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I have no food in the house...I could get a kebab on the way home...

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:04, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I've got beef stew I made last week
I shall have it with croquettes I reckon.
(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:11, Reply)
is this an invite?
It sounds like an invite
I'm pretty sure sure this IS an invite
Ok I'll do it! gaz me your address yeah
(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:15, Reply)
I think the gaz system is broken, i ent got that address yet
maybe try again yeah?

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:18, Reply)
Yer it's deffo an invite I reckon

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:20, Reply)
should I take flowers do you think or some cider?

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:21, Reply)
A bottle baby oil.

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:22, Reply)
I'll jam it backwards up my arse so that when I clench I squirt out a stream of oily goodness

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:24, Reply)
Get HimJim to bike over a 24" dildo and some manpons

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:22, Reply)
manpons dukaz?

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:24, Reply)

Thanks for voting for reply 1958014!

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(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:25, Reply)
Since Lusty moved in which is getting on for a couple of years now, I don't think we have had a single takeaway

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:21, Reply)
i didn't realise you guys had been together so long
she alright? She doesn't gaz me any more :(
(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:25, Reply)
She's great ta
Got promoted so has less time to piss about, nowt personal don't worry. She's at that rubbish bit when you're promoted enough that you have to do loads of work, you know, the bit before everyone else has to do the work and you can piss about again.
(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:29, Reply)
I still enjoy a good takeaway
but I do a lot more cooking these days, especially in the slow cooker which makes 4-5 portions at a time.
(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:27, Reply)
We just never have them.
There's a pretty decent curry place on Cambridge Heath Road but if we're having curry inevitably Paedoo's is the provider.
(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:31, Reply)
That's one of the problems with Poland. Can't get decent curry.

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Bollocks, you got her that salt beef bagel that made her go all gay for you.

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:30, Reply)
That's not takeaway in my eyes.
I mean 'call up a place and have a meal delivered' not 'pop out to get a snack from a shop and bring it home'
(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:32, Reply)
Oh, in that case.... yeah', I still get a lot of take away. but only half of what I had before.

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:37, Reply)
I want a salt beef bagel now

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:46, Reply)
i want to go home

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:47, Reply)
I want to go home with Boyce's salt beef bagel

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:53, Reply)
was just beef, but he used it as a masterbatery aid

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:53, Reply)
cool, beef can be a little dry on its own

(, Thu 9 May 2013, 17:54, Reply)

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