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Help Needed From The Vicious B3tards.
I'm creating a bunch of interactive avatars of Sarah Palin and need some help.

The current one shows your IP address and a wee message. I want to make the messages change with each refresh so I need some pithy, witty messages that slag off this Right-Wing religious nut-case.

I'm also after some decent source images of her, preferably holding a sign (where I can put my own messages.)

Please help.


(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 5:43, 22 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Does This Work?

It should say:


In my case Melbourne. Can you let me know if it displays your city?

(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 8:44, Reply)
That one
Is the rapist one for me.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 8:45, Reply)
That's very good.
It says "Hello Brentford", which is close enough to where I am.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:04, Reply)
The city one says Manchester for me
and my IP is right, I think.

Edit: A good picture of her unveiling a sign.


And another: www.allamericanpatriots.com/files/images/2008-04-alaska-governor-sarah-palin.jpg

More: cache.daylife.com/imageserve/04nz9fE3vsc5L/610x.jpg
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:04, Reply)
It says Stoke on Trent for me (81.7 miles away)
And I'm not there...
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:05, Reply)
Ah, now I see the town bit.
Doesn't really work at work. It thinks I'm in Banbury (near oxford) when in fact I'm in Hertfordshire.

Guessing that's some sort of internet/networking type thing. Perhaps related to us having a satellite on the roof as one of our two internet connections (not sure how the other is setup)
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:10, Reply)
Oooh!Good find himjim.

Going to use that one...
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:19, Reply)
Kick ass Jesus red neck

If Jesus had guns the Jews wouldn't have killed him.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:39, Reply)
It doesn't say any city for me.
People like her scare the shit out of me. Not rapists hiding in dark corners, chavvy kids, dentists or the bogie man but her and her power crazy lust for Christian fundamental politics.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:40, Reply)
*tries really really hard to not get involved in a religion in politics discussion*
I'll just say I hate her and nothing more.

*avoids being hunted by religious types*
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:46, Reply)
I can't believe she called her Down Syndrome kid 'Trig'
Hasn't she seen Only Fools & Horses?
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 10:18, Reply)
mine says somewhere in Holland
but my internet is routed through there, so I guess that is right!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:08, Reply)
And now..
For something completely different.

Seeing that I've learned how to embed text into a graphic on-the-fly - all server based - I'm writing a wee utility that will display a graphic and allow users to embed their own text into it.

Going to do a whole series of pics of MaCain and Palin and let users add the captions. The images will then be displayed in a gallery. Must add voting...

(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:16, Reply)
I'm keeping quiet about where I live
but the sign correctly guessed my location.

One message could be "Backwards is the way forwards".
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:22, Reply)
Just me?
I think she's a bit of a horny little minx on the quiet and would quite happily do rude things out of wedlock with her.

And I'm not sure of my IP address and I'm sure I'm not in London
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:48, Reply)
God knows why, but

it say 'Worksop' for me, and I'm view this from work in York.

How about: Product of the State of Alaska; where men are men and 17 year old unmarried girls aren't, but what the fuck!

or is that below the belt

or don't you mind
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:01, Reply)
Got the city right
how about

"Vote for me or I'll hunt you for your pelt?"
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:22, Reply)
It says Swindon for me which is kind of on the right lines. I didn't realise it was a clever location-sensor thing, at first, and just thought it was a joke regarding her odd choice of name for daughter 'Bristol'...
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 17:03, Reply)
not only says my city, but also sums up my feelings about the republicans nicely :-)
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 17:05, Reply)
Yay and Woo!
My home computer shows the city nearest to my town.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 17:05, Reply)
Doesn't work on macs
Or at least not in safari.

edit - Nor in safari. I thought you were a mac-boy legless?
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 18:47, Reply)
Odd that it doesn't work on MACS - it should as it's all server side. Unless I can't read the bloody http_agent string from Safari again.

I've given up coding for Safari. It's shite - get Firefox for the MAC.

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 6:33, Reply)

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