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When did you last give a shit about something?

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:12, 36 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I don't understand the question soz

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:26, Reply)

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:31, Reply)
not this thread thats for sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:40, Reply)
Yes. You win the prize of a night with Cavy for the correct answer.

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:54, Reply)
Second prize is two nights.

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:55, Reply)
If you survive the first night, that is.

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:52, Reply)
I just got home from work
Worst Saturday ever. Don't think I'll give a shit about anything ever again
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:55, Reply)
I've been out in the sunshine all afternoon
it was great, you missed it
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 20:58, Reply)
Although I also know the sun ain't never going to shine in Stockport. It was probably burning stolen cars or something
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:06, Reply)
pretty sure it shone brighter here than in your office, just sayin
unless you're that astronaut bloke in that film where they had to go to the sun and blow it up with a big fuck off bomb because the pilot light's gone out or something

I think it was called The Day The Sun Went Out, something like that
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:09, Reply)
No real names on the Internet ok?
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:15, Reply)
right, I've been told I'm watching a film now
it's in fucking german, I might die of teutonicness before the end
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:18, Reply)
Christ that momo cracks a hard whip

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:21, Reply)
I hope it's Der Tag Der Sonne Ist Ausgegangen

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:21, Reply)
And I hope it kills and eats you

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:26, Reply)
It was lovely all day in Hyde. Just saying, here.

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:49, Reply)
unpaid overtime lols

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:48, Reply)
I gave a shit into your mum's cunt.

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:53, Reply)
Donno, can't think of anything, that's quite bad innit. what about you?

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 21:53, Reply)
I'm getting my head shaved for kids with cancer
that's pretty shit-giving, I reckon.
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 22:09, Reply)
I linked some shit about organ donation on /links.
I'd have posted it here but I'm not sure what the rules are regarding links.
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 22:14, Reply)
The last time I gave a shit about something....
.....all the fucking time. Seriously namely racism and those people I meet daily where I live who think its just ok to a fucking spacktarded racist. My exes entire family used to just think it was ok to use certain language to describe people of differing ethnicities (usually without using the correct offensive language for said ethnicity, if you get me).

This led to be one big reason we broke up. She also had friends who were exactly the same. It was awful listening to them. Sorry for this total serious reply but I felt I should share.
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 23:18, Reply)
Shut up you *ethic insult issued ironically, honest*

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 23:34, Reply)

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 23:41, Reply)
Shame on you broadsword. Especially as you felt you couldn't log in as yourself to bully her.
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 23:40, Reply)
(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 23:42, Reply)
I hope you reported them for dole fraud.

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 0:16, Reply)
I reported one for tax evasion.
The cunt.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 0:24, Reply)
I wonder what crime you'd have had to report to get one of the less reputable baliliffs' firms to burn his face with an iron and take a bolt-cutter to his fingers.

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 0:27, Reply)
It was actually a female (if that's what it could have been called)
That I reported. It felt quite cleansing to be honest with you. But I like the imagery that your post conjures up and I now want to find this bailiff company
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 0:32, Reply)
You appalling fascist.
Racists deserve unrestricted freedom of speech, human rights and the ability to form violent populist mobs which help to undo nearly 1,000 years of social progress.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 0:54, Reply)
I am Paulo Di Canio.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 1:10, Reply)
Sieg heil!
Sorry, I meant: freedom of speech!
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 1:15, Reply)
It's ok the two are easily confused by
Fascists, neo nazis, racists and people from London.
(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 1:18, Reply)

(, Sat 6 Apr 2013, 23:40, Reply)

(, Sun 7 Apr 2013, 1:34, Reply)

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