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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

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Is a BiElection one where you get to vote both ways?

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:08, 3 replies, latest was 12 years ago)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:08, Reply)
I think this might be sarcasm

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:10, Reply)
No, sorry, the other one

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:10, Reply)
kill yourself?

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:11, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:16, Reply)
yes dear

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:08, Reply)
You fucking Deacon.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:11, Reply)
There's a little bit of Joey in all of us.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:12, Reply)
just the tip in you

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:13, Reply)
whereas you can take the whole dobber

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:19, Reply)
What a brilliant word.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:20, Reply)
soz, maybe I'm thinking of an election which happens due to an incumbent dying or stepping down.
You know, a by-election. Often the result wildly emphasises current public sentiment, particularly toward the middle of a government's term.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:16, Reply)
I'm sorry.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:16, Reply)
As am I.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:17, Reply)
I heard you like to "in cum bent"

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:17, Reply)
You're on fire today Nakers

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:18, Reply)
I wish he was on fire.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:19, Reply)
it's sad how you have to hide your affection for me under a front of loathing

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:20, Reply)
man love.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:21, Reply)
he wants to fill me with his "home brew"

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:22, Reply)
He wants to TAP your ass

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:23, Reply)
Cream played "Strange Brew", I think that's pertinent.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:24, Reply)
I still love you nakey-noos
Have you thought about your job hunt yet? Going clientside would be a good move, wouldn't it?
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:22, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:23, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:24, Reply)
Get out of your Taxi and say that

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:25, Reply)
don't make me punch you.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:25, Reply)
I applied for a senior brand manager role, just to see what would happen
so far...nothing.

But yeah, it'd nice to do the shouting for once.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:25, Reply)
Product Management's where it's at in FMCG and retail though, right?
Brand and proposition is where it's at in FS.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:27, Reply)
don't wanna do FS I don't think

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:29, Reply)
the benefits are usually pretty good
And as it's intangible products, the actual 'marketing' side has to be extremely creative. The product development and market analysis side of things is handled by the autists. You shouldn't just discount it, the fact that it's so heavily dependent on compliance rules means that you really do need to think differently about how to approach it.

Distribution's a piece of piss too, you have high street banks and adviser networks falling over themselves to sell your products. Drop me a line if you need any pointers etc.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:34, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:39, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:41, Reply)
I was referencing an old skool talk event.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:23, Reply)
Very good

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:40, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:20, Reply)
That's even worse than this thread.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Only in reference to the rest of this sorry bunch

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:21, Reply)
Imagine how many Moths would be drawn to the flames

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:22, Reply)
The rest of this sorry bunch but particularly and especially you.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:24, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:25, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Is off topic WTN today?

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:24, Reply)
Off Topic's been worse than Nakers for days.
Nakers is frequently the best thing on here, recently.

What a sorry fucking situation.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:25, Reply)
This is why you should injvite me to your BBQ
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:26, Reply)
I'm saying it's a bad thing, you illiterate spastic.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:27, Reply)
even compliments bully me : (

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:32, Reply)
MY MARRS!!!!! gag was nothing short of brilliant, i'll have you know

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:26, Reply)
I'm way better than Nakers
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Well fuck me, look who's come crawling back.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:27, Reply)
Hey, I strutted back.
Like a fatter BeeGee
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:29, Reply)
Poor dead BGB :(

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:29, Reply)
You mean you fucked TRL too?
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:31, Reply)
I was talking about these guys

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:33, Reply)
2 down, 1 to go

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:33, Reply)
So are you back for good, like a wider-muffed Gary Barlow?

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:34, Reply)
Meh just while it's quiet at work.
I know you all like totally missed me as well
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:35, Reply)
b3t in general is really hurting for posters
OT is no different.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:36, Reply)
I see QOTW is still scraping the bottom of the barrel
My answer is totally awesome though. I think you should all go vote it up.

I think OT died a fair bit before the rest of it
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:39, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:34, Reply)
how'd you know it was me?
I'm in disguise
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:27, Reply)
Can't disguise a turd

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:28, Reply)
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:31, Reply)
How the fuck did you find that site?

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:33, Reply)

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:35, Reply)
The irony is, it's usually WTN when I'm not here
it's like schrodingers cat or some shit
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Irony check please Dozer.
Also, can we get some nullo scientist in to validate the Schrödinger's cat claim?
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:29, Reply)
hi tuib
The general rule is that there's an opposite or unexpected outcome, so the fact that it's WTN when he isn't here, would lend itself to the 'unexpected outcome' category.


Also, I think Enzyme does a branch of philosophy, so he isn't a scientist. Again, hth. Feel free to get in touch if you wish to discuss.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:38, Reply)
Yeah but he's clever and that.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:41, Reply)
Can't spell his own name
Not that clever
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:43, Reply)
Yeah, him and CQ.
Scottish pricks.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:44, Reply)
and he cut his own genitals off

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:47, Reply)
Ensyme? Enzhyme? Enzime? Ensime? Ensighm?
OK, I'm out.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:49, Reply)
he think's it's perfectly okay to do incests on your sister.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:43, Reply)
Ok, I'll give her a call later.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:45, Reply)
Unless he's a close blood relation to TiuB
It wouldn't be incest
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:45, Reply)
I reckon me and Enzy were probably in the same nightclub in Hull at the same time once, but that's about as close as we get.

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:46, Reply)
A "nightclub" in Hull...

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:50, Reply)
Jesus, how desperate to get tinnitus from listening to shit dance music do you have to get
before that seems like a good idea?
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:52, Reply)
Oh come on, look how cool this place is:
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:54, Reply)
Hahaha fucking hell
somebody stuck a faux Georgian siding up against an old pub.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:55, Reply)

A website straight outta 1995, Gonz would have a fit if he saw this.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:56, Reply)
Spiders was a running joke back in 1996. I had no idea it was still going.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 13:00, Reply)
one of my colleagues here is from Hull
He only moved to Leeds last year and he's still amazed that there's a gay village in the city centre. He was also saying that he was having a mate to visit and he'd take him to the Viaduct Showbar for a night out. Have some drinks, watch some strippers, have a lapdance, you know? A couple of single guys out on the town?

I had to explain to him that those showgirls aren't actually female.

In hindsight, I should have kept quiet and let him take one of his mates to a drag bar.
(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:58, Reply)
TUIB IS ENZYME'S SISTER???!!!!@!!!!@!!????/????

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:49, Reply)
He's probably "doing it for himself"

(, Fri 3 May 2013, 12:50, Reply)

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