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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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nobody owes you something just cos you got lucky

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:36, 1 reply, 12 years ago)
this is exactly the attitude benefit claiments take
they got lucky being born in the UK where benefits are available, therefore they believe they are owed them.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:38, Reply)
I bet you've never even met anyone who claims benefits.

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:39, Reply)
yeah, JSA is a fucking fortune.

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:41, Reply)
makes sense to live off that, you get so much money and your life is fantastic forever and it's not at all a bare minimum safety net
everyone on it has their own ten bedroom house with massive tellies and tattoos and alcohol
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:42, Reply)
I know a girl who does akshully
she got knocked up by a prick who does nothing for their daughter except cause grief.
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:41, Reply)
i knew it!

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:41, Reply)
is it battered's wife?
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:42, Reply)
Look Monty is doing the best he can, alright.

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:42, Reply)

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:43, Reply)
probably heard about a guy who makes a living off them
or read one of those fake articles in the sun about it
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:41, Reply)
no it's not
except for a few
which they'd like you to believe is everyone
so that they can get rid of the lifeboats
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:40, Reply)
The same phrase comes out of all of them
"it's just what I'm entitled to"

My point is that the claim you make is not about the amount of money you earn, but rather, the person behind it
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:42, Reply)
that phrase doesnt come out of all of them stop making shit up
although you're right about the second bit
not entirely sure what you're trying to say
need coffee
(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:43, Reply)
*something about Boat People*

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:43, Reply)
i wish i even had a boat!

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:45, Reply)

Boat Shoe

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:47, Reply)
Boat LOL?

(, Tue 2 Apr 2013, 10:47, Reply)

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