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This is a question Crappy relationships

"Recently," Broken Arrow tells us, "The missus informed me that her brother was moving with us." What has your partner done that's convinced you the magic's gone? "Breathe" is not an answer.

(, Thu 21 Oct 2010, 12:33)
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Well this is weird
I've been debating with a hardline feminist on a national newspaper's website on the issue of pornography - last night I was pulling no punches and ripping her argument to shreds. This morning I logged on to find that she's so impressed by my rhetoric that she says beneath her hardline feminist exterior she's a sexy and sensitive woman and she wants to meet me - she'll even shave and paint her toes and watch pornography with me.

If I wasn't already taken, this could have been the start of a really bad relationship.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 13:51, 22 replies)
Shave what, though?
I mean, there's beards, and there's beards.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 13:54, closed)
She did mention that she weasn't referring to her face
I can only assume she meant her biffer
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 13:58, closed)
I read it as she'd shave her toes prior to painting them, leading me to assume she's most likely a hobbit.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 14:06, closed)
Ha ha!

that's a new one
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 14:20, closed)
Haven't heard that expression in years... You from Essex, perchance emvee?
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 15:48, closed)
'fraid not
Midlands by way of London
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 16:23, closed)
Armpits and/or legs.
You clearly know nothing of women, outside of porno films.
Still, all that research means you'll at least know where to stick it, should the opportunity arise.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 21:45, closed)
Haha, yeah, thanks for spelling out the joke
Believe it or not, I do live with a woman, I'm quite aware of their depilatory habits
(, Thu 28 Oct 2010, 10:02, closed)

(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 14:23, closed)
I beleive the publication
Would have been the Guardian, I remember reading the article yesterday. It made me feel bad for watching porn for a second.....Just for a second mind!
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 15:02, closed)
Their mods have now removed the thread where she asked me out - I have no idea why and now I just look like a hopeless fantasist.

As you were.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 15:37, closed)
They were probably pissed off you won't using their conventional dating facility,could have been worried about your safety, or the mod was a hardcore feminist that was pissed off at her sisters fickleness, i think probably the latter.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 15:53, closed)
It's really petty but I have emailled them asking for an explanation
I doubt they'll reply but personally I suspect it was because they want to push Guardian Dating and can't have people flirting on the forums :(
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 16:01, closed)
I got a shag
out of talking shit on a channel 4 forum once, that was in the days when getting a shag from the interweb was considered a bit seedy.....one forum post said, "why don't you get a fucking room"

So we did...
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 16:57, closed)

(, Thu 28 Oct 2010, 10:02, closed)
Watch porn with you?

I'm sure you could auction the opportunity somehow.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 14:42, closed)
Aaaaaaaaand then you woke up
Fun, but not remotely credible. Hardline feminists are never persuaded by rational argument.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 14:43, closed)
The mods have left the bit where she slags off everyone else in the thread except me
Because I (apparently) have "a good sense of humour, but bad taste in cinema"

But now they're removed the main post I can't even begin to back this up

God mother-fucking dammit
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 15:39, closed)
Watching porn with a women is almost fun.
Best not show the hard core stuff you watch when the other dull crap just wont do. This film is called 3 girls and a bucket.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 14:47, closed)
tell her...
that beneath your rhetoric outgoing reasoning you're actually gay. That should certainly mess with her mind ;-)
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 15:02, closed)
I always expect things like this to lead to stories that:
Start "After agreeing to meet after a conversation on the internet... " and end with "... in a shallow grave by someone walking their dog.".
(, Wed 27 Oct 2010, 17:25, closed)
The police have now sealed off her previous residence
and are digging up the garage after ground penetrating radar showed some suspicious shadows.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2010, 0:34, closed)

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