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QOTW Podcast
Following on from Pooflake's wonderful Threesome story

I wonder how easy or hard it would be for a podcast to done....

Anyone have an thoughts or ideas?

*EDIT* I've done one! Woohoo!

A recording that is....

Chickenlady - Smile

(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:35, 62 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

I replied after your reply in my post...

Legless has the lot sussed. His site, Daftdoggy' has a record function which enables you to record a clip which he then posts.

I've joined up but haven't done anything yet because I can't decide what to read...

nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that i'm scared of people mocking my shite Cov accent
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:44, Reply)
Do you think we should do this then?
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:52, Reply)
I'm up for it.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:54, Reply)
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:58, Reply)
I've just signed up to Legless's site but I can't work out how to record anything...
I remember him posting a link ages ago...but I'm not sure what equipment I'd need either.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:58, Reply)
I'm guessing we'd just need the stuff you'd use for Skype or MSN
when you're making a telephone call...

Am I right?
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 12:59, Reply)
I've done a bunch of recordings of on my digital camera, that has an audio function.
It's good enough to record me singing and playing guitar, so it'll be fine for voice.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:04, Reply)
I'd be up for that!
Most defo!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:14, Reply)
All you need is a pair of headphones (if you don't have a cheap computer mic already) plugged into the mic input of your computer.

It's not going to get you the most fantastic quality sound, but it should do the job.

Or the Skype/MSN USB phone thing would probably work, too.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:19, Reply)
I've just recorded myself reading my entry for this week's qotw - Smile

I recorded it on my phone and if I can work out
a)How to get the file off my phone and ensure it's in the correct mp3 format (shouldn't be too difficult, phone is plugged into my laptop now)
and more importantly
b)Find somewhere to upload it to on the internet

then I'll post the link and you can all have a laugh at the expense of my 'folksy' accent.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:20, Reply)
But if I do this some of you have to too...
otherwise I'll be the only one standing naked in the middle of a load of fully dressed people laughing.

(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:35, Reply)
I think I've got a mike on the laptop at home.
I'll try and sort something out later if possible. One of the filthier ones.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:36, Reply)
If you lot can figure out the details of how to do it
then I'll be more than happy to tell a few stories myself. Might be a few days from now, though, as home life is a bit busy at the moment...
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:38, Reply)
I can just imagine having my iPod full of qotw stuff - it would be brilliant!!

Especially if there was a podcast to download every week...
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:39, Reply)
Bloody good idea
Nice one chickenlady. The thought of your disembodied voice coming from my PC does worry me.

I am slightly concerned that I might try to hump it find it strangely arousing despite you not being around.

Oh and I did refer to it as "slightly folksy"...
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:47, Reply)
Not pushing her forward or anything
But our Empress has a fantastic speaking voice - as you'd expect from a trained musician.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:47, Reply)
I'm not sure
if I'm ready for this yet. I'm as un-techy as a cabbage, can't record anything on my phone and I'm useless.

Plus it wouldn't be fair, as my bits are always really long.

and I don't like the sound of my voice.

Would be more than happy for someone else to read out my bits though...

...don't all rush at once.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:48, Reply)
Okay, I need help now
I've recorded it.

I've downloaded the software to change it from an .amr to an .mp3

I've checked it, it's fine but it's 4mb!

Where can I upload it?
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:49, Reply)
Could you use Legless' DaftDoggy?
Also, as a Classicallly Trained actor, I could do it for people who don'tr want their voices revealed!

(I'll need a mic first tho!)
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:51, Reply)
How about the QOTW winner gets theirs read out by Brian Blessed?

That would be quite something.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:52, Reply)
Tried Daftdoggy
It doesn't appear to do that now :(

I'm currently uploading to supload.com

*Watch this space*
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:53, Reply)
"In a world of strange questions, one group has the answers..."
RIP, Don. Wish you could have ready my answers out for me.

Anyway... I have a copy of Goldwave, so I can record mp3s, at least. But yes, chickenlady, they will all likely be enormous files. Maybe if you change the sample rate to its lowest setting?
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:55, Reply)
Fill yer boots mate.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:56, Reply)

Ahem..I think I pressed the wrong button...

But nonetheless, you can now hear me reading 'Smile' here:-


And you don't need to download - it streams!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 13:57, Reply)
your voice is completely as I imagined

edit: thoroughly listening to it though, even though I'd already read it!

I'd be up for a QOTW podcast if it's all this entertaining!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:02, Reply)
I'll record one soon
Dunno what story though, any suggestions?
Maybe see what the new QOTW is.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:10, Reply)
*humps PC*
*gets thrown out of office*
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:16, Reply)
Oooh, that was fab
You don't sound "folksy" to me. But then all I hear are Scottish accents normally ....
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:32, Reply)
I've always kind of imagined TRL's voice to be similar to Garrison Keillor
Especially when reading his posts about finding the abandoned house and so on...

'twould be most disappointing to hear that he had a squeaky little Joe Pasquale type voice

(For the UK folks who don't know the name - he's the bloke who does the voiceover for the Honda ads - Wikilinky)
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:35, Reply)
Cheers! I gargle with whisky and gravel to give it that certain alluring something.

Chickenlady: we could also read out our favorite past posts as well. I'd love to have podcasts of people reading out the winning entry from "My Worst Vomit" or "Shit STories" or something.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:36, Reply)
My voice
is sadly nowhere as deep and resonant as Garrison Keillor, but it's not squeaky either. It's a fairly normal voice, though I do tend to use a fair amount of modulation and have very precise diction. I don't know of anyone famous to compare it to.

BGB? Chickenlady? You've both heard my voice- who do I remind you of?

EDIT: William Peterson of CSI was suggested to me as being similar.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:40, Reply)
Looks like a mini revival og B3ta radio is on the cards!

(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:44, Reply)
how about those who are interested read out their highest voted post from their profile?
seems as good a way of doing it as any
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:52, Reply)
I'm gonna print it off, double spaced and mark it up for broadcast-reading.

I'll do it tonight.

Woo to my radio-presenting skills coming in handy!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:54, Reply)
First time I have chance to log into B3ta for a while and I'm presented with this great idea. It will be intresting to find out what everyone sounds like.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:59, Reply)
Excellent idea
I've now got visions in my head of a whole new chapter in b3ta life...

I'm sure this will last at least...oh...a week maybe?


I'm very, very tempted to start reading some of my short stories and starting a podcast on iTunes....
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 14:59, Reply)
I'm going to record my
"Blood" story, it's more "me" than my winning one.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:01, Reply)
"highest voted post from their profile"

That's not fair!

Mine is about the time I (almost) got caught wanking by my mum!

I think that's what has been putting me off doing it so far...I'm too damn embarrassed.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:02, Reply)
I won't read my highest either - it's the Karma one and it's far too personal to read out.

However, the Dungeons one I will read because that's funny.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:07, Reply)
fair enough
was just a suggestion

mainly prompted by my top story clearly being my best one
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:07, Reply)
I think you should tell the story of the fallout in the pub from the "Faye King- git" story.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:07, Reply)
Ah Pooflake
In that case I've got to prattle on about my cat!

I'd be willing to read a wank-themed podcast.

*competitive rates available*
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:08, Reply)
Someone else can record mine
I hate the sound of my voice on a recording of any kind.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:14, Reply)
I used to work for a charity recording newspaper and magazine articles for the blind.
In a soundbooth and everything.

I can't wait to get home and hear Chickenladies recording now...Woo!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:17, Reply)
Like I said,
I used to have a radio show, I miss it very much.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:18, Reply)
Ooh I can't wait to listen later!
I don't like the sound of my voice either but I may get drunk later and record one anyways
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:24, Reply)
I don't think I told you this but not only did I immagine you'd sound like Ann Widdecombe, but it turned out that you do.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:25, Reply)
Oh ffs
*jumps between chickenlady and mistaspakkaman*


*tries to restrain chickenlady*
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:29, Reply)
Well hellooo (a la Leslie Philips) Chickenlady

Have just listened to your rendition of 'Smile', at my desk, via my ipod phones and am abnormally smiling for 3.20pm on a weekday. I've got a feeling I may listen to it again before the end of the week. Nice voice! And it is nice to hear an author reading their work.

I like this idea and hope it comes to something. I've just checked, and my top voted story is still 'Stalked' - my tale of 'Therese' - the older Parisian lady that I dumped in favour of Xena. By chance, my latest offering is straight into the chart at No.2, giving the whole thing a nice symmetry. Just goes to show, as these are two of my very longest posts, that's why I never apologise for length.

[p.s. I'm still working on the 'Street Theatre' thing. Determined to get to v3 by Friday pm]
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:30, Reply)
Oh dear...

Spak, that's pretty much an insult, right there...
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:31, Reply)
It wasn't meant as an insult
It's the Kentish accent that does it.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:43, Reply)
I like the idea of this (listening to others, natch, not reading my own).

How do you determine which is your highest voted QOTW answer, is it the one that's highest in your profile?

I really wanna hear chickenlady's entry now, but because we have no internet at work, and because I can't seem to download it on my phone, i am going to have to wait for a couple of days, and therefore will begin sulking immediately ;)
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:47, Reply)
My voice sounds awful!
Although it would be good for reading out my crap puns (such as this one).

If I could get a celebrity to read out one of my posts, I'd get Nigel Lambert to read out this one.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:48, Reply)
I always kinda thought...

Even though it's not technically a B3ta post...

I thought of doing the backstory of 'Bernard' and then playing the song...

Then I realised it would take too much effort and I thought 'fuck that!'

*puts drinking thinking cap back on*
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:48, Reply)
I think you should read this one, chickenlady.

I especially want to hear the sound effects.

EDIT: Pooflake, you HAVE to do that!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 15:50, Reply)
This is tempting to try.
I think my voice sounds gormless, but according to folks I speak to over the phone every day it's an appealing scottish/ yorkshire mix.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 16:19, Reply)
That's great!
It needs a plinky-plonky book of the week theme tune and a chirpy Radio 4 presenter introducing you. Defo.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 16:21, Reply)
Ann Widdecombe
Having met MrSpakkaman I'm not going to take that as an insult.

However, as she was born in Somerset I can't really see (or hear) how my voice is similar.


(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 16:23, Reply)
I'm not doing my own
as my voice is terrible, but I LOVED chickenlady's.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 16:23, Reply)
I think
that Kaol should read Becky's stories. Having them read in a male voice would make them that much funnier.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 16:27, Reply)
Please read audio books!
All fun and games until someone loses an eye read by Chickenlady. I'd buy it!
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 18:23, Reply)
You've got a lurvely voice ;)

Very well-pronounced too, hehe xx
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 19:42, Reply)

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