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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm amazed any restauarants let you come back if you're like that with your food.
Bazongaloid, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 11:37,
1 reply,
12 years ago)
i'm v polite about it
but lukewarm soup is a thing of horror
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 11:39,
This I do agree with^^
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 11:40,
Why? You can't eat something really hot
so you have to wait for it to cool down to a reasonable temperature.
Bazongaloid, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 11:44,
Depends on your definition of reasonable
I like soup to be borderline scorching the roof of my mouth. Same with pizza, the cheese should be like molten lava.
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 11:59,
Fuck no, pizza that is too hot is agony, especially when you don't realise how hot it is until you bite into it.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 12:03,
this is why god made knives and forks
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 12:12,
God is from Sheffield?
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 12:14,
i believe in miracles...
rachelswipe with a fork, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 12:16,
Agreeing with Swipe here. Soup has to be piping hot.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 11:45,
I once made the mistake of attempting to eat piping hot seafood chowder
So tasty, but so fucking painfully hot.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Wed 24 Apr 2013, 12:04,