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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Funny what you think about as you sleep, huh?
Whilst asleep earlier on, I was thinking about how strange the English language is, especially concerning the spelling of words.

For some reason, at 5am, in the midst of a decent sleep, it's highly amusing to think that adding just one letter can completely alter the meaning of a word.

In my case, adding an "r" to "fury" can change it from a really angry word and make it "furry" which is just warm and fuzzy.

Mornin' all :)
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 6:58, 20 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
A weird language indeed.
'Ghoti' could be an alternative spelling for 'fish'.

gh in trough for the f sound
o in women for the i sound
ti in station for the sh sound
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 8:23, Reply)
that is both weird and very interesting

(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 8:29, Reply)
I think Slough should be called Sluff
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 8:56, Reply)
trying to decide which sounds more scummy
and therefore appropriate...
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 8:58, Reply)
I've always said it as Sluff... much to the annoyance of people from Sluff.
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 9:02, Reply)
Thats what nurses call the scummy stuff you get whwen you've has a big burn or a graze and you get in hte bath and it goes all fluffy and wierd. When I trained I had to pick it off a patient every day for 2 months... Bleugh...
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 9:05, Reply)
John Betjeman
Come friendly bombs and fall on Sluff

any suggestions for the next line?
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 9:07, Reply)
Like Head and Shoulders on dandruff?
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 9:26, Reply)
despite my insistence on mispronouncing Sluff, I do get quite unreasonably irate when I hear Merkins people on the tube referring to South Wark, rather than Southwark (Suthuck) as it should be pronounced.

And this, despite the fact that the American version is probably more accurate.

Ours is a strange language.
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 10:03, Reply)
There are two towns near me
Bosham and Cosham.

Bozam and Kosh-ham
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 10:05, Reply)
halfway between Dublin and Limerick
is a town called Borrisinossory which is pronounced just like it writes - great name though.
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 10:13, Reply)
I always like
those weird sentences with multiple repetitions of the same word.

Eg. There is a sign that says "And and And"
But the gaps between And and and and and and And are not equal.

Edit: The word and just lost all meaning
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 10:15, Reply)
Down near (S)Lyme Regis
we have Whitchurch Canonicorum pronounced 'Can knacker 'em'.
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 10:25, Reply)
That's a great name.

I used to live near a village called Cowbit. It is located in a rural area, the sign for the village has a picture of a cow on it, and the name has its origins in farming.

It is pronounced Kubit.
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 10:27, Reply)
It gets better
I live in a town called 'Castletroy'.

It's a one-horse backwater but it sounds like Adam of Greyskull pops by from time to time with his mates Odysseus, Achilles and Conan The Barbarian.

"To Castle Troy - huzzah!"
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 11:10, Reply)
Loughborough is now officially called Luffbruff.
(in my head)
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 11:19, Reply)
and Hawick
which is pronounced Hoick.

Which makes me think of pants.

Yay, pants!
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 11:28, Reply)
Just thought of another
Goole in Yorksire. Are the inhabitants called Goolies?
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 11:32, Reply)
the village of Ugley
is pronounced Ooh-shlee not ugly
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 11:46, Reply)
People from Offaly in the Irish midlands
are called "Biffos".
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 12:46, Reply)

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