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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Your big "secret".
Must be very personal and b3ta will be the therapeutic online session a la Dr Phil.
(, Fri 10 Sep 2004, 16:08, Reply)
Which celebrity would you most like to see dead and how would you like to see them die?
If it's been done - Letharge by name, you know the rest.
(, Fri 10 Sep 2004, 1:51, Reply)
This is being my first ever post here yes? but here It is to goes........
If you were so blessed as to be visited by Rob , just for a day, how would you entertain this legend of a man.

I prepare myself for several posts including the words "cups of tea".

Myself, I would probably ensure that i kept him somewhere very very safe...........

Also, if you all vote for the "What is your most hated/loved festival moment", you can hear my cock and flange stories, from glastonbury.
(, Wed 8 Sep 2004, 10:03, Reply)
Worst fights? and Falling down....
We have all experienced some form of conflict, wich is the one that you most remember?

And we have all fallen pretty hard.. ie. I once tripped and fell in front of a class of 40 girls, landing flat on my face and trying not to look like a fool, i got up and walked off only to be cringing in pain around the corner.
(, Wed 8 Sep 2004, 8:16, Reply)
Communicating with the natives
Ever tried to speak the lingo in a foreign country but ended up causing great offence by saying the wrong thing?
(, Wed 8 Sep 2004, 1:09, Reply)
The weirdest dream you ever had.

(, Tue 7 Sep 2004, 14:21, Reply)
The strangest thing you've found on the floor (inspired by the guy that found camera with spooky pics in issue 149)
(, Mon 6 Sep 2004, 21:47, Reply)
What is the weirdest thing...
...that you have ever taken a photograph of?
(, Mon 6 Sep 2004, 13:19, Reply)
being caught wanking it.
(, Sat 4 Sep 2004, 23:53, Reply)
"that could only have happened to you" stories
or just to piss people off
"you should have been there" stories
(, Fri 3 Sep 2004, 19:57, Reply)
whats the best thing you've ever made out of lego?
i once made a working record player, god knows how
(, Thu 2 Sep 2004, 12:45, Reply)
What is the....
Most scared you've ever been?
What happened to the unluckiest person you know?
If you were given a pair of steel toe capped boots and told that every wrongly imprisoned person in the world would be freed if you kick a horse to death in under 20 minutes, would you do it?
(, Wed 1 Sep 2004, 18:27, Reply)
why do people bother posting crap cause theyre just bored?

... fuck, im bored
(, Wed 1 Sep 2004, 8:57, Reply)
What would you have on your gravestone?

(, Tue 31 Aug 2004, 23:57, Reply)
Fuck a fresher...
Weell, it's almost time to go back to uni, and old gits such as myself (final year students) will be taking advantage of the freshers who know no better. Sadly, I'll be refraining as I realise it's probably close to an illegal age gap.

What's everyone else's most horrifying fresher week experience?/Evil fresher week plot?
(, Tue 31 Aug 2004, 17:25, Reply)
comically twisted sayings...
My mum had a great one.. "like a kick in the teeth with a wet kipper"

Yes mother, I'm sure it was... Now take the pink pills
(, Tue 31 Aug 2004, 17:19, Reply)
worst experience on the toilet
im sure theres some interesting responses to this one.... .
(, Tue 31 Aug 2004, 14:21, Reply)
Oh n finally, what political party
would you create n what would it stand for
(, Tue 31 Aug 2004, 1:23, Reply)
Probs been done...
but most memorable dream?
(, Tue 31 Aug 2004, 1:22, Reply)
What animal should be extinct...
and why?
(, Tue 31 Aug 2004, 1:20, Reply)
What do you do?
I'm a trolley wally. Yes, I'm one of those sad sods that spend their lives pushing trolleys around in supermarket car parks, being liberally abused by the local populace. What low down, miserable, depressing jobs have you worked?
(, Sun 29 Aug 2004, 23:17, Reply)
Video Gaming Excesses
Ever play Tomb Raider until your eyes bled and your fingers water?
What's the worst thing you've ever done to avoid real life and get back to gaming?
(, Sun 29 Aug 2004, 16:54, Reply)
funniest chav experience...
mine was when me and about 10 mates were coming home from the film works in greenwich, when we were accosted by some little twunt who was about 4, asking who said something about him. bear in mind that we were all 13/14 (somewhat older than bitesize), and 2 of my pals were big tall scary buggers, who fight for fun (no lie). he then told us (after questioning us all in turn), that if we were to ever say anything about him, he would stab us up with *produced ice-pole from pocket* his ice-pole.

oh how we laughed...
(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 20:10, Reply)
Sleep Walking!
I had a rather embarresing incident recently in a Mexican Youth Hostel involving sleep walking, scaring two american girls to death and finding out they probably saved my life! Im sure im not the only one with fascinating stories like this, and no doubt many are funnier than mine, so let these hillarious happenings be shared among us feeble folk to chortle over!
(, Thu 26 Aug 2004, 16:19, Reply)
What's your worst experience with a foreign language or in foreign climes?
Ever ordered a crepe with lemon juice and been presented with a crapping lemur?
(, Wed 25 Aug 2004, 15:59, Reply)
What is your most hated/loved festival moment
Ever had anything inexplicably brilliant happen, Or something that makes you so angry you could barf
(, Wed 25 Aug 2004, 0:22, Reply)
If France was a real country
Would we invade it?
(, Mon 23 Aug 2004, 21:30, Reply)
what's your sickest joke?

(, Mon 23 Aug 2004, 18:30, Reply)
describe the most embarrasing photo of you in existence
and can you remember it being taken?
(, Mon 23 Aug 2004, 18:29, Reply)
what would you do if you had your very own remote control killer gorilla?

(, Mon 23 Aug 2004, 18:28, Reply)

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