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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Morning all, glorious weather in Manchester.
Hussy nommed breakfast, we're having a wander to the science museum in a bit. Up to much? Still in bed
(, Sat 3 May 2014, 8:47, 36 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
The sun is shining in Ryton and all is good with the world
Breakfast has been wolfed down, washing hung out and I'm off to get the G/F's tyres sorted.
The rest of the day could descend into a haze of badly-played music and drunkenness, depends on the travel arrangements!
(, Sat 3 May 2014, 8:59, Reply)

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 9:37, Reply)
Just. Predictive text and my clumsy fingers.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 9:58, Reply)

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 10:04, Reply)
classic DBT!

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 10:08, Reply)

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 13:33, Reply)
breakfast pint yer

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:31, Reply)
God lad, I'm getting one in a bit. Museum was excellent.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:36, Reply)
its all about drinking estrella alone mate im having a ball

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:37, Reply)
Nice beer that.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:43, Reply)
its a recent discovery for me

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:44, Reply)
Where are you, Folkstone?

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:45, Reply)
london for now

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:46, Reply)
Been playing with the grownup B3tans?

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:52, Reply)
only one

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:58, Reply)
How is Battered?

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 12:16, Reply)
you said grown up.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 13:34, Reply)
I diagnose someone feeling a bit sorry for themselves.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:44, Reply)
ha ha not in the slightest. just decididn what train home to get and whether to have lunch. hard times doc fo rizzle

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 11:46, Reply)
Just sitting in the sun with a Jim Beam and coke *cue dozer*
Added cheese and chorizo to my bacon and eggs breakfast, also had in the sun. Delightful. Bbq on the go tomorrow. Today is a chill.
(, Sat 3 May 2014, 13:32, Reply)
I had a couple of pints and a burger now im on the train home to go to sleep

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 13:37, Reply)
rock n roll

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 14:11, Reply)
So yeah I stupidly ordered some VIG4RAA in response to a spam email and now it's turned up the box actually says 'VIG4RAA' on it
Trading Standards assure me I haven't got a leg to stand on
(, Sat 3 May 2014, 13:49, Reply)
omg i'm totally still talking to a girl on OKCupid and it's been like 2 weeks now and I asked her for her number and suggested if she wants to do something tomorow we could do something OMG OMG OMG

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 14:09, Reply)
do you talk to her like a 16 year old American girl?

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 14:12, Reply)
Nah', 18 year old one, laws are different there.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 14:20, Reply)
good innit?

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 14:25, Reply)
First kindda result i've had with a dating site, so far.
I swear man, if it turns out to be someone from here, I'm gonna kick of.
(, Sat 3 May 2014, 15:11, Reply)
You've told about your saltwater swimming pool, right?

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 15:25, Reply)
Alright Badger.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 15:39, Reply)
Alright SBT, I am on call today.
I have fucking EARNT this bonus day off to day. Spent half of fucking yesterday in an ambulance with a sweaty ODP, a slightly anxious doctor and a rather anxious consultant transferring a proper sick punter to a Teriary Referral Centre.
Proper hair-raising.
(, Sat 3 May 2014, 16:01, Reply)
I hope her shoe collection is nice, I have a healthy interest in women's fassion.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 15:44, Reply)
bit gay

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 15:50, Reply)
Don't worry yourself treacle, that was based on a super creepy sexpest who used to post here.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 17:10, Reply)

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 15:59, Reply)
Possibly the greatest day in sporting history.

(, Sat 3 May 2014, 17:18, Reply)

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