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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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thank you.
Applebite, Bill and Amberl all got the same treatment.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:29, 2 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Yes but what is important is that you snogged po-faced Chompy.
For that you should be applauded.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:30, Reply)
I agree with this
he'll never get to be all superior and disdainful again, b3ta will be full of rainbows and birds and sunshine.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:32, Reply)
It's happier already.
I can feel it.
I just can't wait for him to show up.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:54, Reply)
he's going to be in glastonbury for a week now isn't he?
so he'll manage to avoid most of the heat
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:17, Reply)
We'll just have to bottle it up for a week then release the terrible torrent as soon as he gets back.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:20, Reply)
it'll still be here for when he gets back
because after a week without him we will all be resplendently shiny and happy
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:20, Reply)
and if we popular this thread there's no way he can escape it...

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:22, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:25, Reply)
Someone should write
"PSYCHOCHOMP AND LAMPITO SNOGGED LOADS!" and then we can click that so that everyone knows.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:29, Reply)
Still can't get on the popular page without me.

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:16, Reply)
why thank you. ;)

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:34, Reply)
he's going to have SO MANY NOTIFICATIONS
oh wait, he detagged himself. Boo.but only from one...
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:21, Reply)
I think you're awesome. I want to give you a massive high five.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:31, Reply)
for face-raping Rapey?
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:38, Reply)
although I like to think that your eyes met across the room and you floated into each other's arms in a dreamlike state.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:40, Reply)
I saw the pic too
Mainly because, very briefly, I was tagged in it by Applebite. This confused me greatly, as I'm pretty sure I'm not Chompy or Lampito.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:47, Reply)
she tagged me too briefly
I think it was to draw our attention to it so we could applaud.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:49, Reply)
I thought so
Rather than just sheer spack-handery. Bravo, Lampito, bravo!
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:50, Reply)
such a shame this shit goes down when he's not around
either that or he knows it's coming so is avoiding it
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:57, Reply)
Eh, he can read it
It's not like it'll disappear any time soon.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:59, Reply)
I reckon he's totally lurking right now

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:17, Reply)

lurk wank
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:25, Reply)
I'm packing

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:51, Reply)

pack wank
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:53, Reply)
+ fudge

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:54, Reply)
I fucking knew it!
Hello. You've made me a very happy kitty :D
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:54, Reply)
while we're all talking about me
baldmonkey made a song for me this weekend too.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:56, Reply)
I'll have to unignore him to see that
what's the gist?
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:58, Reply)
here's a direct link
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:59, Reply)
It's a tribute to George Formby,
entitled "When I'm Licking Windows".
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:01, Reply)
+while staring like a rapist

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:02, Reply)
+ and hoping the hedge is tall enough that no-one on the street can see you wanking.

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:06, Reply)
+but really not caring if it isn't

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:07, Reply)
What the fuck is your problem, you beardy twat?
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:08, Reply)
my problem appears to be that I get taken too seriously

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:10, Reply)
I'm not sure this version is going to scan.

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:09, Reply)
it'll be like a NOFX song

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:10, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:12, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:13, Reply)
where are you going???

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:11, Reply)
That's the important bit.
(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:12, Reply)

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:16, Reply)
that sounds awesome

(, Mon 21 Jun 2010, 11:28, Reply)

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