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Evening thread for sad wankers?
I'm happy today, are you happy today?

Alt: why not?

AltAlt: homunculus is a good word, even if I can't spell it. what word do you like today.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 19:35, 76 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I'm happy every day.
It's my reward for being awesome.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 19:36, Reply)
Excellent, keep it up shambles.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 19:38, Reply)
Thank you for your support.
I intend to.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:10, Reply)
my word of the day is either sempiternal or ignominious.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 19:38, Reply)
I'm sorry, but you must be this tall
*points to line 5'9" high on the wall* to participate in this thread.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:49, Reply)
I'm tired.
I don't have a favourite word of the day.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 19:46, Reply)
hey Cq,
I'm good thanks.

Altalt: Taradiddle.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:09, Reply)
I like all sorts of diddleling

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:19, Reply)
Nice word windyman.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:24, Reply)
I only heard it the other week.
It pleases me for some reason.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:48, Reply)
Quite happy today, thanks for asking
Alt: see above
AltAlt: Phenomenal
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:13, Reply)
did I hear correctly that you now have a love life?
if so, congrats.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:25, Reply)
Old news I'm afraid
Been together seven years!
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:26, Reply)
sorry, I misread you as Cavy for some reason
as you were
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:27, Reply)
Doo doooo, de doo doo...

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:26, Reply)
I am well as I have had some of that there beer, also I have curry that is almost ready
On the other hand I'm aiming to get to work for 7:30 tomorrow which will be a bit shit
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:13, Reply)
I like the word obsequious

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:14, Reply)
I'm toying with the idea of working from home tomorrow.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:16, Reply)
Good sometimes, can send you stir crazy though
Find a pub with wifi and do some work from there as well
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:18, Reply)
I'm probably going to have to again.
Roads into the office are still closed. I'm hoping my boss has the good sense to cancel Wednesday evening's meeting that's being held in the middle of nowhere. So far he hasn't grasped that the caterer has been snowed in all day and has been unable to get out to get the supplies in, nor that every single route into the village has been blocked with snowdrifts for the last two fucking days.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:22, Reply)
Why the early start?

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:21, Reply)
Fucking busy innit and I want to get stuff out to clients before the start of the day

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:24, Reply)
Rory seems to have provided a more detailed reply.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:25, Reply)
Did you know that if you've made a stew type of thing and somehow massively over salted it
A few chunky slices of raw potatoe will help to temper the saltiness
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:15, Reply)
Cheers Jesus
that's really helpful, I often oversalt stuff.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:26, Reply)
Pleasure, anything else I can help with?
Leprosy, fish multiplication and resurrection being specialities of mine
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:29, Reply)
not that I can think of.
unless you know how to banish a short scotsman...
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:45, Reply)
I'm currently angry, trying to plan a freaking Birthday party for my friend and myself but it is proving to be ridiculous
altalt I like turret but I always like that word
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:21, Reply)
Make sure you order balloons.
It'll be a rubbish party without any.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:23, Reply)
oh okay

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:24, Reply)
And get some party bags as well.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:24, Reply)
we don't even have a venue, it's getting ridiculous
$500 to rent the room no outside food or drinks but we can discuss water tea and lemonade prices
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:25, Reply)
Can't you get a bar to let you venue free
Subject to a minimum bar spend?
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:27, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:27, Reply)
This is my cum face btw

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:28, Reply)
careful your eyeballs don't fall out

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:28, Reply)
thought it look familiar

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:28, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:29, Reply)
My post seems to be missing several words.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:29, Reply)
technically in Virginia we don't have bars
only restaurants
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:28, Reply)
Sorry what?

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:29, Reply)
Virginia sounds a bit shit.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:30, Reply)
No bars, but you can buy automatic weapons!!

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:31, Reply)
Just shooting up the shops.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:32, Reply)
Some bars will rent for free if you promise a minimum spend

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:27, Reply)
Kick her in the cunt, steal her wallet and use it to buy rum, job done

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:25, Reply)
alright CQ
I'm quite chipper today. Only 9 working days till I start my new job, woohoo!
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:31, Reply)
so 10 days until you
hate your job
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:32, Reply)
Congrats matey.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:40, Reply)
Altalt: pissflaps.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:38, Reply)
Get thee booked in for Brizz!

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:40, Reply)
On the case.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:41, Reply)
Raddison, less than ninety sheets for a double.

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:42, Reply)
£70 in their 'sale'

(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 20:44, Reply)
oh man
Wilf is deleting posts again.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 21:02, Reply)
in fact
He's put me on 2.0 again.

Time to up the dose of the SSIDs again.
(, Mon 21 Jan 2013, 21:04, Reply)

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