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In your top forty Christmas gifts chart
at which number would you place oral sex?
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 23:04, 20 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I can only think of five things I'd rather have
than a blow job.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 23:05, Reply)
I'm dreaming...
of a whiiiiite Christmas!
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 23:06, Reply)
I'd rather have
A Colt .45
A robot arm
A trip to space
The power to go invisible
A car
Some kind of midget butler
Actual sex.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 23:11, Reply)
So number 8 then?
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 23:12, Reply)
Well there are lots of things I'd rather have
Some of which are in Kaol's list so I'm not sure where I'd put oral sex but I do know cullingus would be above felatio. (No I'm not a hamaphrodite)
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 23:21, Reply)
At this point in time
Quite highly.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 23:30, Reply)
Im a girl
3.. or 2. Depending on what else you were getting me :)
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:02, Reply)
A robot arm?
Right now, I think I'd choose more cider above oral sex.
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:11, Reply)
So number 9 then?
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:14, Reply)
I thought you'd gone to bed!
I think that a one-off gift of oral sex would, in fact, be at about 50 on my list.

I'd rather go parachuting
Or have a tazer
Or some chickens. I miss my chickens, they were great.
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:17, Reply)
I sorta went to bed
but got caught up in Hitchwiki. Ahem. Off now!
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:19, Reply)
What's that?
Some kinda wedding-based Wiki?
Or some anime thing?
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:20, Reply)
You guys
aren't very manly. You're supposed to want nothing more than sexual activities *tuts*
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:25, Reply)
Oral sex is fleeting.
A robot-arm is forever...
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:28, Reply)
Well, now I know what I'm NOT getting you guys for Christmas.

Edit: Good point about the robot arm being forever.
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 1:51, Reply)
this thread is why I love b3ta
there are a lot of things I'd rather have than oral, if it were a one off, but it kind of depends on where you are capping the budget

If, for example, the other alternatives can cost no more than £50 then fellatio would be quite high up the list.

If there were no limit it'd be fairly far down.
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 8:32, Reply)
I wish I had a willy,
then all the boys wouldn't point at my crotch and laugh.

As an aside, I think a tank-full of piranhas and enough goats to feed them for a lifetime would be a pretty sweet present
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 10:07, Reply)
I actually asked for oral sex for christmas
bitch bought me presents instead.
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 10:23, Reply)
depends entirely upon who it's from. my mrs? somewhere in the top 10. from one of kaol or bert's goats? No. 1, most certainly.
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 13:20, Reply)
Kaol's goats aren't bred for gobjobs.
Far too bitey.
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 13:51, Reply)

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