Pure Fury
A friend's dad once stormed up to me and threatened to "punch your stupid face in" because I pointed a camera at him. I was 11. Have you ever done something innocent or made a harmless joke that ended in threats to your person? Tell us about it.
Thanks to Skullfunkerry for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 26 Sep 2013, 12:28)
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You should have SEEN the fuss that happened when I shared a list..
...of things that I thought were funny.
And on a website dedicated to piss-taking and poor-taste humour as well.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:38,
49 replies)
I like your list
I'm quite proud I made it on there ;)
sittingduck Attention seeking, bullshitting fuck-knuckle, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:42,
What are you then, an autist, a nonce or a hard nut?
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:43,
Hang on, they're mutually exclusive?
No one tells me anything these days.
Colonel Boris "...a desperate Buzzfeed imitation...", Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:39,
What list?
Albert Marshmallow is a completely irredeemable cunt, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:50,
The list with the power.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:52,
What power?
Muns, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:52,
The power of voodoo.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:54,
Who do?
wakeupandsmellthebacon, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:02,
What you don't dare do people.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:03,
I got the pulsating rhythmical remedy
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:16,
Do you think this is some sort of medley?
This isn't fucking Grease you know.
Eukanuba, Wed 2 Oct 2013, 10:41,
Typical /qotw-er,
thinking it's all about you.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:57,
I'm in there somewhere - I believe I'm a mong that gave another mong money.
I do like "Man has hair" under "Anecdote Kings".
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 14:57,
Oh THAT list.
that it hasn't been updated since c.1987
Albert Marshmallow is a completely irredeemable cunt, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:03,
Oh man, that was the day you came out of prison!
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:37,
of prison as a nonce
McChinaman banned, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:39,
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 20:12,
My mate is on that list
For posting an "outrageous lie" that I know did actually happen :)
skullfunkerry In case of implosion do not look into implosion, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:44,
From the FAQ:
"B3ta is all about celebrating the best stuff on the internet."
I'm struggling to find the bit that says it's dedicated to piss-taking and poor-taste humour.
Enzyme is powered by sunlight, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:54,
I have to assume that Badger's interpreted the bit that reads: "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything"
as: "Why not act the cunt?"
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:11,
Strictly speaking...he didn't say anything.
He just copied what all the other cunts said and put it somewhere else. Terrible bullying.
Albert Marshmallow is a completely irredeemable cunt, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:13,
"Please don't be horrible to other people just because they are new, or you didn't like their picture, or posted something that bothers you."
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:16,
The Fail Archive celebrates the best of the worst of /qotw, and as such is wholly appropriate to b3ta.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:29,
It was vaguely amusing at the time
Constantly ploughing the same furrow every week is just fucking tiresome
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:50,
He's reposted my Hotmail story on no less than 437 occasions.
But that 'Queen of the Harpies' nonsense always makes me giggle.
Albert Marshmallow is a completely irredeemable cunt, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:56,
Eh, it's hardly the worst thing to happen on /qotw.
Probably not even in anyone's top 10.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Wed 2 Oct 2013, 11:15,
"Please don't post on here just because you are a creepy and arse-clenchingly tedious, self-aggrandising knobcheese who preys on vulnerable and let's face it plug-ugly smackheads, and I didn't like your picture of that scoper up a tree in a Yoda mask, and posted some things that bored me to the brink of suicide."
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 18:58,
I should probably do something respectable instead.
Like shove toys up vulnerable women with drug habits to feed.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 18:27,
Or post something vaguely original once in a while
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Wed 2 Oct 2013, 15:52,
Careful now
McChinaman banned, Wed 2 Oct 2013, 18:07,
That would still be true if it were perpetually 2003.
Unfortunately, the internet has moved on and there are myriad other sites that do what b3ta wants to do, better than it ever could.
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:22,
I take the point that the FAQ hasn't been significantly updated for yonks;
nevertheless, the claim that the site is
dedicated to something is quite strong; I can't see how AB derives the claim. For that reason, I'm tempted not to accept it.
EDIT: By which I mean, if the site is
dedicated to poor-taste and pisstake, those posts that aren't in poor taste or taking the piss have presumably missed the point of the site, and the poster has made a mistake. But I don't think that that's plausible. Therefore,
modus tollens, that's not the thing to which the site is dedicated.
/arguingoversemantics blog
Enzyme is powered by sunlight, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:31,
'B3ta will eat your soul and destroy your will to live.'
Or so it says when searching for the site on google. Looks like it's true in your case.
Albert Marshmallow is a completely irredeemable cunt, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 17:03,
The soul eating I'm not quite sure about, but the last bit is bang on.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 17:13,
Because pisstaking and poor taste humour is the best stuff on the internet.
Caecilius est in tablinum scribit, you are a nullo.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:52,
Hold on.
Isn't a "nullo" a person that has their genitals removed? Are you suggesting that Enzyme's got no sack?
Kroney, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 17:06,
I am saying,
Enzymio something something nul scrotum severus and I feel frightfully clever about it.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 17:12,
But wait, no hang on, IF he's a nullo and I'm thoroughly convinced by your argument that he is
then how does he go about all this incestual sister sexing that he's on record as saying is perfectly OK?
Kroney, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 17:15,
Because for him all 'fannius interactum' is purely academic
and therefore, 'incesto cum soror flangiatorum' is 'acceptabilis'.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 17:24,
"Antidote kings"
I'm on there for telling a boring story which I still maintain is a least fairly interesting. But since I made the list all is good ;)
sittingduck Attention seeking, bullshitting fuck-knuckle, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 15:54,
I was disappointed my tale of having a vivid dream about going to the bank, where I got my balance from the machine, and it was about what I thought it was, didn't make the cut.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:06,
Well, you DID go for a walk AND go to the pub.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 18:26,
and avoided cow shit extremely inebriated
I manage to step in it sober sometimes
you see exciting, riveting and not a lie :P
sittingduck Attention seeking, bullshitting fuck-knuckle, Wed 2 Oct 2013, 11:50,
It's nice to know someone has the time and inclination to compile this. Bless.
Pookie Bear had some very shiny foez, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:12,
Needs more updates.
please add the nonce-punch from down the page there.
Colonel Boris "...a desperate Buzzfeed imitation...", Tue 1 Oct 2013, 16:58,
tl;dr: internet obsessive mashes out a list, thinks he's Salman Rushdie.
Happy Phantom has been to Hastings, Brighton, and Eastbourne too, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 19:46,
Hey, it's not my fault it upset you.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 19:58,
Do you speak Welsh?
Happy Phantom has been to Hastings, Brighton, and Eastbourne too, Tue 1 Oct 2013, 20:11,
Yeah, yeah, take it over to QOT oh.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Wed 2 Oct 2013, 8:59,
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