What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.
( , Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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I hate people who hate Macs, its usually because they can't use them (as if its that fucking hard or different to using a PC), and I also hate people who bum the shit out of Macs, as if they are some elite race of higher beings just because they can't right click and their computer isn't the colour of a broad bean.
I own a PC because I can't be arsed to reformat every time I add some kind of hardware, pay three times as much for a computer just because its white and has nicer buttons (blah blah graphics blah shut up), or buy any software at all (get over it, I'm not paying £400 for Photoshop). However I can and will use a Mac if the mood takes me, or for some reason I have to.
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 6:44, 7 replies)

I can use MACs. I even have one. But they're still a pile of shite compared to a PC.
Let me elaborate. A PC will do what I want it to do - within reason. If, for some reason I need a piece of software to do something, and I don't have anything on the system already that will do that, then it's, generally, pretty easy to find the software I need on the net,usually for free.
That isn't true for MACs. They're over-priced and over-hyped.
But they do look pretty - I'll give you that. But, if I'm interviewing for someone to work with me, then I go with the person with the best skill match. Someone's who flexible. I don't chooses the prettiest one.
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 8:56, closed)

I hate how every PC I've ever used just falls over now and then, for no reason, or even turns itself off right in the middle of something I was watching just because I haven't pressed a key recently. WTF!? And if you say this to a PC enthusiast they will just tell you you haven't set it up right, or you need to do a lengthy servicing routine, in fact some guys I know, that's ALL they do, like everytime I see them they're stripping the damn thing down and rebuilding it from the bottom up, just to try and keep the fucking thing up to scratch, well y'know, maybe I don't wanna have to do that every weekend.
Macs just work, right out of the box, and you can go online and do stuff without shitting yourself everytime you click on something, and they will work endlessly all day without once ever crashing, or stalling, or suddenly deciding they have something better to do with their time, and you don't need to take a course or know everything about their innards to be able to keep them working, THEY JUST DO.
For home use I prefer Macs, definitely, I love my powerbook G4, it's all I ever need, it does exactly what it's told to and no more, I've never needed to know or understand what's going on inside it beyond the basics of everyday use, and am quite happy to remain ignorant as it hardly ever fails me, and if it ever does, a restart, and it's usually back.
And I would beg to differ about finding stuff online to download and I'm not rich nor one of the elite, I just have a Mac Powerbook and am very happy with it, cheers.
*edit* I do agree about the hype and price though, they're not THAT good, and some of them are just dumb, that new one that's wafer thin, WTF is the point, it doesn't even have a CD drive FFS...
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 10:58, closed)

I use a mac as my primary desktop PC.
I love the split between usability and functionality.
Linux is awesome for the fact i can do anything i want with the terminal, whereas windows as only the lowly dos prompt (Do not rant on about cygwin. IT's just not the same).
I'd never, ever put a mac as a server, though. The X-serves suck. The OS of choice for a server is Ubuntu or RHEL.
I can use all three major OS types. Linux, Windows and OS X. I will kick anyone who says OS X is the 'be all and end all'. It is *not*. It's just slightly better than the other two.
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 12:22, closed)

I dont know if I've just been lucky, but whenever my PC has fucked up, the problem could be traced to something stupid or misinformed I did. My Mac however, is a different boite des poissons.
Here is an impression:
"Hey TheSpode, looks like you're doing something! Well fuck you! I'm just gonna fuck up, turn off, wipe out random documens, and generally be a dick."
Pretty, yes; and I do like Final Cut pro on Mac, but I prefer my PC. Hell, I use Vista, and I really like it! Also, It is kinda schweet to be able to play games without paying two times too much for a selection that could be counted on one hand, while you wank off Steve Jobs. And I built my PC, so it looks more like the monolith from "2001: cocking around in space" than a beige monster.
( , Sun 4 May 2008, 12:56, closed)

I like to be fairly open minded person on this, granted macs do have their uses (my girfriend is a mac fan and can do quite a bit on it) and may be more reliable than PCs, but there are still several blindingly obvious facts despite that:
1. They cost a fucking fortune, don't u mac users have a problem with that?
2. There is next to no software for them, if I could get any item of software I have on my PC as well as a mac I might consider using one.
3. People say macs are better for video editing and the like and can do it better than PCs, this might be true, provided you're prepared to pay as much as a car for the hardware.
If apple ever fix the above issues I have with macs, I might consider using them, until then I'll respect people's preference to use a mac over a PC provided they don't preach to everyone else about it!
( , Mon 5 May 2008, 1:21, closed)

Is when you see them at a computer fair and you know the bloke selling it has no idea what it is. Picked up my last two Macs that way £100 and £80 respectively. So Yah-boo Sucks to anyone saying Macs are expensive.
PS: You can tell a non-Mac user, 'cos they spell it MAC or Applemac.
PPS: Yes, I also use Windows, it's rubbish.
( , Wed 7 May 2008, 11:37, closed)
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