-one would accuse them of making the most jaw-droppingly stupid decision of the festive period.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:37, Reply)

Lasted 57 days.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:48, Reply)
This division is just mental
Not quite as mad as Freedman jumping ship to take over at Bolton mind
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:50, Reply)

City kept their first clean sheet of the season yesterday. Granted, the game never took place, but they didn't lose.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:52, Reply)
Every cloud eh
I'm fucking dreading the announcement of a new manager. Whoever it is, they'll have to be a fucking miracle worker to get us up this season. I'd have been happy with mid-table safety and a promotion push next year when SOD had worked out his best team.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:54, Reply)
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:59, Reply)
What have we done to deserve him?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:00, Reply)
Sacked your manager?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:00, Reply)
Good point, well made
Better Keane than... no, I can't think of anyone. About time Alan Curbishley had a job again.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:09, Reply)
Surely it's your turn by now?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:11, Reply)
Decent manager is Curbs
We served our Shit Manager Penance last season, surely?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:16, Reply)
I'd probably have to agree with your first two.
I might add Brucie as my third, though.

Boris for the wildcard. You never know, and I'm sure he'd manage it in some hilariously buffoonish way.

Is 'winterval' officially over now, then? Can we put the tinsel away and get back to normal again?
We stocked up on so much food and alcohol, we'll probably still be getting through it in March.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:28, Reply)
not til Jan 5th

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:32, Reply)
Fuck that.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:38, Reply)
Bruce Forsyth is basically immortal
The more people say "it's about time he died, watching him on live TV is just embarrassing", the stronger he becomes. I reckon he's put a tenner on himself to outlive Strictly.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:38, Reply)
When he dies he''ll be put in an open casket.
His family agreed it would be nice to see him, to see him nice.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:44, Reply)
Ha 4-2
In your face leeds
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:46, Reply)
That was easily the best thing about yesterday

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:50, Reply)
Even better than watching Fergie explode with rage over a correct decision?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:54, Reply)
Didn't see that
Was actually oblivious to all Premiership action from yesterday. Was bloody pleased to get away with watching Forest frankly.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:57, Reply)
Morning all,
I’m not putting Thatcher in my celebrity death list this year she’s been on it for the last three; I think she’s only living to spite me. Here is mine:
Peter Sutcliffe
Dr Stephen Hawkins
Charlie Sheen
Wild card Flavour Flav

Apart from that you lot having a good Christmas so far?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 10:58, Reply)
Who is Stephen Hawkins?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:07, Reply)
singer in The Darkness innit

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:12, Reply)
Nah, his brother, the guitarist

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:16, Reply)
Ohhh dear a Typo. being picked up on here :(
Best I go DMAKM. Or try and style it out and pretend I men't this guy?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:21, Reply)
But you didn't 'men' this guy either, did you?

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:24, Reply)
*Sniff* How do you know that I didn't
I bet he's a right cunt
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:25, Reply)
I think you meant the renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:27, Reply)
You’re in a somewhat pedantic frame of mind today
What’s wrong the hamster aint putting out?
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:31, Reply)
No, just that I think if you're going to be mean about famous people you should at the very least get their name right.
And I have no time for poor spellers. For God's sake, it's not difficult and we all went to school.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:33, Reply)
You seem a bit high strung today.
Are you sure everything’s ok at home????
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:39, Reply)
Everything's fine.
Just a bit crotchety.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:49, Reply)
I know
He was the narrator in Treasure Island
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:24, Reply)
If Hawkins dies - how would we know?
I mean, I realise that Gerry Anderson just died but there's better puppeteers/animatronics experts out there. Hawkins' voice is from a computer already, he doesn't exactly move much so all you'd need is a way to stop the body going off and nobody would know!
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:11, Reply)
It worked for the queen mother...

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:12, Reply)
Do you mean Stephen Hawking?
Ignorant prick.
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:13, Reply)
Yeah, that'll be him
Sorry for the mistake - I'll just DMAAKM
(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:28, Reply)
About time.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:29, Reply)
I should probably wait until 2013 so that at least one of AW's predictions comes to pass

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:35, Reply)
You could prove him wrong and die this side of Hogmanay.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:36, Reply)
This ^^^^^^

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:37, Reply)
They'll just switch him off then turn him back on again.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 11:27, Reply)
You and the three people you love most in the world.

(, Thu 27 Dec 2012, 12:00, Reply)

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