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Drinking Heroes…
I just saw TheRiddlers’ post on QotW regarding violence whilst watching ‘Friends’ and it reminded me of a game I invented* for the popular TV show ‘Heroes’

The rules are really quite simple:

RULE 1 – (the most important rule): Get fucking great wadges of beer.
RULE 2: Put ‘Heroes’ on


Every time you see the Heroes ‘squiggly sign’ thing – you take a gulp.
Claire the cheerleader: Every time you see her you have a wank drink (X2 when she gets injured).
If someone’s eyes go all ‘white’ – drinkeepoos
Every time you hear the word ‘Future’ – glug away
Every time you see a cockroach, you have to down your pint – (You’d be surprised – especially in the first 2 series)

This happy pastime has helped drag me blurrily through many an episode of this fine programme. I hope those involved with it’s creation are proud to know that their talent, hard work and efforts regularly help me get slightly more shitfaced than usual of a night.

Can anybody think of some extra rules? Or another programme that can be put to the ‘drinking game’ sword?...I have some ideas for ‘Scrubs’…

*Disclaimer: Well, I thought I invented it. Although (for what it’s worth) I promise you that I independently came up with the rules above…in preparation for posting this I thought to myself ‘I wonder if anyone else has thought of a Heroes drinking game?’ So I googled it…and it appears that… surprise-fucking-surprise…yes they have.

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:18, 11 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
my sister and her art school chums had a drinking game associated with that poo sniffing nut munching shrew 'Dr' gillian mckieth - each of them had a topic (poo, wheatgerm, spurious science) and they competed to see who could get the most shitfaced in a 30 minute programme.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:43, Reply)
Anytime a character refers to putting the kettle on (or is seen holding a mug), take a drink.

Anytime someone says "Wha's goin on?", take a drink.

Anytime "faaaamily" is referred to, take a drink.

A stallholder asks another character with no retail experience whatsoever to "mind the stall"; have a drink.

One or more cast members goes "daan the Vic", have two drinks.

And so on.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:44, Reply)
I've played
a similar game with Top Gun.

Any male on male touching (of any kind) - Have a drink.

Any overt homoeroticism (real or implied) - have a drink)

Any memorable quotes - have a drink

It's very easy.

Never try this with Point Break though. You may die.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:49, Reply)
Ooh, how about the Antiques' Roadshow..?

When you hear: 'Elizabethan' - Have a drink

When you hear: 'Mahogony' - Have a drink

When you see the end credits: Punish yourself for spending the last half an hour watching the Antique's-shitcunting-Roadshow...and proceed to get a life.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:57, Reply)
The Seagal
drinking game.

Eyebrows of Doom - One finger.

Cod logic - two fingers.

Ultimate Smug - three fingers.

Fight scene - hit yourself over the head with a snooker ball filled sock.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:00, Reply)
We did one...
With "Life Of Brian"

Words/Phrases to drink for -

Brian (which we dropped after the opening credits)
Big Nose
Biggus Diccus

And at the classic "He's not the messiah..." you had to down the drink in your hand. Muggins here was pouring a glass of wine (for the only girl) at the wrong second, and so had to down half a bottle.

Was ace!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:14, Reply)
I played a great game on saturday
I went to the pub and sat with my mates watching the rugby and eating a nice pie and whenever one of us wasn't talking we drank from the glasses in front of us, then when they were empty, we took it in turn to purchase more beer until we were incredibly drunk.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:42, Reply)

I love Heroes..

I love alcohol..

I now love you!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 17:23, Reply)
The QOTW drinking game
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 21:22, Reply)
I have another rule for Heroes...
Every time the word *power* crops up, you down a tequila shot! You need a large bottle for this rule.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 22:32, Reply)
Me and my flatmate tried this
but with Pirates of the Caribbean and Rum!

woo, yay we thought everytime they say Rum we drink Rum!!

fuckers only say rum 7 times - 6 of these are after an hour in to the film and within a few seconds of each other.

Pah, we still drank the rum, just with less rejoicing....
(, Tue 25 Nov 2008, 13:00, Reply)

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