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A question for you all...
Bearing in mind that some of us have Real Lives which we don't entirely share with b3ta...

Has anyone been approached in Real Life about their b3ta alter ego?

Has anyone suddenly come up to you and said something along the lines of,
"Oi! Aren't you [insert screen name here] from b3ta.com?"
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:40, 60 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Haha... No!
At least, not yet. But it does beg the question - have you?

Good morning to you, of course!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:41, Reply)
I nearly have
Hasn't happened to me, but I nearly did it to someone. My partner lives quite near Humpty and I regularly get the train from Copenhagen to Lund, passing through Malmo. A month ago I could have sworn I saw a guy that looked exactly like Humpty from the pictures he's put up. I didn't quite have courage to go and ask though. Maybe I should.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:45, Reply)
Only at the bashes
So I guess that doesn't really count.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:48, Reply)
I've had a couple of people ask about what having the word "furtive" on a t-shirt means... but so far, noone who's even asked if I'm a b3tan...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:50, Reply)
When chcb and Enzyme first approached me
at the bash, that was an odd experience. It was like, 'I know you, don't?' but I didn't, except that I sort of did.

I once thought I saw Kaol hiding in the bushes near my flat. It turns out it was just a squirrel though.

@Enzyme I want that T shirt! Give it to me!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:52, Reply)
once or twice
friends of friends or mates' boyfriends have mentioned b3ta and some of the posters/memes.

i just kept bloody quiet!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:53, Reply)
Kind of...second hand...

A while ago a friend of mine (who lives in Coventry) went to visit his mum who was in hospital in Brighton.

Whilst he was there he met his sister (who lives in Brighton) and she started telling him about this site called B3ta and this bell-end called Pooflake who posts general bollocks for occasional amusement (or something like that).

Anyhoo, when he said that he actually knew Pooflake, she started reeling off my posts to him. She couldn't believe it.

Nor could he.

Nor could I when I heard. Did put things into perspective a bit.

Ah, Infamy...infamy....they've all got it in for me.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:55, Reply)
Not yet
I'm glad you answered Enzyme...because what with you working at a Uni I thought you were the most likely candidate for being approached.

I'm waiting...I'm sure it's going to happen one day.

And Hair Pot - I bet it was Humpty....should have asked him, he's very friendly you know!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:56, Reply)
One of my friends
the guy who first introduced me to b3ta (thanks Ferret) identified me from my posts. but I don't think that really counts either, as my username is part of my email address...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:59, Reply)
No, not yet
But ianglepoise (fairly irregular poster on here) worked out who I was from various clues in some of my posts. He's a mate of Legless' as well.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 9:59, Reply)
Someone I vaguely know
Gazzed me a while back asking if I was, well, me.
I ignored that, as they'd got the wrong person. *ahem*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:02, Reply)
And another one...

Captain Placid and I have been mates for years but signed up for B3ta independantly. He twigged who I was as soon as I started posting and gazzed me.

When I realised a nutcase like that was into B3ta I knew I had found a new home.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:02, Reply)
I've had
people say 'ha! Your t-shirt's funny' and I get excited that they recognise it, but they don't, they just like the idea of a shirt that says 'killed productivity'.

The lovely-ex's less lovely flatmate briefly mentioned b3ta but he'd just been looking at the pictures.

Basically, I can't put 'cult founder' on my cv because no one cares. Still, 'cunt finder' works though.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:02, Reply)
You sure it wasn't just a bloke trying to justify staring at your tits?
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:04, Reply)

That reminds me...it's Wednesday...

*starts warming up*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:06, Reply)
the thought did occur to me, especially as it was a bit nippy out. Still, he managed to make eye contact, which is especially unusual for a computer scientist.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:09, Reply)
happy b3taday pooflake!
have a feel from me @4.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:10, Reply)
Happy b3taday!

@Chickenlady: Yep: I'd've expected more positive identifications - I know that Negative Armadillo also works here, as does Mike Fishcake.

HLT recognised me from school - but, then, my real name is not difficult to find from my profile...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:16, Reply)
You sure he was a computer scientist, CHCB?
They don't usually manage even male-to-male eye contact.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:17, Reply)
I've just noticed
Pooflake and I share the same b3ta birthday! Holy mother of god, you don't think...?


Except he's got a candle and I haven't
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Thanks CHCB...and eveybody else who's wished me happy B3ta day...

Just to think...One year ago today I was piss bored at work and I thought ‘why not sign up for B3ta?’…In a Doctor Pepper ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ stylie.

Now here I am, with a slightly stranger outlook of the world, a debateable reputation (particularly in the bowel department) and some sodding good friends – you know who you are.

Thanks to you all for being succulently brilliant. Mikey likey you all long time.

So here’s to the next year…and beyond.

*cracks open beer*

*ignores the fact that it’s 10 in the morning*

To quote the great Legless…Cheers.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:19, Reply)
happy b3taday DG too. I am singing a b3taday song for you now. In my head. Because I'm on the train. In the quiet carriage.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:21, Reply)
Happy B3taday DG!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:24, Reply)
Aw, thanks CHCB and ancrenne and chickenlady
Oh, and happy birthday Pooflake as well. I'm forgetting me manners.

To anyone that's had the misfortune to latch onto my drivel over the last year, I salute you for your stamina... It doesn't get any better, honestly.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:25, Reply)
@ DG...

Happy B3taday!

Same day eh? bizarre-o-rama!

Perhaps in the B3ta balance of nature I was created as a kind of anti-christ to your divine B3ta birth?

That explains why I have no memory of anything before the last year...

and why I have the horn horns
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:29, Reply)
@ chickenlady...

Where's my snog?

*Starts singing Bernard*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:33, Reply)
^ This
Makes me wonder who my counterpart on here is...
I guess I'm the evil one though.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:34, Reply)
Huge apologies Pooflake!

*and swoons to the sound of Bernard*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:35, Reply)
Memuffle andruffle youmuffle, we'reruffle likemuffle Arnieruffle andmuffle DeVitoruffle inruffle Twinsmuffle.

EDITED for chicken lady. Sorry. Ruffle.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:35, Reply)
Oi! Bertie!
How can you wave?

I tied you up in that other thread!

*looks menacing*

*holds more ropes*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:40, Reply)
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:45, Reply)
@ Pooflake
Divine? I wouldn't go that far. There's only one divine being on here, and that's our friggin' messiah...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 10:50, Reply)
Not yet
But I've got a b3ta badge that's garnered a few glances from people on the tube.

A friend of mine emails me some stuff from talk and pictures, but doesnt seem to use QOTW :)
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 11:01, Reply)
I saw a bloke wearing a Donkey tShirt
and it was Weebl! I did a happy dance.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 11:46, Reply)
*b3taday snogs*
for pooflake

my first public b3ta snog *blushes*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 11:50, Reply)
Oi! What about me?
That's favouritism that is. Just cos Pooflake's got a shiny candle and I haven't.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 11:56, Reply)
i don't want
to incur the wrath of tourettes!!! so i'll just blow you (a kiss) from over here!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 11:59, Reply)
Ah, that's Ok then
But I'm sure she wouldn't mind - it is my b3ta day after all.

She's not that fearsome - honest
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:04, Reply)
I look forward to meeting her in August!
I shall be far more coherant this time around.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:06, Reply)
she'd probably be glad
to see the back of you!!

only joking.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:07, Reply)
Happy birthday Pooflake.
I still have your plectrum you left at my house from the last Bash. I keep it in my knicker drawer where I think it will be happy.

(Could be the Captain's plectrum but either way I'm keeping it as a momento of your visit).

Happy birthday DG too *hugs*
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:08, Reply)
And after I defended your honour against sirpigeonbollocks as well!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:09, Reply)
If Kaol misbehaves, you could probably think up some way to have him removed for legal reasons.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:11, Reply)
*receives snogs*


@BGB...it would've been my plectrum - the captain is way too rock hard for such girly items and regularly runs his fingers over a cheese grater to keep them extra tough.

It's a happy thought to consider my humble pleccy's current resting place. I'm sure if it could choose...your knicker drawer or being regularly whacked against dirty strings by a neanderthal screeching 'Bernard' - it would be the fastest decision a plectrum has ever made.

The Cap & I have a gig on the Sunday after the London Bank Holiday B3ta bash. I'll see if I can persuade him to venture down with me though...

watch this space
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:23, Reply)
you should know, i have precisely no honour!!!

actually, that's not true. it may well have sealed itself up again by now...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:28, Reply)
I gazzed Captain Placid once
to tell him I really enjoy his QOTW answers. He probably thought I was some mentalist stalker type, but he responded very nicely!
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:37, Reply)
*Chokes on sandwich*
Ms Swipe... that statement has just caused me to wince ever so slightly.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:37, Reply)
i meant
my honour.

dirty davros.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:47, Reply)
I thought you meant that somehow your hymen had regrown or something.

Amazing how these things can be misconstrued. Sorry.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:49, Reply)
You dirty minded

I knew exactly what she meant.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 12:50, Reply)
Always happy to lower the tone...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 13:14, Reply)
god you're such a perv...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 13:14, Reply)
Yes, I know.

(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 13:16, Reply)
I've not been approached in real life yet
but I have been recognized when I posted stories I've written here on other sites. Someone on Sensible Erection caught on to that one day. Kinda freaky, it was.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 13:25, Reply)
what on earht is Sensible Erection?

I'm not going to google it at work...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 15:50, Reply)
Sensible Erection
is a site that actually has a lot of good and fascinating stuff posted to it. There's also a fair bit of porn posted so it's NSFW, but there are a lot of extremely intelligent and well-educated people there posting links to good stuff to read about culture, technology and other things well worth reading.

Here is the Wikipedia article on it, which is safe for work.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 16:04, Reply)
So, a bit like b3ta then, but with more porn and a funnier name?

Excellent. Will check it out once I get home.
If Indiana Jones Lego doesn't hijack me and force me to play it on the PS3 for a couple of hours...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 16:17, Reply)
More like
fark or slashdot without all the hype.

Seriously, there are some extremely sharp people on there- doctors, engineers, physicists, research people, and all types in between. I've learned a hell of a lot from reading things posted to that site and then following the discussions in the comments sections. It's my other favorite website.
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 16:36, Reply)
Queen of Cheesecake
is one of my uni friends - I recognised her from the Fatto stories as I heard a lot about it at the time. She doesn't know she knows me, I don't think...
(, Wed 9 Jul 2008, 18:33, Reply)

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