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Post deleted because pointing out you're a bit of a twat on the internet isn't the cleverest thing.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:14, 25 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

teaching English as a foreign language?
If you already have a bit of french and spanish, that's a great help. A friend of mine decided to do it on a whim, after a year of being unemployed and miserable. His reasoning was he'd rather be unemployed and miserable, but at least not in the UK. He loves it now, thinks it's the best thing he's ever done.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:21, Reply)

if i'm on the mark here but you appear to have a bit of a self esteem issue (?)
Job wise it depends on what you want, I guess office jobs are out unless relaxed dress? HAve you considered going into training?
What do you enjoy dong when you were at work? what are your a-levels in?
I suppose the big question is what would be your dream job and how can you get there?
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:23, Reply)

If you've got a couple of hundred quid to spend on gear and a day to spare I'll teach you how to clean windows.
I'm entirely serious.
And it doesn't sound like an attitude problem to me.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:24, Reply)

When I was off ill with depression for quite a while, I eventually thought it was time to join the rest of the world again. I got a small cleaning job which entailed going into the city centre, (I had panic attacks as well), and slowly I built up my confidance again. After about a year I was offered an office job, working for my dad who had bought a company. The first few years were incredibly stressful but having made the first step by starting the cleaning job I managed to get through it all.
What I'm trying to say is find something small and easy and go from there. When you've been in a rut for so long it's hard to get out of it. Take baby steps and you'll soon find you can start to take more responsibility and be able to handle whatever life throws at you.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:30, Reply)

They're usually miserable cunts too.
Just kidding, international businesses are always looking for foreign language speakers, good luck to you etc
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:32, Reply)

And please give me a little time to think about this.
Meanwhile, tell us what skills you have. I'm sure that you've learned to do something beyond simple labor by now.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:41, Reply)

he has problems that make it hard for him to get a satisfying job with career prospects, he gets fed up, pissed off and ends up quitting/getting fired. So I know where your coming from.
While it's tough especially as you seem to have some genuine problems you need some tough love, sort your self out stop moaping and whining and fucking do something about your life.
Get any job and pay your way, it doesn't have to be for life, but it'll stop you self destructing in a drug/booze filled grief hole.
Perhaps getting out and about a bit will help you readjust to teh real world and then you can think about a career.
Oh and if your paranoid STOP SMOKING WEED. It's pretty simple really.
Apologies for the rant, but you are the only person who can change your life, no one will do it for you and unless you can adjust your attitude you're fucked.
Good luck.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:44, Reply)

TEFL is a possibility, though I'd get no support in moving abroad - parents don't really trust me enough (It's been an ambition to move to Spain for some time).
Yes, smoking weed doesn't help. Been doing it on and off for years. Tried to quit many times. Very much addicted in that I crave it every day and have been known to roll up nubs found under park benches. Come to the conclusion that doing without is not some miracle cure for life and that the ideal is moderation - unfortunately I've been smoking far too much recently so need to give it a rest.
Window cleaning for No3l. That could be a chill job.. where do you live? I can't really relocate so it's probably not an option.
Not much opportunity round here for people with language skills, unless you have a language degree or accountancy qualifications (no thanks). London and, bizarrely, the East Midlands, seem different.
Think I'm going to have to suck up the bad stuff like everyone else, so I'm off to the job centre now (with small joint, natch). Gonna have to find something and probably exaggerated all the problems above.. bad week.
I'll be alright after a bit of a walk so don't be too sympathetic..
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:44, Reply)

Learn Direct?
When I was trying to sort my life out I found them to be helpful.
I found the biggest problem was not knowing what jobs there were. I knew about the jobs we see people doing, but there are plenty other jobs out there.
6 grade A A-levels fantastic. Don't let the lack of degree get in your way. I've only got 4 GCSEs above grade c and no A-levels.
Without wishing to sound like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, admitting there is a problem is the first step.
I can't really give you any good advice as I have spent many years floundering around not knowing what to do myself.
Good luck though.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:46, Reply)

Get a job you lazy bastard!
You can't get an office job because of other people
You can't work in a warehouse - because of other people, and, although you failed a degree twice it's somehow beneath you (but not the other poor sods who have to work for a living)
You can't work in a shop - because of other people
And rather than do anything about it, you whine and smoke draw and live off people you don't like.
If you like the idea of volunteering, do VSO (if they'll have you) so at least you're out of the house learning something for yourself. That will look good on a c.v. too
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:53, Reply)

I quite like my job, and the people here (apart from one guy, man I hate him)
it's working in general that I don't like. Anything that makes me have to get out of bed before I'm ready is bad.
However, of the options discussed above, window cleaning looks like a good option.
I want to be a blacksmith
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 15:58, Reply)

I've never had a job I loved but I love what having a job gives me.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:00, Reply)

It sounds to me as though you have, by nature, some chemical imbalance that you're medicating with weed. I've known many who have done this- the Lunatic Artist was doing it a lot when we first met. So first step is to get to a doctor to discuss this THOROUGHLY. It may be that with a simple pill you can eliminate your need for weed. Abilify is good for bipolar, and has turned the lives of several people I know around.
In any case, quitting weed is VITAL. I'm dead serious here. You probably have an undiagnosed medical condition- not to be confused with a psychological condition, as this is biochemical in nature- and masking it with weed will keep the docs from figuring it out.
I don't believe you to be a whiny emo cunt, but rather someone who's in deed of meds. This is exactly why they've been invented, to help people like yourself who just need that stabilizing chemical to become functional.
Seriously, your symptoms that I've read here sound VERY familiar. Get thee to a doctor immediately!
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:02, Reply)

I really do. I don't doubt for a minute that you have a problem. However, I do consider that an attitude change comes from within and I think you need to work on that. I've seen lots of strangers offering you advice, and you have dismissed them all as impossible. Be positive!
I'm not sure your psychiatrist is very helpful either, telling you you are a candidate for incapacity benefits etc. It's hardly motivating, is it?
What do you really enjoy? There must be something you like doing and you can try to fit that somehow into your life and career.
Somebody else said to start small, and i think that's the best. Why don't you start doing some volunteer work first, as a temporary thing? You can learn to function and work without feeling the pressure of a job. Voluntary is precisely that: you making the effort to get up and do something and you'll feel proud of yourself.
Oh, and please try to get help with your addiction.
I'm sure your parents would love to see you on the up and up, and that they didn't mean anything by their comments. They wouldn't let you live with them and live off them if they didn't love you. Sometimes people act stupid when they don't know what to do, and maybe they were going for the "tough love" approach. Forgive them.
A worried Apeface
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:02, Reply)

I agree with Loon. Please stop the Weed.
I know that everyone says it's not that harmful but I have seen it turn people into complete wasters.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:04, Reply)

But I'll say it anyway.
It's called 'life'.
Waiting around for the perfect opportunity to fall in your lap whilst finding fault in every potential job only results in...
well...staying with your parents. Who frankly deserve better - I wonder how much gratitude you show them?
I don't think there are too many positions available for 'professional weed smoker - hours to suit' around at the mo. You might just have to just settle for something.
There are no easy answers.
Life can fucking suck. I battle with depression myself...I'm trying to pull myself out of an episode even at the moment; and what keeps me going is realising that I'm a lot better off than a shitload of people in this world...and so are you.
By letting shite get me down betrays and belittles people with REAL problems.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:09, Reply)

quitting the weed is a must. Not forever, but for at least a couple of months. Give yourself some clarity, and give your brain an opportunity to balance out.
I quit almost two years ago now. I occasionally dip back in, but only occasionally, as I know it sends me bonkers.
This is surely the first step. But it has to come from you.
Edit: and go for a walk! :)
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:11, Reply)

I've HAD IT with these mothafucking BEES on this mothafucking TRAIN!
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:25, Reply)

I know what kind of employment you should seek!
*puts hand up*
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 16:32, Reply)

they'll sort out the weed, the inability to get out of bed in the morning, it's fine if you hate other people because you get to fight with them, they'll give you a gun if it all gets too much, and you'll look hot in the uniform.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 17:05, Reply)

@the resident loon.. I already take an anti-psychotic comparable with abilify (amisulpride). It does work wonders. Otherwise I talk to the radio, squirrels and smoke alarms, get in fights with strangers for no rational reason and believe 100% I'm in a much darker version of the Truman show. For the record, this was going on a significant amount of time before turning to weed. But I SHOULD give up. Should. Not sure posting about it on message boards helps though.
@everyone else apart from Rachelswipe.. you all have a point and thanks for the response. I'm going to delete the original text because it does make me look like a bit of a cunt.
( , Thu 20 Nov 2008, 17:54, Reply)
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