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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I would get some banana ice cream
mix them with chocolate bananas and walnuts and eat it all in one sitting. That would be the best ice cream of all time. Why yes, I just happen to have some in my freezer right now.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:28, 2 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Look at you,
showing off with your 'time off work' and all.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:31, Reply)
Damn straight. I have a week off work and BOOOOOOOOOBS
I like both of these
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:32, Reply)
I'm off tomorrow
Because today is my wedding anniversary. Work that one out.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:37, Reply)
They've changed the Doc Who theme?
But I liked the
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:44, Reply)
It's the same theme
just a different arrangement and it's utterly shit. It sounds tinny and flat and has a totally different intro. And choristers wailing halfway through.

This makes me sad.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:45, Reply)
Shall I phone you up when it's next on and
wail the old theme at you?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:47, Reply)
I'll just turn the sound down
And hum it whilst rocking gently back and forward.

A bit like the mahoosive fat bloke we saw in York on Saturday, sitting on the minster steps.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:50, Reply)
Its so you can recreate your honeymoon at home

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:44, Reply)
Oh, yeah...
I probably should have taken today as well but I'm trying to keep some leave back for later in the year.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:48, Reply)
I like bananas
But not banana flavoured things.
I cannot understand why this is so.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:43, Reply)
Fact of the day
People who like coffee do not like coffee creme chocolates.
People who do not like coffee like coffee creme chocolates.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:45, Reply)
I kind of like both
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:46, Reply)
I agree with this

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:47, Reply)
Get yourself some Ben and Jerry's Chunky monkey anyway

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:45, Reply)
I wouldn't like it :(

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:51, Reply)
because they never taste of banana

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:45, Reply)
I can only eat bananas when they are just under ripe and don't taste so bananery.
true fact.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:54, Reply)
bananas are the most loathsome thing on the planet
even worse than Monty and people who like U2

I strongly suspect that Bono is related to a banana
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:47, Reply)
Is it because they're slightly phallic and you're a massive homophobe?

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:48, Reply)


He's a gay racist and they remind him of RAPANESE COCKS.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:50, Reply)
the shape and colour are the only things about bananas that I don't find repulsive
I'm confused by your apparent "make vipros out to be a homophobe" agenda
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:51, Reply)
Calling you smug is getting dull.

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:52, Reply)
fair enough

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:55, Reply)
I agree about the bananas thing.
In fact, most fruit can just fuck off (and yes, a banana is a herb not a fruit but fuck it they're all lumped in together).
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:52, Reply)
Banana is a fucking herb?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:53, Reply)
and they move about

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:53, Reply)
a bit

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:54, Reply)
more than most plants

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:54, Reply)
Apart from triffids

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:56, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:56, Reply)
It doesn't have any viable seeds.
Fruit are meant to have seeds yadayada.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:54, Reply)
they've been bred out though
for eating purposes. you can still get seeded bananas. they look freaky
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:56, Reply)
It's not something I ever want to talk about in depth.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:57, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:58, Reply)
It was on QI so it must be true.

I think.
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:57, Reply)
I'm starting to believe QI
is full of lies. I refuse to believe EVERYTHING I know is wrong
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:59, Reply)
Your face is wrong

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:13, Reply)
Why are you here?
Fuck off.

Oh actually, would you like to go to Alton Towers on the 17th?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:16, Reply)
Are you propositioning me?
I'm going this weekend as part of a Stag Do. I MAY be up for the 17th...
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:17, Reply)

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:18, Reply)
Depends if I can afford it
Who else is going?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:20, Reply)
Well I have a
half price ticket thing.

Evil Pixie, Slovakian Tom, Girly Hannah and Not Sure If You Have Met Him Rich
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:22, Reply)
Nor have I met Hannah
Is she fit?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:24, Reply)
She is very very very girly

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:26, Reply)
Too girly for me?
I guess what it comes down to is: Are her boobs bigger than her belly?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:30, Reply)
She is very skinny. I dunno why I keep hanging out with stupidly thin people
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:32, Reply)
It's alright, you hang out with me too
*cries and punches gut while eating cheeseburgers*
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:35, Reply)
it's a fruit isn't it?
the non-eating variety have seeds in
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:54, Reply)
Me too.
How could you be a homophobe AND a colossal bender?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:55, Reply)
I hate you
so very much

and I am a bit scared of you

guess that does make me a homophobe
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:55, Reply)
AND you're a colossal bender.
It's just not your day, is it?
(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:12, Reply)
it's never my day

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 11:13, Reply)
It's ironic anal

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:56, Reply)
I like bananas and breasts

(, Thu 8 Apr 2010, 10:55, Reply)

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